Why is Hollywood allowed to get away with this?
Why is Hollywood allowed to get away with this?
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and you are beautiful
Because she was too old
I just don't get how young women are not aware that youth and beauty, their only assets, are so incredibly fleeting, seeing as how the world is full of used up has-been qts. Amazing.
Boo hoo guess you're gonna get a real job, tough luck
she has the worst tits for her age.
also Jake got all dem genes
she's not attractive and isn't a good enough actress to overcome that. Cate Blanchett, Amy Adams, and Charlize Theron immediately come to my mind as exceptions
Looks matter more than age. I'd take Robin Wright over Maggie any day.
meanwhile Amy Adams is older than her and playing the love interest to a man in his early 30s. the same could be said of plenty of milfy actresses in their 30s and 40s
maybe she isn't getting roles because she is unattractive and a bad actress.
post the dude from ep1 plz
They were just being nice, Maggie. What they meant was you're too ugly for a role opposite anyone, any age.
Would she have been better off of they just told her she was too ugly
well women hit the wall at (or before) 30 years of age, so what's the problem here? Women age like milk.
They were just being nice to her. Hollywood casts many middle aged women. Maggie Gyllenhaal was turned down because the movie didn't call for someone who is ugly as shit.
Didn't see this when I wrote mine. Disregard and refer to this anons post.
>at 37 i looked like a rotten jack-o-lantern
Fixed that for ya Maggie
She's talking about the Mummy, right?
god damn white women age like milk there is nothing you can do they hit that wall hard and fast same with latino girls. your best bet is an asian who will hit the wall at some point but by then youll look like shit too or a black girl.
in all seriousness, haven't we discussed especially this topic a thousand times? why can't anyone on this board except for like 1% of people post original threads anymore but resort to shitty hollywood gossip threads instead?
>beta weebs believe this
this is why we need /cel/, so we auteurs can discuss the cinematic philosophy of our arts in peace
can someone post a prime maggie for me Sup Forums?
She's just not hot. Sofia Vergara, Charlize Theron, Kate Beckinsale, Michelle Pfeiffer, Salma Hayek etc. are all older, hotter and they still get roles.
That was just a kinder way to say she looks too ugly. Nothing's stopping Susan Sarandon from getting more roles and she's 70.
She's 11 years too old to be a love interest for Will Ferrel. Let that sink in
nigga what happened to make you this asspained
Obviously a shitpost, but /hr/ is already a celeb board
I honestly never understood why she was ever cast as a love interest to dudes twice her attractiveness level in the first place. I'm just happy Hollywood finally stopped treating this disgusting woman as some sort of sex symbol.
Looks like she's be a good mother/soccer mom but doesn't belong anywhere near a camera.
she's not too old she's just butt ugly
Women age way faster than men. A 55 yr old man can pass for a 37 yr old still. A 37 yr old woman just looks 37 or older. God isn't about equal rights.
awww sweety it's not that you're too old, it's that you just look too oldddd.....
Good luck finding that!
It's just unoriginal bait topics that bother me. it's not as if there is any decent discussion to be had as OP didn't create any proper boundaries for discussing. it's just a typical OP that is meant for people to bash that ugly Gyllenhaal bitch without any discussion value.
is pretty much right, they should fuck off to another board and be done with it. we don't need more of these shitty quality threads. even capeshit bate threads are better at this point. oh, and all of those "what did he/she/it/they mean by this" losers can get the hell out too while we're at it
>even capeshit bate threads are better at this point.
What did user mean by this?
There's a new Tom Cruise movie where his wife in that movie is like 30 years younger than him. Tom Cruise living in that fresh pus
I don't think Tom Cruise is still aging. He has been injecting stem cells of prime babies into his anus for at least a couple decades.
you can see the sadness in his eyes
How the fuck is she even related to (ourguy)?
Post the webm.
You know the one.
If you genuinely think Maggie looks like that then you need to kill yourself. That's no where near as ugly as her.
It's the Les Enfants Terribles project but with sexy genes
>entire career based on good looks ends when you don't look good
really blows my load
As mean as it sounds hes telling the truth.
Women are only as good in the acting department as their looks. You don't look pretty? You don't get big roles or good money. No matter how "wrong" it sounds its been the state of acting for decades.
That's how it should be.
Of course, there ARE good actresses, but women are largely cast for their looks -- and that's part of entertainment: looking at pretty people.
Got turned down by a white chick while she was in junior high probably.
women objectively age like milk
hell-o beautiful
Aged milk can become cheese which isn't bad at all.
You moron.
Cheese is made from fresh milk dude.
That's not Hollywood, OP. That's nature.
Men and women are different.
those bazingas....
She was just in a movie/show where she's fucking a young guy and gets a load in her face. Don't look it up
Ew. I did not need to know cheese like this exists. That's fucking disgusting.
>Weird obscure cheeses nobody eats.
You've been googling for a while huh tripfag.
Well just look at her 80 year old tits. No fucking wonder.
don't try to move the goalposts
What that user said is true though. You only get by on looks as a female, and there are examples of women everywhere that only put points into makeup and clothes so when a better younger model comes along, they get dropped. But they don't learn from this, it's insanity. If I were a hot girl who didn't want to sell myself I'd throw myself into a stem career field and study as hard as I could. No point in banking on an asset that leaves in your 30s.
No it's not kiddo.
Taking off your trip doesn't make you less of a faggot. But sure, alright, you're still wrong because food isn't people.
The op literally has a picture of a woman who lost her beauty and got tossed aside, get real, roodypoo
Good looking men are handed in everything in life the same as good looking women, just in a slightly less direct but equally significant way.
someone post them plz
He said aged milk can be made into cheese. You tried making it seem like he was wrong. He proved you wrong.
I know you probably didn't have a father while growing up so you never learned this, but a person in your situation should've just manned up, admitted you were wrong and moved on.
Fucking grow up child before I have to beat some sense into you. Disrespecting women fucking for shame...
U mad bro
literally just a euphemism for "you're too ugly"
guess she didn't get the message
>I'm not the tripfag
>really I'm not
>he totally won this arguement!
>I'm ignoring the fact he suggested women who age like milk can be a good thing
Pretty much old producers self projecting their fetishes on screen. Ayyy am I right or am I right?
Still can't do it, can you? Even though the only person who will ever know that you were proved wrong in this situation will be you, you still cannot admit you were wrong. This really does show how sad of an individual you really are and it makes me feel bad for you. God Bless you, truly.
Good looking men still have to work, what are you on about? You can argue that they have an easier time getting jobs and benefit a bit from nepotism, but it isn't comparable to a woman's advantage. Doesn't change that women can't typically bank on that shit past their 30s
How in the fuck is she related to him? I honestly don't get it.
>I'm still totally ignoring the fact he was suggesting women whonage like milk can be a good thing
Is her fake cumshot scene sfw? It's absolutely hilarious how far this troll has fallen. I haven't had sex in like 3 years and I would turn this creature down in a heartbeat.
You're just not thinking through it hard enough or abstractly enough. Good looking men enjoy working and the recognition and respect they get from it, so it doesn't count as work. Going to work so you can be socially validated and hit on doesn't count as a struggle or work. Men don't WANT to have a "sugar daddy" like women do, so pointing to that as evidence that good looking women have it easier is nonsense.
A 55 year old man looks like a 55 year old man. But it's ok for men to look old because men are attractive based on their wallet.
Women need to look breedable to be attractive and someone nearing 40 is not the best prospect for pregnancy.
Lol you haven't even been talking to me you faggot but you stink of reddit and you really aren't fooling anyone "thor". Sounds lilk the only one missing a father figure was you dude.
Swedish dad and kike mom. Guess Maggie got unlucky. She looks like a kike.
You're just saying that because you're a brainwashed Sup ForumsJW, you have no idea which side she got her looks from.
lol that dude triggered you so hard with that father comment
Quiet, Thor. Go back to plebbit.
no u
This is just obvious proof the entirety of the "actress complaining about sexism," craze is just a way for ugly, untalented, narcissistic people to project their utter failures onto others and bandwagon it up for victim points.
Maggie Gyllenhaal didn't lose her looks because she never had them and she is and never was a good enough actress to overcome that.
Maggie Gyllenhaal is a saggy hyper aging werido. I have no clue WHY, she just is. Maybe bad generic dice who knows. She looks like she's melting.
Yes. Post it.
Imagine being Heath in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maggie Gyllenhaal, you fuckin' fine, all gross with your dangling meatflaps and horrific Ben Quadrinaros monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is several more lines of coke in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Heath and not only stand in that room while Maggie Gyllenhaal kicks you in the testicles, her disgusting face in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her wrinkles and oily skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that kick. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking Quadrinaros face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Perth. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled cheeks as she clenches them to kick you in the nuts, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "Beautiful (for that is what Nolan calls her)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then Chris calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Heath. You're not going to lose your future fatal drug overdose l career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Just because I proved you wrong with the cheese you feel the need to spout this tiresome drivel? How about you take a long look in the mirror, throw away your comics and Grow. Up.
Maybe then you'll actually find a girl who will say more than the cost of your groceries you fat American fuck.
bitch looks like a 50 year old smoker, that's why
Jesus christ dude I didn't even read the other part of the thread with the cheese and shit, I'm a different user
was meant for
guess who?
Ironically both got their blue eyes from their kike mom