>nicole saw paul lose the first hoh comp to cody
>nicole saw paul lose live because of cody
>nicole last tweet is thanking dayvonne for the vote
our girl is so based
previously on /bb/
>nicole saw paul lose the first hoh comp to cody
>nicole saw paul lose live because of cody
>nicole last tweet is thanking dayvonne for the vote
our girl is so based
previously on /bb/
Other urls found in this thread:
All aboard the /BBC/ hype train
Post your dream casts here.
Can one of you please give me pandas snapchat?
It's a reference to large black penis guys!
She said it all the time user how do you not have it?
>I'm genuinely confused right now.
>I'm sure you will be.
He fucking knew.
Cody's intuition is insane.
now fuck off pandanigger
Jody's interview with Rob is greatttttttt
marks social media
follow if you are a true member of the bomb squad
Thank you user
pandafag always cheats with these polls. no use.
Was that his username before or after he was called The Incredible Sulk?
Pic related, along with gary busey
kek just got to the living rent free in their heads part holy shit
he changed the twitter handle to realmarkjansen
>implying he's the only one who can
Nothing he does is special you could do it too
pandafag is a myth
nobody else cares enough, he's just a loser that gets off on people hating him.
Claim you're /bb/ waifu one last time before /BBCancer/ in January
Oh...that's quite a concidence then. I doubt Matt knew Mark's instagram username. And it's not like Mark is swole level.
cbs is going to fill it with cbs approved celebs... No rejects
You're right, he's actually just Quentin pretending to like Alex and spamming her pics to be annoying
Reminder that this happened
you think shelby has spent all of morgan's money yet?
but seriously now what a power move by el fit vic going in for the kiss right there in the picture
>inb4 Celeb ends up being the best season
queen stays queen
man Vic has got to feel so weird there
Shelby Shelby Shelby
I dunno why but when BB8 was airing I was completely waifuing Jen and fucking Jessica
Fucking Dani was a GODDESS back then holy shit
You already posted her
corey is probably dying inside that he is not the one being kissed
I forgot about that kek, those two for sure DP'd her
A painting of my waifu
Was unrelated
i deleted my bb19 folder
Paulfag detected
You should have dumped your lewd pics first as is the tradition in post season /bb/ threads
What are you doing? BB is over.
This a kdrama?
oh man
Japanese reality tv.
Does it have feeds?
No but it has Japanese Devin.
If digits, we /ott/ now
if trips I override your post and declare this the last /bb/ thread of 2017
did production pay cody to vote for josh to make him the first latino winner?
You already know
if dubs this becomes /thg/ until /bb/ celeb
ott was the best season of big brother since 17
>still no morgan interviews up
why does she work for such a shitty company
>BB18 - first female winner against male in F2, first juror paid off in 5-4 vote
>BB19 - first latino winner, first juror paid off in 5-4 vote
cubans arent latino
Anyone send Mark drawanons beautiful work? I only have this one saved.
>there is just 1 shitposter
They're literally half Spanish
A latino is a person from Latin America. Cuba is part of North America.
Alex had the best body in the house
you're not very smart eh
Best everything
spaniards are not latino
the caribeans are considered part of latin america
None of the women were waifu-tier this year, man. Let it go
t. shit taste
>Show some mercy.
hahaha faggot go kill yourself, he got to live in his own fantasy vacation world for 3 months thinking he was in control only to have it all crumble at the last second because he couldn't check in with reality. Honestly, he deserves worse. He waltzed through that house like he owned the fucking place because the loser ass was there last summer. Guess his band didn't have any shows booked during peak touring season, maybe because they suck ass. Paul really could use a good kick in the ass, especially after coming in second last year and learning absolutely nothing, and coming back with even less humility. What a piece of shit. He not only doesn't learn from mistakes, he doubles down on them. What an arrogant piece of shit.
He is the JEB! of BB
>posts left over woman no one ever wanted
Maybe user was right
christmas is a giant cunt and anyone that waifus her is being ironic
Stop bumping the thread
Seasons over (I checked)
whoa semi incest on lost
a pervert hick rodeo clown broke her foot... And she's the cunt
that not even semi-incest
might be frowned upon but its not illegal
The polar bear never comes back
Huge roastie cunt don't understand why people like her shes a fragile cunt too
see you guys in january :)
you did gods work, user
so what now
post shelby
what else
mark said he wants to inspire people and be more active in social media
he will talk about being /fit/ and stuff like that
post rare markies