This was fucking atrocious

This was fucking atrocious.

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It was fine.


Best horror movie Ive ever seen. Not enough jumpscares for ya?

jane levy did good job!

>the everything is either kino or trash meme


>Best horror movie Ive ever seen

Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army Of Darkness were among the first horror films I ever saw...
I thought this remake was actually fucking decent.
Took away all the comedy, made it into pure splatter horror... for a modern horror, it beats all the wank that is Insidious and all that bollocks.

It was better than the original and you're a faggot if you believe otherwise.

It was decent. Not the worst horror remake by any stretch.

That poster is seriously false advertising though.

Name a better horror remake from the last 10 years. Protip: you can't.


Neck yourself

Yeah thats what I said bitch nigger. 90 minute lovecraftian gore party.

I see you can't name one. :^)

Let Me In
(But Alvarez' Evil Dead is fucking awesome regardless)

I thought it was awesome but I was also high as a kite the entire way through. Either way it wasn't that bad.

No fuck you

It's expialidocious

Seeing this in a packed theatre was a tremendous experience. I had a huge grin on my face the whole time.

It was great. That's the proper way to do a remake.

I liked it but it was straight horror, and I need at least some absurd surrealism in my Evil Dead

Its OK, I liked cabin in da woods better, and new it was fine.

Honestly did not need to be titled Evil Dead, they only clung to it for the "BUT IT"S A GIRL NOW" progressive points, and only ended up sabotaging an otherwise decent but not spectacular flick, nobody remembers this chick more than Ash and it was never going to be as popular with the name baggage.

This is legit true though, Evil Dead 1 had a sissy Ash, terrible characters, some shitty effects mixed in with the decent ones and ended up not that great.

Anyone who says this is as good as Evil Dead 2 is a horsecum chugging faggot who wishes they were dead inside and wants to remind everyone else what parental regret looks like.

I wish the plan for it to tie into the original movies had gone through.

Maybe they'll make a joke or reference to it in Ash vs Evil Dead at some point

>Evil Dead 1 had a sissy Ash

I'd love to see you go through that shit and not be a "sissy" about it.

After you have to kill your girlfriend, bury her still talking head, cut off your hand, and have to put a chainsaw on the stump, anyone would have their "man-up" moment.

But at the start of those events? You'd fucking piss your god damn pants

It was...ok. It went on too long. The movie should have ended with a far away shot of the cabin burning and the bloody hand coming out of the ground.

The whole lanky abomination thing was just stupid and turned a somewhat decent horror into a stupid syfy creature feature.

Yeah, but he's still a pretty lame character in ED1. All the characters in it are pretty one dimensional . Overall, fuck Evil Dead. The sequel is far superior in every way.

It was okay as a gory horror movie, but it had nothing of what made Evil Dead special.

Thank goodness we got AvED

lmao that webm is atrocious fanservice bullshit

>it's not coming back October this time
>it's going to be a mid-season show


Halloween tv shows and movies suck now.

If we're lucky we get Halloween 4 and 5 on repeat for a week now-a-days.

Guess i'll just re-watch seasons 1 and 2

>tfw you keep forgetting Jane Levy's name and what she looks like with Emma Stone

fuck you I liked it

Wait what? Sauce on this?

it was good, faggot

I saw Bruce in Detroit last month. It was a Q&A Evil Dead thing. At the very end he said something like,

>"Oh yeah, check out Ash vs. Evil Dead season 3!"

It sounded like he was going to mention a date, but then he didn't. Just walked off stage.

Basically the higher-ups are waiting to get a "cleaner opening" and When Bruce was asked he said "when you find out, let me know."

It makes sense though.

There's a fuck ton of shows this fall, so competion would be stiff. Between returning shows and new shows, the only saving grace AvED would have is that it's on a saturday when nothing else is on, BUT with Sunday through Friday all being filled up with shows, people would be burnt out on saturdays and would probably make that their day to get out of the house.


What if AoD ended very differently during the tiny ash's scene?

What if the tiny ash's entered through the anus?


millenial trash with solid visuals and """""humor""""" that will make your ears bleed(diablo cody)
people will say "it was gorey!!! cool!" NO. it was pointless spraying blood everywhere that really made no sense and had no impact

pointless movie starring a frumpy jewish robot(her brother is hot though)

Me and my friend (male) both thought that was a really cool effect.
