The generals are losers

>the generals are losers

Nobody is actually going to vote for this humongous asshole will they?

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the generals are losers

This image made me laugh. Not in the sense that I actually opened my mouth and created an audible laughing noise. I simply blew air out my nose in a stifled chuckle. I did find the picture really funny though. Thus, I'll accompany this post with a
> ha ha ha
and a
> lol
for good measure.

the generals are losers

t. NCO

*look up the generals under Obama*

They are not allowed to investigate terrorists.

I am.

I don't care what he does so long as he curtails immigration.

I am
So is my entire family
He will carry my County regardless

He flipflopped on that issue too.

Your hero is a retarded clown manbaby draft dodger who criticizes veterans while never having served himself.

Generals today under Obama have all gone through cultural marxist PC training.

They don't even know what threats are anymore.

Under his admin, they are more likely to see the American people as a threat... the more brainwashed they are.


Even if you lost your job because of him?

If he's so bad, why are you people being paid to come here and talk shit?

No one cares what you think because you are a trumpfellating toadie, lackey, and apologist, and the world would be a better place if your parents died in a fire, hopefully carrying you in utero.

Please dispatch yourself immediately if not sooner.

You and all your liberal friends and family first, cuck.

You summation that I support Donald J. Trump for presidency of the United States is false. I have not, and most likely will not support a Trump reign.

It's okay, OP.

Life will continue to exist once you stop shilling for CTR

Calm down shill bot

I ABSOLUTELY do NOT want $hillary but Trump is clearly not ready for this. It would require him 6 months to a year to even get started being on the level he needs to handle the job. Damn here comes another 4 to 8 years of libtard policies. Wikileaks better have some good shit to knock her out at this point.

Aww, Did the big scary CTR man hurt baby's fees in his safe space?

>T. Uneducated baboon.

There's no way I could vote for a nationalist candidate after viewing this image.

Even we know he is a bit buffonish but you take what nationalist sentiment you can get. Besides the president doesen't do much and leaves most of the work up to his cabinet that is why his best people argument really resonates with me. Hillary will hire whoever her master donors to the clintion foundation decide and only be a figure head giving rare speech in bewteen naps.

>Hillary never took opposing positions over time.

toadie, lackey, and apologist, in order!

Fanny flustered hillcuck spotted. Go lube up your anus for those syrians

> hire the best people

As evidenced by what? The second, or the third campaign manager? The advisor currently facing sexual harassment charges that are costing his most recent employer tens of millions? Any number of other pitiful personnel shifts?

I understand and agree but perception is reality. What Trump just did is show his hand on not knowing and being out of the loop on commander and chief issues. I understand that he has not experience in dealing with the military but the average American voter wants these issue dealt with and having to wait until Trump is up to speed is not in his favor.

I hate to say it but if Trump or someone else (wikileaks for example) does not have some heavy hitting information on Clinton the debates will be $hilliary's time to edge out Trump. I predict a slim victory for Clinton in November. Well at least we will have another 4 to 8 years to complain about lib policy. Maybe Clinton will be so bad she will drag the whole corrupt establishment down with her.

>People are disagreeing with me! It must be a Jewish conspiracy!

How do you morons manage to hold your breath long enough to tie your shoes in the morning?

Glass hou...walls, Paco.

>The generals are losers

The Washington Generals

> The advisor currently facing sexual harassment charges
Who cares besides whiney progressives like yourself? The ability to sack and hire cabinet members by your will alone is impressive and hasn't been seen since maybe Andrew Jackson

Freudian slip aye?

Judging by their track record he's not wrong. Any decent general was fired long ago, the goal is not to win, the goal is to wage perpetual war for the benifit of the military industrial complex.

We are literally training, funding and supplying both sides. We have done the same since World War One so really it's just the same as it ever was the scale and scope is just larger now. And it's more obvious.

>hey man FUCK the generals they're a bunch of fucking losers who don't know what they're doing just look at the mess they've caused
5 mins later
>it's amazing what I learned in the briefings. obama is doing the exact opposite of what his generals are recommending he do. these are -the- experts and, for some reason, obama won't even listen to them

Thanks, Rush!

>mexican intellectuals

If hillary wins it's over for America and white people. They will shift the demographics so red team will never get elected no matter how much cons whine about dems being the real racists. We are going to be brazil 2.0

Apart from the women affected, I imagine FOX News owners and shareholders fucking care about the $20M he just cost them.

> the best people
Sure m8

>muh sex harassment effects quality of the job
Once again nobody besides whiney progressives such as yourselves care.


Wtf I hate reasonable standards of conduct now!

Hillary is sinking in the polls
Shills are backing off because even they are loosing faith.

Thanks for asking rather than telling

Nobody is going to vote for HackinHillary.

It's not about voting for Trump, but about preventing Hillary from winning.

>Hillary Clinton changes by the decade
>Trump changes by the hour


Again I understand but getting the average non-interested American to pay attention to that fact is practically impossible. Have Trump not 100% on his game and looking like he is being shown up... yes even by the bias (((news)))... will lead to $hillarys victory. Trump is the last hope as the libs and establishment are all on board for ending America but thats over most peoples heads. Trumps performance is absolutely key to getting that message out. He has to be able to completely dominate the stage and be spot on... anything less will be consider failure and the normal person will fall in line.

TLDR: I know and you know but the average american does not know. Get ready for the end of what you love and hold dear if this does not go just right. Cross your fingers wikileaks or others have something ground breaking.

>muh putin
Christ you really are a shill arnet you lol
>muh sexual harrassment
>something even the media doesen't care about
>Waa he should have fired Corey when walked past that reporter too
Cry more progressive faggot shill

What did Trump flip flop about?
Consult the shill guidebook real quick, I want to see what yall are using as ammunition

His military acumen was never one of his major selling points anyway.

I am undecided and I'll say Trump won tonight.

I didn't think he said the Generals were stupid. He said he would give them 30 days to hear THEIR plan. He felt they were not allowed to do what they felt was best. Made sense to me.

I am now planning to vote Trump.

I am

You don't need to tell me what is at stake. Trump is doing better with independents than the Mormon so hopefully that will save the day


I know you are big guy it will be okay

We are in agreement.

wher is this vid from?

I'm Voting for him. Hate that cunt Hilary



thanks to this thread I think it's finally safe to say that #Drumpfisstumped

meanwhile in reality


I know, isn't it great: those years of combined wisdom! I'm so excited to see them headed back to Pennsylvania Ave.!

If they can beat the clock that is

That image nails it.

that's a strange way of spelling "endless corruption"


She has no ankles, no wonder she keeps falling over...

Are you upset because that guy stole your wife and now they're both holding HRC signs?

That Mexican can have any fat landwhales he wants

as long as they all go back to Mexico with him