Is Hayden /ourguy/?
Is Hayden /ourguy/?
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he was cute back in the day. is that what he looks like now on the bottom right? still qt
>believing or caring about any Hollywood 'news'
hayden is probably redpilled as fuck
That sucks , 10 years seems decent for Hollywood though.
Probably, all untalented people are.
Yes. Robert Pattinson is also /ourguy/
>the bitch only cares about what other people think of the person she's involved with
>that rush of nostalgia when the galactic conquest music kicks in at 2:26
She's an extrovert, he's an introvert. Nothing wrong with either of those personality types; it's just hard to successfully have a relationship with such opposing views/desires.
Rachel Bilson regularly yachts for oil princes in Dubai and whomever is paying high enough here in the states.
That applies to all womynz though.
you can tell this was written by a woman by the completed unsympathetic views on Hayden being depressed, anxious while bilsons cunt friends tell her "you can do better". If your a man and you show your suffering, well that's just really a huge turn off.
Anakin and Padme's theme is quite nice, but is sadly ruined as it plays over their dialogue that's more wooden and filled with false promises than Pinocchio's nose. Imagine how even more powerful the music would be if it were playing over good dialogue.
Dumb roastie couldn't handle his powerlevel.
Bilson has a top tier ass desu, /ourguy/ Hayden is just tapping out to upgrade to a better looking woman
When you're a good looking guys, everybody wants to get to know you or talk to you. I can see why he's antiscocial
Surprised it lasted as long as it did.
>Star Wars actor Hayden Christensen has a hygiene problem - according to his London theatre co-star Jake Gyllenhaal. The two movie heart-throbs starred in This Is Our Youth in the West End's Garrick Theatre earlier this year. Jake, currently starring alongside Friends star Jennifer Aniston in movie The Good Girl, recalls how Hayden's armpits stank so much that after touching him, the smell remained on Jake's skin for days. Jake says, "Man, he didn't wash his clothes for the entire run of the show. On the last night, I accidentally put my arm in his armpit during a fight scene and, even after showering, couldn't get rid of the smell. It was fucking gross."
How did you come to that conclusion?
>it's real
Yet another proof he truly is /ourguy/
>even after showering, couldn't get rid of the smell
Bull shit
>tfw gf has been getting angrier and angrier about my introversion and antisocial tendencies
normies need to be more tolerant. i put up with so much normie shit all day long, why can't they just let me be quiet sometimes.
>The O.C. star would end up attending them by herself which didn't sit well with her friends who 'felt she could do better'.
She dated that dude from the OC and broke up with him because people thought he was metrosexual or some shit.
Normalfag, I....
>let me be quiet
Hayden is honestly underrated and most likely /ourguy/, also he aged well.
you can be an autist and get a gf.
im known as very polite and with good social skills. but talking to people for more than a lil bit exhausts me and i will then retreat and want to be alone
Antisocial or asocial?
These words are often misused. Being a shut in is asocial, being an abusive and violent is antisocial.
I stand told. You're right. She's a cunt.
>im known as very polite
That's how it starts, user.
are you saying that im gonna go postal on normalcucks?
I wouldn't recommend going postal on yourself
It's highly probable.
>current year
>normalfags conflating antisocial with asocial
for some reason i was reading this as if they were talking about hayden
I'm the same. I can only keep up the facade for a little bit. People think I'm rude. I'm not, I just find chitchat exhausting.
Did they? Is there any truth to the rumors that an affair with Best Emma led to the split?
>Complaining this much about another actor's hygiene in an interview
God damn, why does Gyllenhaal have to be such a bitch
she is so fucking ugly
wtf hayden
this is weird. i literally just watched jumper maybe 2 hours ago.
rumor you started?
She was always wildly overrated looks-wise. Fucking normie extrovert cunt.
But user, your picture has Worst Emma.
>Please select a fleet to command
It's a bit too lovecraftian for my tastes.
>he's antisocial
She means asocial.
Nobody gets this right.
Unless she means he actually goes out and commits violent destructive behavior.
Maybe Gyllenhal just sucks at taking showers.
>implying hayden would settle for worst emma
He was decent actor though. Not good not bad just decent.
I know it gets parroted everytime, but he really was great in Shattered Glass.
hayden literally lurks here, he did an ama before
Fucking sandy bitch.
Hayden you dumb faggit that's what you get for falling for the normie gf meme.
3D waifu not even once
>Unless she means he actually goes out and commits violent destructive behavior.
Well he killed younglings.
Game time started
> commencing Naboo invasion
>Unless she means he actually goes out and commits violent destructive behavior.
yeah...they split cause hes "antisocial"
Sup Forumss guy indeed
This website is full of 100% bullshit and only tabloid loving housewives believe that tripe.
now I can finally feel sad for hayden christensen
u r fag
Maybe if George didn't sell the franchise to vile kikes Hayden would be in more Star Wars movies.
rachel a cute!
>TFW none of your friends want to play a Battlefront 2
>They only want to play the new Shitty one.
>"It's way better than the old one"
>Pic related mfw
>constantly personality conflicts
People with personality disorders are cancer and should be avoided like the plague. I don't know how she managed ten years with him
ummm no sweetie, tabloid loving housewives read tabloids not blind items.
blind items are patrician celebrity gossip for those who have taken the red pill and see through hollywood's facade
You ain't kidding, she is 100% responsible for my FAT ASS and STUBBY LEGS fetish
she needs thrown in a dumpster
no, the real story was about maise williams, but this douchebag just replaced her name with hayden christensen.
>Normies continue to use the clinical term for psychopathy in reference to introverted/asocial people
One of these days, they'll hire a Jeffery Dahlmer under the assumption that he's just a little shy.
lol, please be true.
Well fuck that bitch. I'd end my life snuggling QT Hayden forever if that's what he wishes.
She realize that after 10 year s m h.
Is this cunt going to take all his star wars money bros?
i wouldn't say all, but for a majority you are correct
women are fucking toxic against each other
what kind of goddamn relationship they had that it took her 10 fucking years to realize he was antisocial
He was paid in sand, the sand scene wasnt acting.
This is what I'm worried about. We must protect Hayden's smile.
I bet the star wars moneys drying up.
you'd be antisocial too if you were surrounded by piles of sand.
Like sand?
asocial people aren't "shy". they have no desire for social interaction or personal relationships. they're more like androids than timid people who are afraid of social embarrassment.
>10 years
That's actually pretty impressive by today's standards.
After the Star Wars prequels who wouldn't be? He was given some pretty memeworthy lines and had to play along with it
>AI constantly attacks Naboo while your fleet is off conquering the rest of your galaxy so you have to defend it every other fucking turn