Here's a nice power ranking, but it's a bit incomplete. It lacks certain characters like, for example, Night King, Bobby B and the BOAR. Where do we put them, /got/?
/got/ general Power Ranking edition
No one gives a shit about this commie trainwreck anymore.
Azor Dany
Good hearty keks for everyone.
A trader from Qarth told me that dragons come from the moon. He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi. That once there were two moons in the sky but one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat. Out of it poured a thousand thousand dragons and they drank the suns fire.
was this funny at some point?
kek at that file name
>my lord Tywin has ordered us to march on House Mormont, he was rolling around on a bearskin rug for some reason as he gave the order
how is it not funny
Best girl.
Promise me, Ned
jonerys represent
Azor Jaime
Better Lyanna then the spic we got.
What if the Hound is promised a lifetime supply of chicken and wine and is fighting against an army of gingers all with named swords led by Gregor and there is no fire around?
He would stand just a step below the Fookin Legend i suppose
Gendry deserves an honorary mention at least
>I'd love to tell you more about the series Bryan will be working on... but we haven't done that for the other four successor shows, so we shouldn't for this one either. All in good time.I can say that, like the other pilots, it will be a prequel rather than sequel, a successor rather than a spinoff. Bryan's series will be an adaptation, and one that will thrill most fans of the books, I think, set during a very exciting period of Westerosi history. And I'll be working with him every step of the way; we're going to be co-creating the show. Meanwhile, Jane Goldman, Brian Helgeland, Max Borenstein, and Carly Wray are all at work on the other four successor shows. I've been working with them as well (some more closely than others), and I'm excited by some of the ideas they're coming up with. HBO should have a wealth of material to choose from. (And that's not even counting the four weird-ass series concepts I've come up on my own, just for the hell of it. There are eight million stories in the naked city, and maybe ten times as many in Westeros and the lands beyond the narrow seas).You should not expect to see all five shows, though, at least not immediately.. much as I might love the idea, HBO is not about to become the GAME OF THRONES network... but we could possibly see two or even three make it to the pilot stage, with one series emerging on air in 2019 or 2020... and the others maybe later, if they come out as well as we all hope. Then again, maybe... but I should not speculate, you folks get WAY too excited. Truth is, no one knows. Least of all me. For now, suffice it to say that Bryan Cogman has signed on, and we're thrilled.
*blocks your planned suicide by spawning more thrones shit that you will be compelled to watch*
Glad that Beric is still kicking in the show, I really wish there had been PoV chapters for the BwB.
>Fermented Crab Infused Gendry with his Barathemace©
>Bryan's series will be an adaptation, and one that will thrill most fans of the books,
So is it Dunk & Egg or Bobby's Rebellion?
GRRM has said that both of those are completely off the tables as far as the spin-offs are concerned. He says Robert's Rebellion will have been completely done to death by the time he's finished ASoIaF and he doesn't want a Dunk and Egg show because he said he's still planning on making like seven more books in that series.
George confirmed neither will be adapted. Dunk and Egg because he's still planning to write it and doesn't wanna get GoTed again. Robert's Rebellion because we already know everything.
It's Targ shit
>fire & blood
the doom possibly?
Maybe, would probably be too expensive though.
But that wouldn't be an adaptation unless they go for one of those Targ novelettes
Never has, never will be
It is considering a lot of Targ shit is laid out in AWOIAF.
It doesn't have to be a full story to be considered an adaptation.
Is she gonna grow this shit out or is she just inexplicably going to get a haircut in episode 1 next season
Doesn't she still wear a wig for filming?
Showing off the haircut of your wig, can you imagine?
Cast him
dat essosi nigga
>Aragornfags on suicide watch
uh not gunna lye to ya
i miss egret
Lannisters don't act like fools.
I read that as Power Rangers edition
OK, which one of you did this?
Lannisters don't have incest
>More boys named Lancel (300) than Robert (204)
me nigga
Shit that took me a second. Fucking latin.
Still Lolz were had
>comes from line of warriors who specialize in small scale raids and scouting
> "the remains of the house began a prolonged campaign against the last Iron Born Northland hold of Torrhen's Square raiding them with such success the invaders thought they were facing a much larger army and not the scattered twenty or so remnants of a small house."
Someone is the kek
xaro xhoan daxos
Vyjynty . . . even sounds kind setting appropriate
so uh, where's Dawn?
up your ass
Just chilling at Starfall
Doesn't matter we made a big deal outta heartsbane for no discernible reason already.
its technically one of very few Valyrian greatswords left though
does anybody have the jonposting image? asking for a friend
>sansa is the smallest of them
she's sitting in the full photo
this one?
>tfw GoT will fade into irrelevance after the final season if it haven't already
>we'll never feel the hype again experiencing the earlier seasons for the first time
Is /got/ dead?
Cast Lena's dad.
>dat file name
autism compiled in one image
>summerfags think this speed is dead
lol check the times of the first and last post here
>show will fade into irrelevance after it ends
wow user, that literally never happened before
Y u clips muh pubz Melly.
>Claims he a "servant of the realm"
>Supported The Mad King all the way until the end
he was just trying to stop the city from getting completely fucked
“I looked for you in the /cel/ discussion thread,” Stannismod said to them.
“We were not there,” Ser Firefu answered.
“Woe to Moot if we had been,” said Ser Buttslut.
“When the General was deleted, the mods slew your waifus with a golden banhammer, and I wondered where you were.”
“Far away,” Ser Firefu said, “or we'd still be posting, and our false brother would burn in seven 404's.”
“I came down on /got/ to lift the siege,” Stannismod told them, “and the Lords CLEGANEBOWL and Eurio dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.”
“Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Frogfu.
“Ser Rickonbro is fled to /y/, with that boy he swears he didn't molest. I thought you might have sailed with him.”
“Ser Rickonbro is a shitposter and true,” said Ser Buttslut.
“But not of the Waifuguard,” Ser Firefu pointed out. “The Waifuguard does not flee.”
“Then or now,” said Ser Frogfu. He donned his helm.
“We swore a vow,” explained old Ser Firefu.
Stannismod's janitors moved up beside him, with shadow banhammers in hand. They were seven against three.
“And now it begins,” said Ser Frogfu, the Sword of Firsts. He unsheathed Ellie_shopping.gif and held it with both hands. Her skin was pale as milkglass, alive with light.
“No,” Stannismod said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends.”
Who was most miscast?
pretty much all the main female cast
not really
I can think of at least 5 who were cast right
name them
unironically best pasta on /got/. 10 BOARS out of 10
>Who was most miscast?
Hard to say, mostly because characters that are ugly in the books(Tyrion and Mormont specifically) are played by fairly handsome men. Their ugliness is part of their character, at least in the books.
Shae was probably the biggest miscast, that girl can't act
i wouldn't consider ygritte and ellaria main cast, but fair enough
pick one
Sure, but for Tyrion it is understandable, casting real life dwarves to be one of the main leads in your fantasy show is not easy. Dinklage is obviously more handsome than book Tyrion should be, but who else could you have cast? He's a good actor, who's a dwarf, you take what you can get
For a dwarf, sure.
>pick one
Dinklage is a hansom man, i don't know what more to say. Especially compared to how he's described in the books.
>Sure, but for Tyrion it is understandable, casting real life dwarves to be one of the main leads in your fantasy show is not easy. Dinklage is obviously more handsome than book Tyrion should be, but who else could you have cast? He's a good actor, who's a dwarf, you take what you can get
Agreed, it's hard to find a dwarf who can act, they really lucked out with Dinklege, but still..
Midgets tend to have pretty deformed looking heads and faces, I would say Dinklage made out pretty well in that regard, he looks fairly normal.
Moon is no egg. Moon is goddess. Wife of Sun.
Tywin was based