ITT: simpsons jokes you didn't get as a kid
ITT: simpsons jokes you didn't get as a kid
reminder, sneed poster is an underage spammer
Carl hole
False flagging fuck
I read this in Sneed's voice.
based Sneedposters
Formerly right
Sneeds are Indians.
Sned fed and sed
based anti-sneedposter
You're even more retarded than the sneedposters, faggot.
Moots shoot and shoot?
>Left Power
>raises right fist
boy I hope someone was fired for that blunder
Left handed means gay
maybe its because these style check outs were before my time?
can someone tell me what it means?
Good LORD what is happening in there???
Finding out what the cash register said was a huge meme in the Simpsons' early days. People would ware out their VCRs trying to pause it at the right moment.
What the fuck are the mods doing?
Aurora borealis?
Ned is raising his hand to the left.
Sup Forums - Comics & Cartoons
Sup Forums - Television & Film
the figured out that a troll can make a simpsons thread to get people to post sneed to get banned
A-Aurora borealis?
At this time of year.
At this time of day.
At this part of the country.
Localized entirely within your kitchen.
May I see it?
very good you remembered the quote!
I thought I was the only one who remembered this scene!
Well Seymour, you are an odd fellow, steam a good ham.
Well Seymour you are an odd fellow, but I must say you steam a good ham.
dude, the sned poster is the guy making these threads
Is the joke that the left had is the devil one
A well, fellow, but steam an say I must Seymour good are you ham odd.
Care to join me?
Literally me
This combination gave me a good chuckle
Sneed's Feed & Seed
Formerly Chuck's
>tfw I use Thrilho as my name in all vidya and someone gets the reference
Im browsing on my phone in the gym and just said "Right Power" under my breath without thinking and an Indian gentleman heard me and frowned
Is this segment considered to be the funniest in all of the Simpsons?
From start (I made it, despite your directions) to finish (It's just the Northern Lights)...yes.
Relax moron I only said that once.