What movies are you all watching in preparation for September 23rd?
What movies are you all watching in preparation for September 23rd?
What happens then?
That's when Sup Forums thinks L.A.'s getting nuked, because it's totally happening this time
Things are actually kind of weird here in LA. The animals are acting weird.
Probably the odd weather user, the unusual hurricaine pattern is disturbing the climate around the hemisphere (or more accurately, they're all acting odd as a result of the same thing).
Canada's hot as hell, Europe's cold as hell, east is wet and west is dry. Give it a few weeks and thing'll settle down.
Or maybe shit's really going down this time. Who the fuck knows. We live in an age where memes cured a man's stage 4 cancer.
The Passion of the Jew
how fucking glorious would that be?
By who?
don't tease me
Could be true, it did rain. Oh well.
Sup Forums does this every single year.
Brought to you by the same geniuses who think they found hidden messages in a bunch of random e-mails indicating a child sex slavery ring based out of a pizza parlor
> the entertainment will be in the hot tub
> the kids are the entertainment
wasnt that more reddit than Sup Forums
There's a difference?
I didn't follow the development of the thing but I would be completely unsurprised if Sup Forums tried to shift the blame to reddit once they realized how stupid the whole thing was.
Sup Forums is reddit at this point.
pizzagate is real you moloch worshiping cunt
That's a mirror, user.
I've never seen such gullible people before.
reddit's t_d board and pol are the same place
>Sup Forums tried to shift the blame
Naaaaww, that's crazy, who could ever imagine them doing that?
In fairness, pedos have used pizza parlor's before, but not in the big connection way that conspiracy suggested.
>mfw 23rd is my birthday
I had a nice run, gonna buy an escort for an hour before the lights go out
I see what you did there.
The lights actually did go out this morning.
Everything in LA acts weird,always.
Do it anyway, you're here so I assume you're 18.
>Cali being nuked
God I wish, but it ain't gonna happen until North Korea doubles down and proceeds to do nuclear blackjack with everyone.
Fuck Cali
don't know abour LA but i visited San Diego and it was great. pls don't kill San Diego
Your three cents have been deposited.
just got back from mother!
feels appropriate considering the world's going to reset soon
I want MEW to completely coat herself in baby oil and then rub her thighs, hips, and buttocks all over my face, chest, and penis.
God Californians fucking suck but I hope they dont get nuked. I'm an Oregonfag and I swear if I see another dirty faggot hipster umbrella using Californian moving here I will shoot to kill.
It's whom you uncultured swine!
>all these threads
>all these posts
>all this shilling
>Donald J Trump is still LITERALLY the 45th President of the United States of America
Technically he's the 44th, though I get your point.
me too man..me too
I was thinking about Riley a lot during scenes like this. How can he live with himself knowing he had her and lost her?
Who doesn't?
I'm struggling to think of something that I wouldn't let MEW do to me.
>LA gets nuked
>rest of the country is fucked as a result
The majority of infrastructure in this country is in the midwest, California being destroyed would cause problems and be a shock to the system but it wouldn't doom millions of people to die
this is kind of fun to play around with
The movie playing on syfy channel right now is called "End of the World." Spooky.
What is this about? I genuinely got an anonymous envelope in the mail today that was warning me about the rapture and said there's going to be a 'sign' on the 23rd.
With pleasure
September 23rd is the day that the world ends as predicted by some Christian scientist that was wrong last year when he said the world would end in August. I don't see any reason why the apocalypse would occur on this particular date. Plus why would Kim Jong-un launch a nuclear missile on a date that Americans are expecting to die on? Why not September 22nd or September 24th?
Every time. Y2K, 12/12 or whenever the fucking mayans decided they could stop making calendars and so many other times I've forgotten.
Also that movie was great until she leaves the bunker and it turns out it was aliens. Top tier Goodman.
> We live in an age where memes cured a man's stage 4 cancer.
please let me die in my sleep tonight so that i won't suffer an agonizing death tomorrow. ;_;
It was December 21st not December 12th.
Also, you're forgetting about May 21st, 2011 when Randy "Macho Man" Savage saved us from the rupture.
dubs in say apes will take over the earth on september 23. i was hoping it would be a zombie apocalypse. i'm prepared for a zombie apocalypse. i don't know how to prepare for apes taking over the world.
My mistake, and I remember the rapture one just because of Randy. That was the only real tragedy that day.
If Hollywood gets nuked, will this be good or bad for movies?
No, it's not
Randy died the night before. It wasn't even on that day.
on september 23, 2017 he'll be on live pyongyang tv watching parade millions around him and he farts and millions around him keks and he's so assblasted butthurt angry he orders nuclear strike on everyone.
anything that stars any of the mommies from the Mommy Cinematic Universe list
useful idiot or shill?
so is Sup Forums tbf
Well just fuck everything then
Dragnet, 1987. Saw it 30 years ago in the cinema and a girl touched my pee-pee afterwards.
chicken and watermelon as peace offering
Same my dude
t. jimmy or skippy.
that's a good idea, user. i'll bribe our ape overlords so that they'll give me a territory to rule or administer in their name.
Its because of the rain
Not even /x/ thinks anything will happen on the 23rd.
>tfw live in LA but recognize how cancerous it is for the rest of the country
that means it's finally actually really happening
good-bye, Sup Forums anons. thank you for all the fish.
Stage four cancer revered through meme magic