JUSTICE LEAGUE Rumored Spoilers

From a test-screening.

Movie begins with cellphone footage of some kids interviewing Superman and asking what he likes best about Earth. After the title card, a news montage shows how shitty the world has become since Superman died, and how Batman disappeared.

Batman is in some end-of-the-world village trying to convince Aquaman to join the team, but he says "no". Wonder Woman has also said "no". Heading back to America Batman manages to recruit the Flash. Then Steppenwolf shows up and steals a Mother Box from the Amazons. Wonder Woman then joins the team and tells Batman about how he was defeated by humans, atlanteans and amazons in ancient times and three Mother Boxes were left behind that united can "reshape the world". Steppenwolf was sent to conquer Earth on Darkseid's behalf, but failed and was exiled for it. Now that he learned from Lex Luthor that Earth had no protectors left, Steppenwolf headed back with his Parademons to retrieve the Mother Box, conquer Earth and get back into Darkseid's good graces.

Wonder Woman approaches Cyborg, but he refuses because he's all emo about being part-machine. His father is later kidnapped alongside a bunch of scientists and Cyborg changes his mind. Meanwhile Steppenwolf steals Atlantis' Mother Box and Aquaman has to go ask the others for help.

Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Cyborg find the Parademons' nest and fight Steppenwolf, who has the upper hand until Aquaman shows up. The scientists are saved, and it turns out Steppenwolf is trying to use Superman's DNA to create Super-Parademons and has stolen the body from Smallville to bring it back using the scout ship from Metropolis. The heroes prevent that, and find out Superman is still alive in a coma of sorts. They manage to bring him back, but Superman is confused and flies off to meet Lois and MARTHA.

Other urls found in this thread:


Steppenwolf gets his hands on the last Mother Box and heads out to Russia to start the "reshaping". The heroes are pretty sure theyll die but set out to stop him anyway. They get there, a battle ensues, Cyborg overcomes his insecurity and manages to hack into the Mother Boxes and undo the "reshaping". Superman shows up and turns the tide against Steppenwolf, who ends up being killed by his own Parademons. The heroes stand triumphant and lock away the Mother Boxes once again. Superman reunites with Lois and Batman keeps the heroes on call should the world need them again.

Random stuff.

Lex Luthor and Deathstroke have been cut. Iris West too.

Darkseid is referenced throughout as Steppenwolf's master, but only briefly appears in a flashback, enveloped in shadows.

A bunch of scenes from the trailers have been cut, like Alfred talking to Superman, Cyborg's pre-transformation flashbacks, Batman watching holograms, etc.

Two Green Lanterns appear during the flashback battle against Steppenwolf, one alien and one human-looking.

Lots of dialogue additions by Whedon. You can tell what material is his, but it's not tonally clashing, and the movie is still pretty serious even though it has more lighthearted moments.

Editing is pretty messy in the first two acts, but finds a nice groove in time for the final battle.

Batman wants Wonder Woman to lead the Justice League, but she's reluctant because every death under her command will hurt as bad as Steve Trevor. She has a older sister-younger brother relationship with Cybor and is the one that gets him to embrace his new self.

Batman and Wonder Woman flirt a little.

>Deathstroke have been cut.
What would his role have been anyway? He could literally do nothing against Parademons, let alone Steppenwolf.

>A bunch of scenes from the trailers have been cut, like Alfred talking to Superman, Cyborg's pre-transformation flashbacks, Batman watching holograms, etc.
That stuff seems to have been made for the trailers anyway.

>She has a older sister-younger brother relationship with Cyborg

There's no real standout action scenes.

The Knightmare is not addressed.

No lore other than Steppenwolf telling Wonder Woman's mom that the Old Gods are dead and the New Gods are here.

Mera has a minor role. She conjures some water weapons to defend the Mother Box, Steppenwolf swats her aside, Aquaman shows up and dodges Steppenwolf's war axe. Steppenwolf escapes with the Mother Box while Aquaman tends to her.

A standout comedic scene is when Aquaman touches the magic lasso while suggesting battle tactics for the final battle and begins listing the ways the other heroes and himself will probably die during the fight.

Batman and Aquaman have a funny relationship making fun of eachother throughout the movie.

Flash is the biggest comedy relief and his references are out of control. He hums the 60's Batman theme when he gets into the Batmobile, he repetedly points out ressurrecting Superman could lead to a "Pet Sematery" situation, etc.

A funny scene is when Flash scribbles a silly mustache on an asshole guard at his dad's prison too fast for the guard to notice. He stays with the mustache on his face, none the wiser.

Superman and Flash have a playful little race to see who gets to a person in need first.

Flash doesn't get a second costume.

Sounds like a typical 6/10 barely fresh on Rotten tomatoes movie.

>Superman and Flash have a playful little race to see who gets to a person in need first
I might actually ejaculate right there in the theater if that happens.

So how good is this movie compared to Age of Ultron?

>Superman and Flash have a playful little race to see who gets to a person in need first
Worth the price of admission. Hopefully it isn't Marvel tier cheesy and there's still more scenes of Superman kicking ass and saving people.

Deathstroke allegedly had something to do with a subplot involving Lex trying to get revenge on Batman.
I'm fine with him being cut because it was one of the worst casting choices DC had made to date.

Superman has no real arc. He just comes back really joyful and eager to help people, but the movie sort of retcons him into having always been like that.

Superman returns believing he's still fighting Doomsday and slams Batman against a car before calming down. When Flash later brings up their fight, Superman says Batman doesn't like him much, and Batman awkwardly states "I don't... Not like you."

After reviving Superman immediately runs to meet Lois at the broken statue and whisks her to Smallville.

Kent Farm is for sale, but Batman buys it to ensure it stays with MARTHA. Movie ends with Superman living there with Lois and his mom.

Parademons are rabid, mindless monsters that prey on creatures that they sense feel fear. At one point, Batman lures one in by dangling a crook on the side of a building.

When Steppenwolf gets utterly defeated by the heroes, loses his war axe and his armor and the Mother Boxes, he feels fear, and that's when he loses control of the Parademons and they kill him.

they just confirmed today that Lex's scenes weren't cut. Your fanfiction failed m8.

Link? Genuinely curious.

It's the other way around, actually.

It will never happen, but I want a scene like this with The Flash

>WW Wondy - humans are super important and I must protect them even though they are flawed

JL Wondy - no I don't want to join you to protect the humans now that Superman is dead Bruce. Oh wait shit my home I was banished from got attacked, I'll help now because I'm a selfish bitch!

JL Aqua - Nah nigga not helping you fuck off. Oh shit my Atlantis got attacked ok I'll help now because I'm a selfish cunt!

JL Cybz - No way bro can't help you I got literally no ballz man like I am a robot. Oh shit my dads got kidnapped them niggas gonna pay I will help you now because I am a nigger and we don't ever do shit alone when the other guys looks strong or white!

JL Flash - Shit yeah I'll help you batman, you're a fucking awesome dude and maybe we can make the world a better place!

yeah actually I fell for fake news, just checked and others say Lex's scenes were absent. Sorry for propagating lies.

This sounds like the capecinematrographie we were promised! I am sorry for Snyder losing his daughter, and also to Joss for his recent scandal. I hope the movie does well.

this might actually be good.

This is horseshit, just like the last time it was posted VERBATIM.

It's basically the entire story of the Justice League animated movie. Go watch it, it's good.

It's using the same basis.

But...is the movie good or no?

>Superman retconned into no longer having existential angst with a guilt complex


Flash sounds like he'll be the only likeable cunt in the whole movie, despite being reddit incarnate.

Forty lashes, and then you walk the plank.

Pure kino as always. Thank you based Snyder.

>A standout comedic scene is when Aquaman touches the magic lasso while suggesting battle tactics for the final battle and begins listing the ways the other heroes and himself will probably die during the fight.

>Flash is the biggest comedy relief and his references are out of control. He hums the 60's Batman theme when he gets into the Batmobile, he repetedly points out ressurrecting Superman could lead to a "Pet Sematery" situation, etc.

>A funny scene is when Flash scribbles a silly mustache on an asshole guard at his dad's prison too fast for the guard to notice. He stays with the mustache on his face, none the wiser.

The quips have arrived

They never left.

lol literally can't wait! it's gonna be frikkin epic!

this unironically sounds like it could save the dceu, i hope for the best



>I don't... Not like you

What did he mean by this?

>Parademons are rabid, mindless monsters that prey on creatures that they sense feel fear
>When Steppenwolf gets utterly defeated by the heroes, loses his war axe and his armor and the Mother Boxes, he feels fear, and that's when he loses control of the Parademons and they kill him
Looks like capekino is back on the menu boys!

Deathstroke isn't a hero idiot. He wouldn't be fighting parademons in the first place.

And if batman can go h2h with one, slade definitely could

Clark always wanted to help ppl, fuck off. Only time he was sad is when he failed ppl in the first place

>and fight Steppenwolf, who has the upper hand until Aquaman shows up
How embarrassing.


>Has no care or shame destroying property with civilians in the way or banging in Lois in the middle of what seems to be a post apocalyptic warzone with helpless people around etc etc etc

>fights a near indestructible being, kisses the girl he loves after saving the world in the biggest fight of his life


Clark was saving ppl and caring for lives since he was young boy. Going well out of his way beyond what the average person with his powers would do.

And even then, your post has nothing to do with the criticism responded to. Since the fact is, Clark has only ever been "emo" when he has failed ppl, thus himself. This can't be disputed.

Take that city destroying shit elsewhere because from comics to cartoons, superman fuck shit up in everyone of his brawls. Hell he launches villains through buildings casually in the renowned JLU cartoon. Try again. This version of Clark is a good man. Period.

>Has no care or shame destroying property with civilians in the way

So..properly adapted? Sounds about right

So no real arc for superman? Are Snyder fanatics still going to say this is all part of the plan?

Knighmare scene not addressed.
Batman killing not addressed.
Change in superman is abrupt.

Snyder is a hack.

>Knighmare scene not addressed


>Batman killing not addressed.

doesnt need to be, it was already explained in bvs. if you still dont get it, youre an idiot

>Change in superman is abrupt

not really. inb4 nowhere "emo" arguement


quips are literally wheadons thing

Thats exactly why he wouldnt fit into the movie its pointless to have him show up in justice
I am disappointed if this is true hope fully lex is in the movie


You don't know shit about what flashpoint is going to be.

>doesnt need to be, it was already explained in bvs. if you still dont get it, youre an idiot

It's almost an afterthought in BvS. Needs to be expanded upon. It's couple of throwaway dialogues.

>not really. inb4 nowhere "emo" arguement

He is .

>quips are literally wheadons thing

Oh I am sorry all you fanboys were arguing how he is only following that Hacks vision.

I guarantee whedon does a second cut including all lex and deathstroke scenes

>Knighmare scene not addressed.
Why would it be?
>Batman killing not addressed.
Why would it be?
>Change in superman is abrupt.
You just complained how Superman doesn’t have an arc
So what

>You don't know shit about what flashpoint is going to be.

and yet its the best film to cover the knightmare topic. try again

>It's almost an afterthought in BvS. Needs to be expanded upon. It's couple of throwaway dialogues.

nah. and clearly they dont think so either. sorry moron. watch again and try to understand better

>He is

Yea...he was emotional at the court when he failed to save ppl or when the media talked shit about him he was sad. oh no!!

>Oh I am sorry all you fanboys were arguing how he is only following that Hacks vision.


basically you have a whole lot of none complaints. anything else you want to get off your chest before your opinions go back to being irrelevant?

Half of that is trivial, one is faulty, the other is bait. You arent even trying.

>He hums the 60's Batman theme when he gets into the Batmobile

>You don't know shit about what flashpoint is going to be.

who cares? they may cover knightmare there or they wont. it really doesnt matter

>It's almost an afterthought in BvS. Needs to be expanded upon. It's couple of throwaway dialogue

lel, what? it was part of batmans whole arc and leads right into his more hope in the world in JL

>He is

People dont believe in him when he tries his hardest to do the right thing.. so yes, he has real emotions about it.

>Oh I am sorry all you fanboys were arguing how he is only following that Hacks vision.

Literally nobody said that. in fact it was how he was doing the opposite, ruining it.

>Clark was saving ppl and caring for lives since he was young boy. Going well out of his way beyond what the average person with his powers would do.

The post was to a response saying he always wants to help people. I'm just saying the dude a funny way of showing it. At times it can seem extremely contradictory what he does which is why people see this Superman as a dick and a bad person.

>Take that city destroying shit elsewhere because from comics to cartoons, superman fuck shit up in everyone of his brawls. Hell he launches villains through buildings casually in the renowned JLU cartoon. Try again. This version of Clark is a good man. Period.

We're not even arguing about whether it's accurate or not. I'm just saying the filmmakers do a pretty terrible job of showing his "helpfulness" or willingness to help at times. I'm gonna guess you're one of the Snyder fans that gets their panties in a twist over valid criticisms.

>I'm just saying the dude a funny way of showing it. At times it can seem extremely contradictory what he does

kek, literally none of that is true.

>I'm just saying the filmmakers do a pretty terrible job of showing his "helpfulness" or willingness to help at times.

again false. these "criticisms" are baseless and in no way valid. Its a joke that runs as a meme. He has never once looked like he doesnt feel like helping ppl. He has never once shrugged at it. and since you are making the claim, provide one example of superman seeing someone needing help and hesitating. good fucking luck. If you can't provide one fucking example...im going to guess youre an idiot.

From the bus full of children without hesitation, to the oil rig where he goes well out his way to save lives. From seeing a random small building fire in butfuck nowhere on tv from lex's party, to the dude falling out of a chopper in the smallville battle.

if anything he rushes to save ppl. there is no lack of willingness even when the media trashes him and he is visibly troubled by it. and even gives his life for "his world" that hates him. To say this clark is anything less than a genuine good man trying his hardest in a world full of shitters like yourself is a joke.

so give me that example of him not feeling "willing". no baseless shit either. it needs to be obvious. that would be the only he comes off as a dick.

Its about time these dc movies become more self aware

This is obviously bullshit wonder woman saying no to batman? No way dude

>knightmare still not addressed
It is being addressed. This movie is the alternative version of the knightmare timeline we originally saw.
>Batman killing not addressed
Batman killed a bunch of illegally operating mercenaries in self-defense. That's basically the best alibi you could possibly have in terms of the law, and I'm perfectly fine with Bruce trynig to just put the whole thing behind him.
>change in Superman is abrupt
Not at all. Superman's always been a good guy, it's just that the world around him is shitty.
Say it ain't so.

>kek, literally none of that is true.

He destroys property without a care and seems unaware of his surroundings. How is that not contradictory to what his goal is of "I'm here to help".

>so give me that example of him not feeling "willing"

He leaves to the mountains.

Just rewatch the movies again. You'll find more.

Self awareness is the bane of modern capeshit.


It's a big flaw

>He destroys property without a care and seems unaware of his surroundings. How is that not contradictory to what his goal is of "I'm here to help".

so youre saying he wrestles with super powered beings hell bent on hurting others and in the ensuing battle things get wrecked as in every other interpretation of superman? good to know he is fighting for lives.

nice job failing there. next

>He leaves to the mountains.

because of how hard it is saving lives and when it seems the ppl you try so hard for dont want you... he needs to take sometime on his own cuz it actually does suck

Hmm dont see anything about him being "unwilling" to help ppl like you claim. Seeing as how he never once mentioned, said, or showed it. If thats the best you got, I was right about you being an idiot.

>Just rewatch the movies again. You'll find more.

So you got nothing and can't provide actual examples of our hero actively deciding not to save people or literally not actually wanting to while doing it? I see no lack of desire to help people anywhere in your post. just "muh property damage" or he left to take sometime for himself. Which superman is known for having a "fortress of solitude" for such exact purposes. and even without it, in a realistic take, the man has his right to take a little peace in the mountains for quiet moments to reflect. He never once said im done helping.

Concession accepted. Try better. no more silly claims without actual proof

>Just rewatch the movies again. You'll find more.

>j-just look for yourself

Want to know how I know you don't have an actual argument? You get all your superman mindset from YouTube videos and reddit. When you get challenged it becomes "LOL WATCH THE MOVIE BRO". Ya got nothing son. Downvote

>Superman and Flash have a playful little race to see who gets to a person in need first.

D.C you don't understand, this is everything I ever wanted in a super hero movie

What unwillingness? He instantly jumped in and saved LEX of all ppl from doomsdays punch. The dude that just kidnapped and had MARTHA at gunpoint ready to smoke her.

I swear you ppl spout and make shit up the more time passes.

>so youre saying he wrestles with super powered beings hell bent on hurting others and in the ensuing battle things get wrecked as in every other interpretation of superman? good to know he is fighting for lives.

nice job failing there. next

he destroys a guys truck and attacks Zod pushing the fight to smallville.

>because of how hard it is saving lives and when it seems the ppl you try so hard for dont want you... he needs to take sometime on his own cuz it actually does suck

i mean you just admitted that he's unwilling to help.....

why am i even arguing with a angsty teen with a hard on for Snyde with half a brain? I'm just gonna leave you be

>he destroys a guys truck and attacks Zod pushing the fight to smallville.

he busted a truck of a dude who was grabbing on his female co worker, oh no.
he charged zod who attacked his mother. he did not intentionally bring the fight to smallville for kicks.

>i mean you just admitted that he's unwilling to help.....

Lol wut? In no realm of existence was he unwilling to help ppl or planned to be done with ppl in the slightest. If anything ppl made him doubt himself and if he was good for them. Nothing about him not caring to save ppl

I think it's because you were getting rekt, and now you are bailing because you don't really have anything to say. You didn't even answer others who criticized to your earlier post.

>tfw MCUck losing an argument and closes the thread



>yay all the characterization of the past two films is gone now and he's a two-dimensional comicbook character like all the fans wanted him to be

I literally just got only one you from this.


>and yet its the best film to cover the knightmare topic. try again

So essentially you don't even know if it's going to be addressed yet you act as it's been confirmed that it is going to be addressed.

>nah. and clearly they dont think so either. sorry moron. watch again and try to understand better

Ah the typical assblasted reply from an r/Dc_cinematic user. It's literally addressed with a throwaway dialogue and a scene of him not branding Lex. Pathetic.

Yea...he was emotional at the court when he failed to save ppl or when the media talked shit about him he was sad. oh no!!

He looked emo after rescuing the spick, he looked emo in he saving montage, he looked emo while talking Perry white, He looked emo when talking to his mom , he looked emo when talking to his father.

Fucking Bales Batman was more cheerful than this shit.

>basically you have a whole lot of none complaints. anything else you want to get off your chest before your opinions go back to being irrelevant?

So you have no reply to how it's no different from marvel quip shit which is the biggest issue you Snyder cucks have with marvel kek.

Declaring victory prematurely is why you dimwits got embarrassed by your homecoming predictions.

For you

>Batman wants Wonder Woman to lead the Justice League

Sounds boring and generic as fuck. I wonder what DCucks' excuse is going to be when this underperforms in the box office.

Looks kino.

WTF? WW clearly joined/pledged allegiance to Batman in the end of BvS. Why would all of a sudden she'll need to be persuaded again?

she didn't, brainlet

Justice League: War was bad. It was adapted from a shitty Geoff Johns' arc that was pretty much the first Avengers movie.

She's playing hard to get.

>Batman wants Wonder Woman to lead the Justice League
Probably Weadons biggest change. Snyder referenced a power struggle in the film between Supes and Batman, with Batman eventually leading the league

I cringe to think of what Batman and Wonder Woman flirting constitute, after Age of Ultron.

I can see Batman acting like a "m'lady" nu-male throughout the whole movie with Wonder Woman.

Johns is cancer

Amen to that, brother.

I am like 90% sure you're aware of the change in Directors and Snyder refusing to do press for it, and what this likely means for the film


Nice. Very impressive.

>If the film is good
>If the film is bad