Just seen it

Just seen it.

Film of the year and it's not even close fellas.

>2 hours 43 minutes

Was it hard to sit through?

Not at all. The films divided into about 3 acts, each with subplots that advances the story and keeps you wanting to watch until the very end. At which point everything nicely comes together and makes you leave the theater wondering and discussing the events that took place.

It's going to be a film everyone's going to be talking about and coming up with different hypothesizes.

The film does an amazing job on atmosphere. Like holy shit, I really wanna play a cyberpunk game or watch another good cyberpunk flick. Cinematography and music is spot on as well.

The shills are already here

> I hate it and want it to be bad!!!

why though?

>Blade Reddit 2

There was no way this was ever going to be good.

I D O N ' T B E L I E V E Y O U

Just because the movie you were looking forward to the most this year sucks in comparison, doesn't make this bad user.


why is it that no one can show genuine interest in anything without someone shill posting
shillshillshillshillshillshill everyone is a shill for what they want in the world shillshillshill

does real Ana get her tits out or just giant holographic Ana

Post the spoilers

>Not at all. The films divided into about 3 acts, each with subplots that advances the story and keeps you wanting to watch until the very end. At which point everything nicely comes together and makes you leave the theater wondering and discussing the events that took place.
>It's going to be a film everyone's going to be talking about and coming up with different hypothesizes.
So many words just to say absolutely nothing.

Nice reddit spacing

>only one line in between

It's nice. It ties the movie together.
It really does, dude.

So? Spoilers bitch

Is it full of Japanese like the last one

what a lousy poster the title is so hard to read

also in vertical asian texts, the order goes from RIGHT to LEFT, not left to right
stupid gwailo

breaking news: separating a longer post now means you're from reddit

>Making your posts easy to read is Reddit

This site just keeps getting worse and worse. I was even called "Reddit" for lambasting somebody on their punctuation and capitalization.

are you having so much trouble reading the title that you think it is written in an asian language?

Meme needs to die. Not that poster, but I've never once had an account on reddit and have been posting like that on here since 2007.

It just looks better.

>overwhelmingly positive reaction
>incredibly vague praise
>no mention of spoilers or any relevant plot points that aren't seen in trailers or tv spots
>movie doesn't come out for another two weeks
>no proof or even a lame attempt to prove that you've actually seen it

you can show genuine interest in something without sounding like a paid marketer by avoiding the greentext above

its inherently a bad design because you'd make the viewer focus on the title and not the image

it "looks cool" but functionally, as a poster, its not working

your design degree was a huge waste of time, do you realise that

rightly so


Now THIS is Reddit.

nah, he's right, that's incredibly lame

"follow your passion", they said

should have became a dentist

i'm really excited for this movie

i don't understand why Sup Forums already hates it, i mean, this film have /ourguy/ the Goose, the best current director, Roger Deakins and is a cyberpunk themed-movie for God's sake

Same. Is Sup Forums filled with counter-shills or something?

That's a very minimalistic and lynchian film poster

>The films divided into about 3 acts
activated my almonds

But is it, dare I say it, Lovecraftian?

Which cut of the first one is best to watch

The only thing of value you can pull from this post is that it's got good atmosphere.

fuck off

Does it at least give me an intermission? I wish movies still did intermissions.

>from director of sicario and arrival
>expecting us to believe it has any chance to be good or even watchable

FUCK off shill

Sicario was good. I didn't see Arrival.

>dividing your post into paragraphs is now reddit
holy shit fucking kys underage newfag

But it's not limited to Reddit though. It's generally how normal edited of script occurs. That you actively try to avoid doing so because of your insecurities about some other website says more about you.

Nigger I did double spacing in Microsoft word for years before I used Reddit.


Dive came out 10 years ago though?

>The films divided into about 3 acts,
woah, ground breaking

>From director of Incendies and Enemy
>Expecting us to believe it has any chance to be bad or even unwatchable

shut the fuck up you tumblr bitch sicario was 10/10

WB really trying to claw that massive budget back huh?

Your post says absolutely nothing and reads just one notch above 'hella freaking epic'. Do Columbia and WB use the same online marketing agency?

>The films divided into about 3 acts


Is he popular on reddit or something? Are you that afraid of the bogeyman that you can't like films in case someone associates you with a website you don't like?

This bold new technique might, dare I say it, revolutionise cinema.


Is Gosling a replicant?
Is Ford a replicant?
Are there any scenes where the characters run on blades?

He didn't mention reddit. You're the one who fell back on it as a means of not having your feelings hurt because someone doesn't like the same tepid direction you do.

Borderline experimental

the only people who are insecure about reddit spacing are cucks from reddshit.

People have been typing this way on Sup Forums since before you even knew what a meme was, kid.

Nothing personell...

i was literally taught to put double-spaces between paragraphs in school for years

Yes Paragraphs.

Not sentences.

Stop reddit spacing.



i'll space however i want

Is Leto in it? I'm not watching it if he's in the movie and wasn't just used in the 'prologue' promotional stuff.

>denis 'one good movie' villeneuve
>ryan 'wanna fight' gosling
>harrison 'pay me upfront' ford
>jared 'damaged' leto
>riding an already dead retrofuturism meme wave
>$185 million budget

what were they thinking?

Is it better than the original overrated piece of shit?

Good enough of a track record for me

How do you define 'Overated' user?
is it the following:
>Too many people like it?
>Its too highly rated in my opinion?
>Both above?
Any choice will mean that you are a piece of shit who does not have credence in actual film discussion.

Only movie I'm genuinley looking forward to
Denis will deliver


>music is spot on as well.

Hang on! WAIT

The music does it have any of that glitching music from the very first trailer because i loved that and really worried since hanz fucking zimmer took over, i dont want some nolanized sounds in this i want vangelis