I will do X Y Z for blow ISIS
I will do X Y Z for blow ISIS
fuck off, leaf.
>a fucking leaf
quality leaf post my brampton friend
Kys you fucking leaf
wipe my ass leaf
Sir, you are clearly very learned. Perhaps you'd like to discuss these ideas more in depth?
dude what the fuck does for blow ISIS mean you drooling mongoloid?
Hey, leaf, I've got some poutine; just follow me into the woods.
shit thread
>meaningless political platitudes that nobody believes for a fucking second
>dodging loaded questions because answering them would be worse than not answering them
Nice argument...
Remove maple syrup
>a fucking leaf
drink bleach
First post-forum poll.
1) Open in Incognito Tab
2) Vote Trump
3) Open in New Incognito Tab
4) Repeat
5) Laugh our asses off at media trying to explain 90% saying Trump won.
I'm so, so glad Trump lost this forum. It makes me a lot more optimistic about the live debates.
If you believe hillary is a better canditate then trump you have no place on Sup Forums
Well, we just got a good glimpse at how Trump does without a Teleprompter and a silent audience. And it was bad.
Stretch this out three hours and three separate times and you have the presidential debates ladies and gents.
If Trump performs like this in the debates, Hillary will destroy him.
How much does 1/8th of weed cost in weedcuckistan? I'm trying to gauge exactly how many shitposts at $0.02 (CAD 0.03) it takes for you to be able to afford one
Thank you, some common sense ITT...the truth hurt a lot people
>common sense
ok you just revealed your true colors
how much are they paying you fucking shill
your ancestors frown down upon you
aboriginals take 1/2 your salary and your parents would sell you for 5$
go fucking die
>Hillary won by a landslide. This is a bogus GoP poll. Just as fake as Donald Trump. How can a man who owes $650 million dollars to Russia control Putin. Trump is in bed with Putin literally and figuratively. This buffoon could not answer one question. Whoever supports him is enabling a KKK supporter, a communist and business con artist. Wake up!
>Shut this rigged poll down. Hillary was right, she immediately regretted voting for Iraq the second after it happened and should be forgiven. Trump "guessed" he supported it on Howard Stern and is responsible for the support of the war that caused the death of 6 million iraqis!
>tell me one question Trump actually answered. all he did was blame and has no respect for our military leaders. however, he seems to have a lot of respect for Putin.
>Trump said absolutely NOTHING. He is a buffoon
>Trump did nothing but say "I have a plan, but you can't have details". Sorry, but I need details. Hillary came out looking way better.
>I never heard Trump actually answer a question. I want to hear his plan ON ANYTHING. How is he going to make Mexico build the wall? How is he going to deal with his daughter's friend's boyfriend Putin? Tonight he reversed again and said illegal immigrants who serve in the military can stay??
I'm glad there are so many intelligent Hillary supporters in the comment. This is the kind of dialogue Americans need to have.
>this msnbc shitshow
Still need a yes or no, should I actually watch the forums? And honestly, who did better?
deep in my heart, I know trump lost pretty hard during this fiasco, but he still my nigga.
These comments are going up
trump can go out on the street and murder someone he would still be a better person the hillary
It was short, so go ahead and watch. You won't have to waste much of your time if you don't find it entertaining.
Trump killed, honestly. Hillary just seemed like another rambling politician skirting around an actual answer.
where did all these faggots show up from?
Hillary has murdered hundreds of people with her policies.
that is my point
>Those comments
To be fair, Clinton was better but sometimes she lie. Trump use the same stupid gimmick (obama, muh job, muh feeling)
Actually she has personally had over 100 people killed
The causing thousands of people being killed aint new
Things are changing and the left is too weak and triggered to stop it.
We have the power now.
CTR shills swarm whenever Trump does well
He's going back up in the polls, kicked Hillary and Obama's asses and looked more presidential than either of them by going to Louisiana during the flood and visiting Mexico to talk to President Nieto, killed it with his military speech today and the military forum after
to be fair you are a fucking leaf and deserve to die
>1/1 Canadians agree
CTR smells blood in the water.
CTR smells victory and wants to stink it up with failure.
i'm armenian disaspora
maybe it's the reason why im not cucked like the rest of this country
Trump lost it guys.
No matter how you try to spin it, he has 0 idea about public policy, he has 0 idea about foreign policy.
This is why no one takes online polls seriously at all. Or they'll look at the IPs and prune all the repeat ones.
Funny how Trump shills were crying about polls (and still do aside a few select ones that give him a lead in select swing states, and not nationally), while they themselves spam any online polls and destroy any credibility they have.
You are going straight to prison for fraud and conspiracy.
>I will do X Y Z for blow
yeah I bet she would
Post all the fucking polls
>internet polls
Just wait for the debates, its going to be fucking hillarious.
He is do thin skinned and has no clue what the fuck he is talking about.
Meanwhile shillary has been doing this shit for a while.
Get your popcorn ready