What percentage of Sup Forums is actually liberal by heart but fucking annoyed at being demonized by overly trigger...

what percentage of Sup Forums is actually liberal by heart but fucking annoyed at being demonized by overly trigger happy regressive leftists shouting about privilege, thought crimes, racism, feminism, [whatever]phobia, ruining everyone's fun and being cucky in general and as a result changed their political opinions?

i would guess around 60%

Sup Forums was a lot more left back in the day before every dumb normie was on the internet ruining everyones fun and the whole alt-right bit seems like a reaction to that

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Probably a lot of people.

The only thing the smugness of the left is good for is producing mass amounts of acrimony.

I consider myself moderate these days, since I hold mostly liberal principles but the differences between the races and genders, the implications of those differences, feminism, SJWs, immigration policy, Islam, political correctness and generally cucky outlooks have forced me away.

somewhat. I am environmentally left, economically centrist, and socially conservative. I hate 'victim' fetishization

i twerk hard for dorrar

Sup Forums is THE reactionary culture. We're just ahead of everyone else.

I think most people, including people on pol and b are reasonable, but on the chan people just troll and act racist to get a rile out of people.

I don't like feminism but I'm very liberal. I was partial to Bernie Sanders even. I even voted for him on my ballot.

Those traits are the core result of Leftist "thinking." You literally cannot be a Leftist without those things. It think you are moving on the "Y" axis of politics and getting it confused with the "X" axis.

You socialist snow monkeys up there are gay for socialism... Because you've never had to worry about leeches from North Africa, Shit Africa, and ISIS fucking you up the ass. Social homogeneity makes things like socialism sometimes work - provided there are resources available and a strong work ethic.

Socialism dose not belong solely to the Left. You can be Right wing and still have your gay little socialism. See National Socialism for my details.

Are you me?

Is that a bunch of united fans fucking with a Scouser?