>ex changed her Netflix password
>couldn't finish 13 reasons why
Fuck me, I am super autistic about not finishing shows and can't afford my own Normieflix account
What do?
>ex changed her Netflix password
>couldn't finish 13 reasons why
Fuck me, I am super autistic about not finishing shows and can't afford my own Normieflix account
What do?
I know you are fishing for a free netflix account. Everyone knows and it isn't going to work. Just pirate the show or look up and read the synopsis.
Do you live in the first world? Pay it, it's pennies
Do you live in the 3rd wodl? There aren't laws against dowloads so just do it
How old are you that you can't even afford a nextflix account?
literally just google any show name + x264 or stream and you can watch it two clicks away
first month free trial you stupid fuck. just make up a new address and enter your card details then cancel.
You probably know this, which means you don't have a credit card, aka underage faggot.
>the average Sup Forums user has never downloaded a torrent due to fear and being underage
Reddit won
fear of?
poorfag mobilecucks BTFO
I'm not underage, I just had my 19th name day.
it's a crime
That's a terrible show you disgusting faggot.
Off yourself for watching it.
even do, you can download torrents on mobile devices fairly easily. Apps for everything. that said, the average Normie can only work a phone and at best, a mac.
only if you reproduce and upload it, downloading is legal
>couldn't finish 13 reasons why
Wasn't it a foregone conclusion from the start?
So is speeding, and I do that playing Eurobeat everyday.
You want mine?
I don't have anyone to share it with.
god, just imagine fucking this squishy big titted midget
He made a thread for the sole purpose, so what do you think?
she dies
there is nothing worth downloading though.
>breaking up before finishing the season you're watching
>autistic poorfag had gf
>I don't
Jesus Christ I need to kill myself
pirate you fucking retard
I wasn't comfortable with her having an open relationship
Download the show anyway?
Piggybacking on someone else's account is "pirating" to begin with.
cant you stand with her shit for 2 days until you kick her off the curb
she broke up with me
reported! This kid isn't even 16 yet you fucking creep!
She probably already cheated, was hoping you'd be okay with it so she could keep on trucking while leeching off you.
Welcome to your tape ex gf.
Stream it nigga