At the UNESCO "Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script" in Cairo in 1974, the Black Hypothesis met with "profound" disagreement.[25] Most participants concluded that the Ancient Egyptian population was indigenous to the Nile Valley, and was made up of people from north and south of the Sahara who were differentiated by their color.[26] The arguments for all sides are recorded in the UNESCO publication General History of Africa,[27] with the "Origin of the Egyptians" chapter being written by Cheikh Anta Diop.
>tldr jamal was never a kang
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Looks like kanye.
I thought everyone knew this. The Nubian dynasty was black, but aside from that they were closer to middle easterners
well don't all "brothers" look alike
jesus christ, what's wrong with his ear?
>tldr jamal was never a kang
they wuz, for 100 years, but they wuz
Here's the most hilarious thing about the we wuz kangs meme. Even if the ancient Egyptians were as black as their Nubian neighbors, the average African American would have a near-zero chance of being descended from them, because they did not take part in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. An African American dressing up with Egyptian iconography and claiming they're "in touch with their African roots" is as absurd as a Spaniard celebrating their Russian heritage, because technically Spain and Russia are on the same continent.
It's flabbergasting that these people would claim to be so woke and in touch with Africa, yet their knowledge of Africa doesn't extend beyond "that place where black people come from."