you big guy
You big guy
Yu "Big Guy"
maybe 4 you nigga
Dr Pavel, I'm 3D
*rubs flight plan*
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Plane Scene. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical linguistics most of the lines will burn over a typical viewer's head. There's also Bane's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Nolandnaya Vroba literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these lines, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Plane Scene truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Bane's existencial catchphrase "For you" which itself is a cryptic reference to Banebdjedet's Egyptian epic Fortunate and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons heating their heads in confusion as Christopher Nolan's genius unfolds itself on their IMAX screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a The Plane Scene tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're 5 inches bigger than me (preferably higher) beforehand.
Chuck sneed feed
>ywn get perfect racial swaps of waifus anymore
fucking pussies, I don't get how this is even racist, it's spooky how accurate it is.
*fucks your baby momma*
m'as you somethin rick, if you take that off will you die?
*steals yo plane*
>I've had it with these motherfucking big guys on this monday-to-friday plane!
Is this Kevin Durant?
you don't get to bring moral dilemmas
If I pulled that lever would you die?
Is there a virgin CIA/Chad big guy edit yet? I wanna know if I need to make one or not
The dub rises brother.
Doktor Pavel ich bin von der CIA.
it will be extremely baneful
I don't think so
You're a big guy. If I pushed you in front of the trolly I bet you would stop it
|=| /-\ |\| |=?
Ok, I'm on it. Will post in thread when I'm done/you can judge me
They expect at least one of us in the wreckage brother.
/nba/ we out here
Godspeed, big guy.
I'm waiting
deado mimu
Is this the new loss?
Here it is so far. Anything you want me to add/change? Also I'm not really good with captions, what are some good things I can add for both?
add a smaller bane mask to bane's chadcock
/r/ing this right now!
Why does wear the helm?
Good idea, I'll make it subtle so only true patricians can see it.
excellent work, user
Looking good so far
You should switch the rolls around
>Feels in charge
>Is in charge
>Refers to others as "big guy"
>Is a big guy
>Pays Dr. Pavel
>Doesn't pay Dr. Pavel shit, just replaces all of his blood with a henchmen's
>Doesn't shoot men before throwing them out of planes
>Shoots everyone then throws the plane
Virgin CIA
>Fake kills because he's unwilling to commit
>Gets betrayed by Masketta Men
>So unintimidating he can't get a single answer
>His flight plane is a lie
>Insecure and sarcastic
>Forces his body language to look bigger
Chad Bane
>Leaves a brother in the wreckage to show commitment
>Even hired guns are loyal to him
>Makes Dr. Pavel quiet by merely staring at him
>Is a bigger guy even while kneeling
>Has a master plan and succeeds through it
>Good enough knowledge of English to make double entendres despite being a foreigner
Update. Keep the suggestions coming boys.
Get rid of the mask on his dick, looks like shit
This. Fuck the sjws
The virgin plan
The chad mask
No, just move it so it's in profile like the one on his face, that way you can add straps
Is this ok? I made the straps from his belt go down on it? What should I do to make it fit him more? or should I just get rid of it?
dude you are seriously being a virgin poster right now be a chad user
Move it left so we see it in profile like the one on his face, it's hard to tell what it is from the front
I like it
Just get rid of it. Has zero comedic value even if you make it look good
Fuck off
CIA guy clothes needs a little more of detail
I'll remove it but post a blank template of the picture once I'm done. Any user who wants to can edit it back on will be able to
CIA needs to be hooking his hands in his belt and his hair is the wrong color.
Tom Hardy has green eyes; not shitskin brown.
It's too late user, you're no longer an innocent bystander
Put "for you!" on bane's shirt
There he is, there he goes again.
Look everyone, I posted again! Did not the dude's shit surrounding? Oh my God! I can almost see your pathetic slices glowing in the dark, all illuminated by your screen is the only source of light in your county. On laughing like a little girl again when writing your little shred of Bath and filling the hood. You know what? Maybe even filled it. Maybe you're a NINI so disgusting you paid for 4canal pass and all you have to do is choose the photo. And boy, do not know the photo? The epic agent CISEN is not it? I guess, Mojoncito, cagandote both laugh while clicking to throw your Takis the floor. But it's Thumbs, your boss cleanse him in the morning. Oh that's right, he chispoteó not tell me you live with your mom! You're a fucking fat fucked and I like you already got fed up with you. So pissed of errands all day, every day, for a grown man who spends all day in 4changos posting about a crap film layer. Just imagine it, and then you had thought you'd be a politician or a footballer or something chingón and then you became a NINI. A pathetic fagot NINI bathroom. She probably cries until he falls asleep every day thinking about how fucked up is the roll as would disappear. Do not even try to talk to you because everything you say is "FOR YOU, FOR YOU, FOR YOU".
You have become a parody of yourself. That's all you are. A sad dwarf laughing in the dark as he prepares to delve into the same dance that has made chingamadral times already.
And you know what? That is all that will be.
Plane moved on?
>"Pavel was white"
>talking to a girl today
>she says she loves the dark knight rises and watched it a thousand times
she must post here