Thoughts on Eugenia Cooney?
Thoughts on Eugenia Cooney?
hot af
What did she mean by this?
Repulsive slut.
transgendered jack skellington
Seems like one of those girls that just had really shitty proportions and fell into the anorexia meme never realizing the harsh reality.
Skeleton kino
The attic monster from REC
Way hotter than any of that "THICC" shit niggers promote
This is fucking repulsive
It literally evokes the image of a living skeleton
Literally built for Irish Cock.
I'd bone her
post her puffy meat flaps
T H I N N waifu
Very lovecraftian. One could say almost... kafkaesque
Looks kind of cute here actually.
she's cute af. "ass" is a meme by closeted gay shitskins.
Her mom is thick in all the right places. Howe did she produce a skelly?
I like her because shes racist af and isnt a degenerate whore.
my brethren
Shes cute, it's just her body thats too skinny.
How do we get the Sup Forumseddit cancer off of our board?
she's actually kinda cute in the 1 year picture
Her fans want to see her die. It's all "she's just naturally thin" with these people or "STOP SAYING SHE'S SICK"
She must have some sort of bizarre disease where she can't gain weight right? Because I've met anorexic girls who looked thick in comparison.
thanks ms skeletal
well ours not yours, hanz
Its her mothers fault.
Shes scared she will be a fat whale like her.
How the fuck is this Sup Forums related?
Is that a rash on her legs or does that usually happen to anorexics?
Much better than parents who let their children turn into obese pigs before their eyes.
Her legs looked mirrored
That's like shitty phone resolution. It's shadow
Sup Forums is reddit and reddit is:
>Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where they could say nigger, smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Sup Forums is for memes and memes only. Sup Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.
Post her meat curtains.
She's a disgusting roastie.
I want her to be my gf so I can thicken her up a bit.
>pussy is the fattest thing on her body
of course shell roast if she loses all body fat.
She's turning into Ashley Isaacs
Disgusting pusy
Dat gap...?
Her mom is fat and trashy as fuck. She's probably got a ton of mental issues.
How the FUCK did she not literally die from that?
So is she sick or anorexic? Never get an answer.
>Rattle rattle
she wears more make up than riley reid it's disgusting
Her mom is a blob and she has some weird autistic obsession with Jack Skellington. She's sick in the head and anorexic because if it.
Lol a splash of cold water almost killed her.
i liked her but she got kinda fat
Meh, I love clownish whores
why is she even wearing a bra
weak women are hot
Both are terrible. One is rare.
i never thought id want to clamjam an albino ethiopian until now
eating disorders are a thing m8
Seriously how is she in denial with her weight
Absolutely disgusting. You could probably snap her arm with enough force
you could snap anyones arm with enough force
Ah yes, I remember reading Lovecraft's novella "The Slender Emo Whore" it was ahead of its time
Why hasn't anyone posted her puzzi slip
She looks like IRL sadako
t. faggot
Gotta cover the nipples.
t. Skeleton fucker
heh, bone
LOTR r34
how can fatties even compete?
She could lose a few pounds desu.
Too skinny. Too skeltal. She probably can't menstruate.
Am I off on this or is it pretty clear she likes the way she looks because she's showing off more of her body as she "progresses".
>no one has posted the vag slip
She hasn't died yet?
Too much ass
I like the video where she strokes the heel of her shoe while licking her lips.
She knows what she's doing.
No she has that bone disease that Samuel Jackson had in that movie.
She disgusts me, but I'm also in love with her.
theres a video of her stroking a hairbrush handle, then looks at the camera and smiles.
think i'll make a gift of it.
I dream of rescuing her and force feeding her until she is thicc
She seems pretty cool. Feel bad for her, would be nice if the skinny affliction could be fixed.
Damn rite, bro.
She's meaty where she's supposed to.
Injecting some life into this thread. You're welcome
WEW lad
All I know is that she's very popular with the former constituent nations of Yugoslavia
Honestly? I'm surprised she hasn't dropped dead yet. Girls as bad as her don't last long, they have heart attacks.
>Dat gap
any pic of her without makeup?
is anyone else shooting off a load
I just did.
Thinking about manhandling that fucking skeleton with her beefy pussy lips, ramming my cock so deep in there you can see it bulging through her skin because there's no fat to get in the way.
>roastie has as much skin as her body