Well, Sup Forums? What do you say?
Well, Sup Forums? What do you say?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
§teleports behind you§
Are hotel room threesomes how you got your job as a weather girl?
i mean this seriously. the only real way is to mug her with the stern countenance. the audience will laugh and you will remain and be silent
>Don't quit your day job.
"they'd probably leave too after seeing that [clearly obvious flaw that she's probably insecure about]"
>as the French say, I surrender!
Forget this fat unfunny kike, what would Norm have said?
>I am rubber, you are glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks back to you
>h-hey umm.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................y-you too heh
I wish you frog fucks had been this hostile when the Germans visited your """""country"""
the fat pig (Norm) probably wouldn't hear between devouring another bucket of KFC and drinking gravy cups
Well, i do set them up with hookers back in states as well.
This is the right comeback. You butthurt the entire nation
>Norm ignores her to dip KFC in gravy, continuing to ignore her until the interview is awkwardly ended.
Oh yea...? Well fuck you!
>"There is a small island in the Himalayan Sea called Malderiki, upon which I own a large mansion. Every year afer the first rain, the Newport Beach Wine Society (of which I am a member) gathers at my mansion to watch the island's natives grovel in the mud as their pathetic straw dwellings are ripped apart by the rising waters. On this island there is also a fish, called a Piranha Giganticus. Coinciding with the first rain, this fish swims into the flooded island and begins to feed on the older and weaker natives of Malderiki. Unable to defend themselves from the killer fish and uttrly helpless, the natives make their way to my mansion in makeshift canoes. At this point, the Newport Beach Wine Society opens a bottle of pre-revolution French Chardonnay, dated no later than 1760, and places wagers on which native will be the first to reach the high ground of my sprawling lawn. Once the fish has fed and returned to the Sea, there are typically a handful of natives left on my lawn, at which point we activate the electric fence and release the crocodiles. Last year, during the crocodile feeding, a tiny speck of native flesh was flung from the lawn up to the balcony where the Newport Beach Wine Society was gathered and landed on my shoe. I retrieved the piece of flesh and placed it in my mouth, washing it down with a glass of Moldovan Pino Griggio. Right now, YOU are that piece of flesh."
Should have pulled a Kevin O'Leary
This is actually the best one I've heard all year.
THAT'S IT! *slams hands on table" NOW YOU DID IT *turns to miles* CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS BITCH? *flips phone out* OH YOU'RE GONNA GET IT NOW *calls brad & leo* YOU WANT THIS? YOU WANT THIS? *rubs phone in her face* KEEP ON DREAMING YOU FUCKING BRIDE OF ALLAH *rips from hair* WHERE YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING HUH? WE'RE GOING DOWN TOGETHER GIRL *unzips* LET'S REENACT YOUR JOB INTERVIEW *glaraglarlalaghlaglagrllrg* Nothing like a french hussy to take the edge off of your morning, anyways where were we?
>mhmmm I have no use for you
Pack it up, boys. We've reached the end of the rainbow. It's been a pleasure.
>>as the French say, I surrender!
>kike insulting nation he wants shekels from
>not responding to the Stacy that absolutely BHTFO
"Leave? Are you kidding? My finders fee is that I at least get to watch!"
>LET'S REENACT YOUR JOB INTERVIEW *glaraglarlalaghlaglagrllrg*
>wow, that was quite SUBversive of you. Just like the XXL Triple Bacon Ranch Melt available only at Subway
then just start handing out sandwiches
>Sleeping around won't land you a major hollywood role, contrary to your position now
>Yeah, well that's just like, your opinion man
>how am I supposed to respond to that?
Thats actually great
>Tch, maan, this shit is wack yo
surprisingly good
Sorry, I'm having a hard time understanding you... I'm only on the first chapter of "understanding stupid whores for well-hung dummies"
h-have we finally done it???
>You hurt my feelings.
>audience gasps after translator translates this line
>all french media outlets cancel their interviews with jonah
what did she say tho
>You're fat and ugly, teehee
>You stupid little cunt. Every day I wake up to better looking women than you, I roll over and see their taught, nubile, bodies, and I then walk out my room onto my veranda and see the blue shimmering olympic sized pool that I bought at the mere age of 18 while you bathe yourself in a tin can that you call a bathtub.
>You may think of me as a clown, a joke, some kind of punching bag you can jab at, but behind this clown facepaint lies a darker man, a man that learned the ins and outs of Hollywood. You read the stories? The stories about the child rapists, the old fat jews that take advantage of scared starry eyed women, the stories that break even the strongest of men? Well guess what? Im one of those jews.
>I am not the small human being that has to sit on the casting couch, I am the man that turns on the camera and says "suck my balls" and I don't get back talk, I get "how long Daddy?". You may think you're safe since your some white flag-waving frog, but the ever extending reach of Hollywood is here, its shadow looms over that rusty ass tower you think is quaint, bitch. The taping of this show will end, and then you'll get a call, not from your boss, but your boss' boss, and it will be a short one, only two words will be uttered, can you guess them?
>None of this needs to happen though, all you need to do is go into the green room after the taping, undress yourself, oil your body down, and start stretching your god damn throat because its going to be working overtime. Then afterwards, wipe yourself down, swallow whats in your mouth, and then pride yourself in what events just unfolded. Digest what happened, because this is but a blip in my life, but a large blot in yours.
>Leo wouldn't have been as nice as me if he heard you talking like you just were, he wouldn't have given a response, he would have just told his buddy Ike to force himself on you. Be thankful. Be very fucking thankful.
>Ill be waiting in the green room.