Are asians really capable of human emotions?
Harold from Harold and Kumar I thought did a great job, but everything else he's in just didn't do it
Are asians really capable of human emotions?
what expression is she trying to convey?
pick only one
Harold and Kumar were both Asian.
Sometimes it boils down to just having a bad actor who is Asian.
>Are asians really capable of human emotions?
Of course they are. Asian women are some of the most emotional people I've ever known. Even outside of relationships. And by that, I mean borderline crazy. Like, I wouldn't sleep in the same house as them without a deadbolt on my door.
Maureen Gook
Is this supposed to be next level irony because the johanssan cannot convey any emotion at all?
No, my ex was asian and she cheated on me
no, it's some retard who gets his jollies by getting banned everyday
is there any good asian actor?
Asa Akira
That guy that's in every Korean movie.
My fiancee was asian and she left me for practically no reason after nearly 7 years together
>Dating asians
You got what you deserved, to be honest.
She didn't love you.
not to side with the asian SJW, but............
>story set in asia
>written by a japanese
>protanganist's name is Motoko Kusanagi
women are whores, I feel for you user
I've been on Sup Forums for years, I eventually developed an asian fetish
The worst part is, I'm still not over her, even after she treated me like shit, I still think about her every day
I don't think she knows what love is user.
Why don't white women like Asian men?
>Short men with tiny dicks and ugly beady eyes.
Yeah I wonder.
Kang-ho Song
>A Taxi Driver
>The Good the Bad the Weird
>Secret Sunshine
>The Host
>Lady Vengeance
>Memories of Murder
>Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
>J.S.A.: Joint Security Area
>The Quiet Family
Literally the highlight of half of the best dramatic korean films in history (which themselves are among the best modern global films) and he's a better dramatic actor than everyone but the top tier actors in hollywood.
I've also been here for years, and this place has only taught me to avoid asian women. They're literally incapable of genuine love and only care about money.
Is that why white women prefer black men so much?
>huge dicks
where was she from?
did your money run out?
nope my life was looking the best it ever was, probably the only reason I'm not super depressed about this shit.
Song Kang-ho?
If you ever went outside, you'd know that less than five percent of white women date outside of their race. Whites are statistically the least likely to race mix.
>no Oscar nominations
l o fucking l
Why do only French actors get noms for foreign language films?
Except for white men.
it's a matter of politics and money like everything in hollywood now, korea has no real pull there and he's already done his absolute best work in jsa/sfmv/mom
Why the fuck do so many white guys go for mediocre pudgy asian women? Never understood it, being a white guy myself.
oh fuck off. white guys don't try starting families with them
She's a fucking cyborg you goddamn retard. She's not Japanese, she's a ethnic abiguous looking robot.
Goddamn I want to smack the fucking stupid out of you
I see tons of older (rich) white men with Filipino wives and kids. The kids look full Filipino. Not sure if the dude is paying for them or if they're actually the father.
Exoticism meme
Shit asian boys be taking out women n shit.
the one that do funny kick
literally not an excuse
even if she is a cyborg there is zero reason why the cyborg cannot be asian
did she needed to do a mission where she needs to look white?
Only a limited set of them.
Chinese in particular are extremely narcissistic and materialistic.
I'm working on a group project with a chink that I normally would not give the time of day to but I like seeing her cleavage every thursday
>ethnic abiguous looking
oh fuck man i almost mistaken scarjo for a african
Lol, uptight and anxious, not really expressive besides that
jackie lee?
Is that Tom Hanks up front in yellowface?
Marlene GoOoOoOoOo
that's what you get for introducing feminism to asian women
dull supplies
pretty much man