Best one fucking fight me about it
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>Anakin is not in battlefront II despite being aobut the clone wars and being in the original game
Okay, it sucks fat balls and you fell for the prequels are good meme.
4 > 5 > 6 > 3 > Rogue One > 2 > 1 > Christmas Special > 7
>Contrarian bullshit
5 > 4 > 6 > Rogue One > 3 > 7 > 2 > 1 > Christmas Special
What? Are you just asspained that I hated Episode VII?
>20 minutes of fighting without any developement in story or character
No, just that you put the fucking Christmas Special above any of the other movies. You're either legitimately retarded or a contrarian, your choice. I feel contrarian is the better option, but if you wanted to be called a mouthbreathing spastic that's your choice.
It really is the best. Has so much cool shit in it.
Orphans don't sell games user
t. shills for free
>everyone just wants to see the fight
>it's literally 4 minutes of the whole movie
I hate that shit. It's the same as the Expendable movies.
Anakin vs Obi Wan should have been the most heartbreaking emotional part of all of Star Wars yet it went on so long and was so monotonous that it made everyone fall asleep.
Episode 3 is the best of the prequels by a large margin and it's still garbage. Order 66 is cool though.
At least the Christmas Special was original. TFA is just a really bad remake of ANH.
>contrarian white noise
>liking TFA
spot the dumbass wew lad
We both know, deep down, you enjoyed TFA a lot more than the Christmas Special. Give it up. You're only lying to yourself.
I'm not that user.
I genuinely liked episodes V, VI and III. The rest I couldn't give less of a shit about.
Congratulations on your pointless post then I suppose
This, only I didn't even bother watching Rogue One so I can't comment on it
Rogue One a shit
It's possibly the worst of the prequels for the sheer fact that it was so disappointing and finally cemented just how bad the story being told was.
>inb4 disney shill
You wanted a counter argument here is one.
The biggest problem with the prequels is that Episode I is a waste of a film in terms of the grand story being told. It would be forgivable if it was like Episode IV, or the first Matrix movies where there wasn't really a solid plan for sequels, but it wasn't, it was part of a planned trilogy from the start. Nothing of consequence happens during Episode I aside from finding Anakin. You needed the extra storytelling space to flesh out this huge story of intergalactic intrigue leading into a war epic that would culminate in Palpatine's plan executing with thunderous impact. Instead all of that work has to be done in 2 movies instead of three and as a result it feels rushed as hell. Episode 2 has to sprint through everything that isn't romance to try and build up this conflict between separatists and the republic that should have been started in Episode I, but it feels like it came out of nowhere. Same with Anakin suddenly being a petulant asshole. We get no time to see Anakin develop as a character and so the final payoff, seeing a hero fall doesn't hit at all. When Anakin turns suddenly in Episode III it feels forced, hollow, and rushed, because it is. In hindsight with the clone wars and all the other prequel related material it feels better, but at the time it was insulting as fuck. The fucking "Nooooo" on top of that felt like Lucas pissing on the viewers. Episode III has the unfortunate task of not only showing the Clone Wars, but ending it, wrapping up the palpatine plot, showing the fall of the jedi, the origin of Darth Vader, the death of Padme, but it also has to shove in all kinds of blatant references to Episode IV to complete the circle or w/e. It has entirely too much to do in too short of time.
Rogue One is legitimately enjoyable. It felt like a true successor to the original trilogy. Nothing like that TFA bullshit.
The best Star wars fight is the one that wasn't even in the movies.
The final duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan was so satisfying, and it was a good ending to Star Wars in general.
Maybe we should think about ranking Star Wars by scenes in stead of movies, for instance
God Tier
Battle of Hoth
Battle of Endor
Battle of Yavin
Luke's First duel with Vader
Goofy Yoda
High Tier
Yoda training Luke
Pod Racing
Falcon in the asteroid field
Battle over Coruscant
Rancor fight
Obi-Wan + Qui Gon vs Maul
Clone Factory
Medium Tier
Sarlac Pit fight
Dooku Fights
Yoda vs Palpatine
han & leia romance scenes
Low Tier
Ewok Battle
Vader vs Old Obi Wan
Gladiator Arena Battle
Child Anakin blowing up the Trade Federation ship
Shit Tier
The Force Awakens
padme assassination subplot
I gave up halfway through, but you get the idea
I don't want to fight a retard though, that's not ok.
>Obi-Wan and Anakin jumping around in a cartoony video game platformer with no real tension or danger up until the very end
>best fight