Where did it all go so wrong for Sam?

Where did it all go so wrong for Sam?


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I can't watch sams videos, I feel like he's incredibly depressed and hides it behind irony and edginess.

That and I've never liked people who you can never tell are being serious or not, like they can't turn it off.

are you a psychiatrist?


>go wrong
no, it was always wrong,
hyde is a talent-less shitheel and always has been

How are you supposed to be sincere in this FUCKED UP world we live in ?

He was never funny

By not being a coward?

was your diagnosis pro bono or should we be expecting a bill in the mail?

i showed this to my gf and she liked it

Why is nick so wholesome?

shut up retard

Sam is literally my role model. I hope I turn out to be just like him when I'm 32,

that's because your gf is a fat goon named Adam


He should have just shut the fuck up on social media and not start a bunch of shit.

>2.5 hrs
>no "2017... I am Forgotten"

c'mon son

You outed yourself, Anita

Why are leftwing insults so impotent?

I be dat long dick nigga, I make dike pussy wet

emma T H O T S O N

Never funny? It's sad that your comedic senses are so dull that you cannot grasp his genius. All the best comedians have some inner struggle they use to channel their material. In Sam's case, it's his repressed homosexuality.

Tell me, would a straight comedian come up with a hilarious bit like this?


And have so much inner turmoil that he uses transsexuals as outlet to deal with his gay demons?

If only you could comprehend how much he suffers for his art, just to make people laugh. It's the least you could do you ungrateful cunt.

this always actually gets them to shut up somehow, but it's so low effort

>I can't watch sams videos, I feel like he's incredibly depressed and hides it behind irony and edginess.

isnt that all of us here though

>keep it down my neighbours can hear you
top kek, Sam's mom's constant embarassment is often the best part about early MDE videos

couple days ago someone posted a world peace episode link on youtube that was uneditted.

it had longer / more skits.

any links?

Le irony to defend myself meme. Sam is sincere in many videos and interactions with his fans. The guy cried on camera when he was talking about that fan that had the tumor in his brain with teeth. If you can't tell when he's joking you're probably autistic or something.
What's your end goal with this? The image is too long for an average person to waste their time reading, and even if Sam was gay, why would it matter?

not funny
too political

If he's not funny why does he have so many die hard fans and how'd he get a show on adult swim? How was he too political when most mainstream comedy deals more heavily in politics than he does?

i respect him more for this desu

Despite the shill niggers, I genuinely rewatch MDE for quick laughs and bought his book.

Charls' videos hit harder. To see such a creative, positive and woke guy condemned to be a slave in the wage-mines is really depressing.

reminder that nick and charls will never work with sam again
>le throwing your friends careers under the bus for edgy tweets

Huh? Nick posted a pic of Sam on his Insta recently and Charles and Sam did Hyde wars together. You okay?

One question though, who actually posts on MDE sub on plebbit?
It's filled with rehashed Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes all the time and all those fucks write like they are on here.

Why doesn't he write/direct actual content instead of doing these phone videos?

When he was born lmao

why even put in some effort when you're raking in 2k from patreon doing this kind of shit?

i'm this close to pulling my patreon for sam, i liked his old vids but lately all of his vids have been lackluster. fuck sam put some effort in your vids ffs

Fuck off Sam, stop shilling your shit book.

That’s because like this thread the sub is 95% Sam samefagging because he is a worthless loser with too much freetime.

>paying to anybody via patreon
Can you be anymore of a cuck?

i actually dreamed of him tonight. he had a massive cock and was an porn actor, banging one of my co-workers on camera.

i wish i made that up.

He really only made one okay thing and that was his Ted talk. Everything else is just "hey guys, isn't it funny how I'm saying things I shouldn't be saying in this situation?". The answer is no.

Go to bed, Sam.

hitting the nail on the head

He has never recovered from that time when he tried to confront Tim Heidecker. It was such an embarrassing failure.


when he decided to charge his fans $5 a month to watch his sloppy juvenile 5 minute rant videos that he uploads once every blue moon

if you aren't a retard you should be able to comprehend how genuine sam is being at any given time after you've watched like 2 of his videos

t. rétard extraordinaire

Is Sam the biggest JUST in \tv-pol/ history?

God his mum reminds me of mine, same "just stop it" reaction to me being an idiot. The one where he's pontificating out loud about where the next possible terrorist attack will happen while she's driving cracks me up.

>gambles like a retard
>injects test
>asking his fans to pay for Hydewars
it's over

i agree

>he has a wikipedia page
>you don't

here's a little piece of advice

do you follow charls?


Sam embodies everything that is wrong with the youth alt-right

Sam is so fucked up I wouldn't be surprised if the crying was bullshit. He is definitely a sociopath. I kind of feel bad for him. You can tell deep down he's in a lot of pain.

ok, show me a video where he is being 100% serious.



The closest sam ever got to being "serious" was when he called in to heideckers show and whined and whined about how his show was cancelled because of him, how he despises most if hus fans and the whole I CANT AFFORD HEALTH INSURANCE shit.

Didn't think so. The guy is incapable of turning it off. Or maybe he really is a huge piece of shit.

When he completely RUINED Nick and Charles only chance at success by being a retard on twitter

thanks, friendly neighborhood arbiter of personality norms

Guess that's what happens when you take Sup Forums memes too seriously. It's especially embarrassing because Sam is in his 30s, not an impressionable teen.

You're embarrassing yourself.

Are you honestly saying you didn't cringe hard when Sam brought up Sup Forums and Sup Forums during that Tim Heidecker call?

Check his bio man. 32 years old, 5'7", part time waiter, on MassHealth, living with his mother, begging for Patreon donations on his subreddit, shilling his book everywhere he can, trying to make image memes of himself and post them on every board he can, even fucking /ck/.

>even fucking /ck/.
Really? He's stooped that low?

goddamn he is one pathetic mother fucker

i thought he was like 6' at least

pretty sure sam is tropic




I don't even remember that.

It's toward the end after he says he doesn't have health insurance. Something like "you pissed off Sup Forums and Sup Forums with your cucking". On that day Sam was a massive faggot and deserves to be damned.

Oh yeah, but that was just him explaining to Tim that Sam didn't command anybody to go troll Tim, they just did it on their own because it is their nature.


he's about 6'3 or 6'4. I saw him at HWNDU and got my book signed. don't believe the lies.

also contrary to popular numale and liberal belief, Sam's a pretty average guy. he doesn't spout /poleddit/ memes 24/7 or a huge fucking autist. He's pretty average if you talk to him normally.

oh the memories


Eh I don’t know. “Not your personal army, faggot” is one of Sup Forums’s oldest maxims. Even if Sam isn’t asking them to do it, everyone that’s attacked Tim or adult swim because they’re a fan of Sam is a gigantic fag imo.

lmao. he really is 5'7". I met him too. I'm 6 even and I was taller than him.

we totally believe you too

It's actually really easy, you just say what you actually think about something. Then you keep doing that for all things. Faggot.


I think this is the funniest and unhinged rant I have ever seen. If he's really doing it of all off the cuff, sam is a real clever dude. It's hilarious as well how he responds to shit he hates.

> chunky woman in the workplace?...now we're talking!


get fucked, Sam, I ain't taking out a loan just for international shipping

told the wrong buzzfeed journo that he would never be a nyt journo.



This. Look at any of his videos that are in public. He towers over everyone.

I nearly cried watching his newest Living video.


It's a real trip going back and watching old videos like the Kickstarter series and remembering that Sam Hyde was actually funny at one point.


I always enjoy this video.



Cant be racist, sexist or gaybash. Really limits your insult collection and is also why the Left cant meme. Too many creative restrictions.