Why did the Nazis blow up a barn full of children with hand grenades and then shoot at it?
Why did the Nazis blow up a barn full of children with hand grenades and then shoot at it?
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they ran out of masturbation machines
dehumanizing people makes it easy to commit atrocities. see the Japs in China, Rwanda, etc.
Same reason there were motorcycle nazi's who would toss axes at innocent jews, goy. When I was in the womb I saw my mother have her head split into two pieces by the motornazi. They are evil racists.
It's technically Soviet propaganda.
Better ask: why not?
only four posts in. nice.
Is there no limit to their inhumanity?
because they were servicing the auschwitz rollercoaster that day
How so? I don't know shit about anything and only watched it for le spoopy war torn little boy meme
You're watching an eastern film bub, character actions are always much more representational and less literal
Germans are just evil
they also claimed they were just hypnotised by Hitlers speeches and didn't really believe what he was saying at the same time
but collectively went along with it for shits and giggles
Oh it's this thread again
That makes sense, the whole thing felt very dreamlike and technically odd. The meeting scene between Florya and Glasha was fucking weird.
m8 we get it, the Nazis were literal Hitlers. Who fucking cares anymore? The war was 70 years ago. When are we going to start looking at it objectively? Western society is never going to move on until it gets rid of this self-flagellation over muh 6 trillion.
This, WWII needs to end but the Jews won't let it
just things white people do.
>Who fucking cares anymore?
probably your grandparents who are disappointed in you being such a colossal fuckup.
Just things N*Nhwhites do.
>America fought Germany to fight white supremacy
>WW2 America:
>goes home to oppress black people for another 20 years
why are americans so obsessed with ww2 now
what did that reply have anything to do with leftists? please tell us about your other obsessions.
It comes up a lot, I don't want to be obsessed with it but people bring it up all the time, it started in ~2008
german here. can confirm.
i eat my nutella with a spoon sometimes
>film ends with holocaust footage
I don't know.
Why would you shoot someone before throwing them out of a plane?
Wir müssen!
the holocauster wasn't running that day, closed for repairs
>No fun allowed
This shit is absolutely horrific and if people have actually done ANY of this back then, they need to go to hell and burn there. Not even joking
>Who fucking cares anymore? The war was 70 years ago
you cant really say this when you yourself wont shut the fuck up about how great nazis are because you saw a jpeg. we get it. youre an edgy teenager on the internet who likes hitler
>It's technically Soviet propaganda.
as opposed to the neo-nazi propaganda that says they wuz good boys who dindu nuffin?
what movie?
They have done it, all of it.
What that person said in the highlighted quote was a lie, user. He was lying about that happening in camps.
That's a whole lot of projecting there, lad.
How does it matter at all if one in a thousand holocaust testimonials are lies? You'd have to be nothing short of mentally retarded to think there's a single historical event without some lies attributed to it. The hypocrisy of this "logic" coming from neo-nazis (who lie about fucking everything) is especially, riotously hilarious. Like it shouldn't be possible for a human to be dumb enough to be that hypocritical.
Its not projection, its a very obvious fact because youre the same type of faggot that shitpost in EVERY thread like this over and over and over again. The SAME fucking shill lines. Youre Bill Murray in groundhogs day. Every single day is the same thing for you. Such a fucking joke.
go and witness
>this guy lied about being an Iraq war veteran, this means the Iraq War never happened!
just please fuck off. we get it, you like hitler. it doesnt make you interesting
The holocaust happened, it's just irrelevant. The Nazis did nothing that hasn't been done before. People have massacred their enemies since the dawn of mankind.
Go bitch about the Khmer Rouge killing fields if you're such a bleeding heart.
kuru soshite miru
this thread is pathetic. come and see is the most antiwar movie I have ever seen. the nazis wanted to eliminate the next generation of races they believed inferior
>it's just irrelevant.
something isnt irrelevant because you think jews are the reason your life sucks user. Stop being an emotional retard
*smiles bemusedly and shakes head*
*rolls up sleeves*
More like you think it takes priority over every other mass killing in recorded history because jews specifically were killed. Stop being an emotional retard.
>it's just irrelevant
Go fucking end yourself.
>perhaps he is wondering why burn a barn before shooting up the barn
>More like you think it takes priority over every other mass killing
I never said that. You were the one who said it was irrelevant. This is because you are a very stupid person who is ruled by emotion and not logic. this is why you could only ape my response instead of even coming up with an original or relevant insult to hurl at me
No one thinks that, it's just the most relevant to modern western civilization because of how recent it was, where it took place, and its role in the most famous event in human history, being WW2. A significant number of people sitting in a history class in America would be directly affected by the holocaust/WW2 as well. With that said there is heavy emphasis in American schools put on the atrocities of people like Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.
>How so?
It's based on real events and plays up the Germans actions to an extreme degree. You shouldn't need your thinking cap for this one user.
But I'm neither German nor a Nazi user...
>tfw Jewish dad actually told me holacoaster story in earnest when I was a child.
This absolutely was taught to Jewish children of his generation.
>I never said that.
And I never said Quit being an emotional retard.
You make a fair point.
It doesn't play up their actions at all, let alone to an extreme degree.
The Nazis really were evil incarnate, and had death squads that went around hunting and killing innocent people.
>just repeating the same insult over and over again
yeah, you sure are doing a good job of not making yourself look like a complete jackass. Stop believing in stupid conspiracy theories and feeling sorry for yourself. Its fucking pathetic
Reminder that "muh rapes" is the only myth of WW2
When soviet soldiers moved into Germany in 1945, they were welcomed by german women who threw their pussies at them. In their shame, their cucked husbands created the myth of "muh rapes". Allies later adopted the tale to support propaganda in the cold war
This also means that many germans are of slavic descent today, and germany is LITERALLY a cucked nation
The entire West bears guilt for the Holocaust. There are monuments to it throughout America and Europe as a reminder to hang your head in shame.
>It's based on real events and plays up the Germans actions to an extreme degree.
Let's hear it. I'll wait.
what a stupid shit "argument." the kikes have an actual motive for lying and that's to push their zionist agenda. it's right in front of your face and yet you still deny it
There's monuments because of how important it is to remember these aspects of our history, it has nothing to do with guilt.
maybe if you fat neckbeards stopped LARPing as nazis and plastering swaztikas inside your psychiatrists bathroom people would forget?
I'm well aware, I said in my very post it was based on real events, but the way the Germans were laughing maniacally and seemingly reveling in barbarity really seems like it's coated with a bit of bias.
>Stop believing in stupid conspiracy theories
Bro, lad, m8... my first post in this chain was acknowledging that the holocaust is a reality. What the fuck are you on about?
>what a stupid shit "argument.
no it isnt since it makes you so furious because you realize how utterly retarded your original claim is
>someone lied about being present during a historical event. This clearly means the event itself didnt happen!
youre a fucking jackass.
Isn't protecting your homeland a noble goal? or as you would say "redpilled"?
see Reading can change your life user.
only someone who identifies with nazis would interpret it that way
based on what?
why are people butthurt about jews always virgins? serious question plz help
Man you're dumb. You can come up with a motive for anything, that doesn't add anything to your absurdly terrible logic. You're just a biased, gullible idiot so for this one event you actually believe a lie is significant. Meanwhile the Nazis literally attempted a massive cover-up of their crimes by burning down their camps and documents and using coded language and so forth but this lie triggers no skepticism for you. It's fucking hilarious how stupid neo-nazis are, you're like parodies of humans.
When you invade and conquer half a continent you have enough leeway to kill undesireable people without anyone slapping you on the wrist.
t. nazi trying to spread the blame like a coward
I hear people crying about the idea of being called anti-semitic than jews actually calling people anti-semitic at least 5x more frequently
Right, it's Sup Forums's fault that it's been beaten over everyone's head for the last half century that Nazis are the ultimate evil. History Channel only makes Hitler documentaries to challenge the alt-right.
Don't forget neo-nazis having a victim complex a thousand times larger than Jewish people have.
>white non-Jewish intermarriage rate 7%
>black intermarriage rate 13%
>Jewish intermarriage rate 50%+
And yet who are the only ones complaining that they're being "systematically genocided" by race-mixing? I'll give you one guess.
You really want to play this game?
except zionism is a real thing. pretending it doesn't exist won't go away. have you ever asked why the national socialists targeted the jews? maybe you should
palestine isn't the jewish homeland and these modern jews are not genetically related to the lost of tribes of israel. they have no claim to palestine. also israel isn't some dindu country. they depend on western governments for money and military protection. they are parasites
Inferiority complex
because it's a propaganda movie made to demonise nazis
Israel gives the US a foothold of non-theocratic, actual civilization in the region of the middle east. 75% of the aid given to Israel is spent back on weapons from the US. It's not a one way relationship. No rational person wants radical Islam to have full control over the middle east.
compared to the allies the nazis WERE the good bois
>except zionism is a real thing. pretending it doesn't exist won't go away. have you ever asked why the national socialists targeted the jews? maybe you should
>killing the jewish neighboor grandmother will fucking destroy zionism once and for all!!11
take your fetish porn back to Sup Forums faggot
The allies weren't responsible for destroying Europe stormcuck.
this movie is straight up bullshit but regardless it's a testament to the propaganda power film is capable of, one of the best movies ever made IMO
hardly a strange notion for people to start laughing maniacally and reveling in the monstrosity of what they're doing when they snap, take a look at some of the jap war crime photos and they've all got a snapped smile and wide eyes
i'm sure the same amount of insanity was common in soviets when they were raping and burning their way to berlin
Yes they were
>germany takes german territory where ethnic germans were being murdered en masse and treated like shit
>allies: guess its time to destroy europe! This is totally justified!
i don't care about islam. the jewish parasite is far worse. communism was created by jews and communist movements often lead by jews. the worst a muslim is going to do is blow you up. the kike will subvert society and destroy your soul. what you're also saying is we're giving them weapons for free
not an argument, kike. this is exactly why you always get expelled out of your host country. it will happen again
>german territory
*other countries' territory
>law abiding citizen
Heil amirite?
>it will happen again
>so you expel them again but the Jews still survive but it's okay because the Holocaust never happened so you expel them again but the Jews still survive but it's okay because the Holocaust never happened so you expel them again...