Only one good film from the whole series. Best actor, best opening, best bond girl, best villain, best m.
Only one good film from the whole series. Best actor, best opening, best bond girl, best villain, best m
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I think the only Bond film you've seen is Casino Royale OP, it's just a hunch.
I've seen almost all.
I agree that it's the best, but the villain wasn't good.
You are fucking insane.
Moore of a Roger fan myself ;)
The "Craig" Bond films should be ranked in the order of their production. I think QoS is badly underrated and although the story in Spectre left much to be desired, the cinematography was gorgeous. It was so gorgeous I wanted to split open it's hairy smelly pussy.
>Almost all
>26 movies
Why'd you watch them all if this is the only one you thought was good? Even if you watched it first, why would you stick around for another couple dozen movies if the rest of them all sucked?
From Russia With Love
>best Bond (Connery)
>best villain (Robert Shaw, plus the introduction of Spectre)
>best opening (a bunch of chicks bellydancing while the credits are projected over them)
>best Bond Girl (Tatiana)
>best subplot (Bond gets filmed fucking Tatiana and must retrieve the film reel)
oh yeah, there's also a random lengthy fight scene between two gypsy women
>Best actor
Opinion discarded
Is You Only Live Twice the best opening song?
picking the best bond song is impossible so many are top tier
>you only live twice
>live and let die
>nobody does it better
>for your eyes only
> a view to a kino
>license to kill
>you know my name
It was used to great effect in the Mad Men season 5 finale. Don got the devil back on his face.
What is more important in a Bond opening? the song or the visuals?
You get it!
Skyfall is just astonishing beautiful and YES it takes a lot from Batman TDK but transform it into Bond's universe. Keeps you in the edge of your sit while Casino Royale goes too long in the poker scenes (to deliver the tension i get it, but they spent too much time in that mansion)
>That transition into Skyfall's opening.
they're all shit.
>Best actor
no, but debatable
> best opening,
no, but debatable
>best bond girl,
shit taste
>best villain,
no, but debatable
>best m
shit taste
My boyfriend would leave me for Eva Green if given the chance. I just know it.
thats not spectre
Fuck off faggot
So sad Sam Mendes wasted Christoph Waltz talent on Spectre, HELL even Dave Bautista does a better character withouth saying a word during the whole flick