>he dindu nuffin: the documentary
what are some other good if hilariously wrong documentaries?
>he dindu nuffin: the documentary
what are some other good if hilariously wrong documentaries?
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 someone says hitler dindu nuffin
lel come out to play Sup Forumstards your leader is being mocked.
Schindler's List
Sup Forums, here. Not even mad. Contrary to popular opinion, many of us don't respond to such taunts with anger. We merely seek the truth and present it. The common, ignorant man will always mock and belittle those who know more than him.
>inb4 fedora
>inb4 katana
>inb4 one of a myriad of memes that attempt to portray those from Sup Forums as being socially-awkward ingrates - it's inevitable, though
PBS's feature length documentary : The Holocaust
>killing Jews is wrong
Literally nothing wrong with it
>see a thread raving about this last year
>look up on IMDB
>all the reviews are "hitler dindu noffin"
The passive aggressiveness in this post is off the charts.
>any legitimate user starts a post 'Sup Forums here'
the shills are def getting stupider.
the fact you said that makes me know you didnt even watch 20 min of it
>Exclamation mark in the title
Instant drop
btw I never understood the alt right's fascination with Hitler, true white nationalists actually have a coherent ideology and economic policy unlike people who worship Hitler's as a God
This is the most pesud post I've seen here, and I've been on /lit/ and /sci/
>all these people falling for it
Or Hitler himself, for that matter.
In the Shadow of the Moon
what was that Spielberg documentary that got pulled from circulation because it had so many testimonies that were proved to be false?
>"Sup Forums, here."
I got recommended this documentary so being open minded enough I decided to watch some of it. There were no sources for their claims. Saw another part of another documentary, Hellstorm I believe it was called. One part claimed that Soviet Mongol soldiers were led by Jews. I decided to look it up and yet again found no source.
>Sup Forums here
jesus fucking christ
Go sneak into Mexico and see if they'll give you a free ride, commie.
>a myriad of
step into the chamber, please
childhood is idolizing hitler who gave birth to israel
adulthood is realizing that supporting the south and the kkk is a more logical thing
It is an interesting documentary, the math is what gets me.
I think he killed jews, but at most 1200-1500.
>We merely seek the truth and present it.
/his/ here, yall nigga dumb as shit
hitler dindu nuffin bad
daily reminder that CIA declassified documents last week confirming him living well into the 60's for exchanging valuable information
uh huh, did his dad work at nintendo to?
Post your best Hitler-Kino
>Danger Five
>Der Untergung
>Triumph Der Willens
Bad goy
Yeah Hitler was a piece of shit.
>didn't even kill 6 million jews
>actions led to the creation of Israel
>plunged Eastern Europe into communism
>plunged Europe into chaos
>killed more whites than subhumans
Fuck Hitler
>cited jewishhistory.org
I heard rumors about how oblivious the history board was.. but i didnt expect this!
It doesn't confirm him to be alive, it states that a contact made the claim that he was, and provided a photo that supposedly shows Hitler. The CIA dropped the matter rather than fully investigating it.
>actions led to the creation of Israel
Why? Because of muh six million myth? If it's a myth then how is it Hitler's fault? Besides, Israel was promised to the Jews during WWI.
>plunged Eastern Europe into communism
How is that Hitler's fault? He fought against Russia. The Bolshevik revolution was funded by Germany in WWI.
>plunged Europe into chaos
How? By invading Poland? Germans were getting killed in Danzig. Another product of WWI.
>killed more whites than subhumans
Can you name any European leaders who killed more non-whites than whites?