Why are Rick and Morty fans so toxic?

Why are Rick and Morty fans so toxic?

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nerds are just disgusting desu

The show was shitty before they joined.

They shouldn't delude themselves into thinking anything will change.

In-fact it will only drive Harmon to be more feminist.

the best episode in the entire show had women writers.

face it, women are funny.


>w-women are *buurp* sluts Morty
What did he mean by this?


sounds like
>because they are gamers

So I thought Community seasons 1-3 were funny. Why don't I like Rick and Morty, Sup Forums? Is it really reddit?

Gosh those reddits mysognistics pieces of crap keep sinking to new lows


>go home writer girl


He wanted the reddit audience when he created this show and now he's got to deal with them

who's that guy in your pic again?


one of the most cucked sites around t b h

The reviews themselves are not too bad but the comments section is something else entirely.

i used to enjoy reading the reviews of justified after each episode when it aired but the election broke them unfortunately

Jesus wow imagine what the irrelevant episode they'll write a year & a half from now


>have an established fan base
>introduce new change into the shows production
>established fan base do not like this change
>get mad at your established fan base

did the dynamic of creator and fan get flipped on it's head in the last ten years? what's with all these people making terrible decisions then getting mad at the people who don't like it?

>Dan Harmon is pissed and here's why that's just amazing

>share the personal information already available online that they themselves up up

maybe those dumb cunts should lay off the social media if they wanted to be anonymous.


This, honestly.
I'm a fan of Rick and Morty if by fan we just mean people who enjoy the show, and I agree that the new writers seem to be ruining the show because it suddenly took a dramatic dip in quality and took a very sharp turn in tone from the first two seasons.

That being said, I don't think that the change is due to the writers being women, because I'm not a basement-dwelling virgin neckbeard who hates women because none of them have ever been willing to touch my disgusting, stinky, flab-hidden peepee.

The new writers just suck. And they may not even totally suck, but they suck for Rick and Morty. It's literally a different show now, and while I'm sure some people like it better now than they did before, obviously the majority don't. But believing it's just because the writers are women is so fucking autistic.

Just like everything Harmon touches things start falling apart during season 3.

/thread v.2


haha hello my fellow radical centrist pede!

This is a good point. I think it really hurts the situation though that the most vocal objectors are the women-hating fagnerds. If people were just upset about new writers ruining the show instead of women writers ruining the show, it might be a different story, but if Harmon gave in to this he would get SO much shit from the left for being anti-woman and for supporting sexism and misogyny and all that bullshit.


A pickle falls in love with a girl pickle.

Unable to confess that god isn't real, he is gifted with by a deus ex pickle with the girl’s pickle number. Never minding the strange pickle code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she doesn't believe in god as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a pickleplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that god isn't real and is not the same pickle he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this pickle at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own pickle self, who too is blissfully unaware of god not being real.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private pickles in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer religion. While the two chase their respective loved pickles, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with atheism and question the NATURE of PICKLE RICK.

>not hating women makes you a radical centrist
What the fuck happened to this world

i dont give a shit about rick and morty, but women genuinely arent funny

Mate, barely tolerating women has always been the male neutral gear throughout all of history.



Already a thing.


>women genuinely arent funny
Claiming that all women aren't funny is just as retarded as claiming that all men are funny

>Sneed-Ai (Formerly Chuck-Ai)

A Chuck falls in love with a Sneed.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the man's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the male, he only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the boy he called is not the same boy he fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the bear's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the male's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of FEEDS and SEEDS.

This 1000x times
What the fuck do people expect when they knowingly put so much information online that ANYONE has access too


Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.


What did Sup Forums mean by this?

Average is implied you dumb autist.

*tips fedora*

SVU episode when?

No it very isn't. When you say "women aren't funny" you're making a statement about the group "women" as a whole.
If you seriously don't understand that, then you are very clearly the autist.

Community had much better characters and a wealth of funny actors who played well off each other. Rick and Morty is basically just one drunk guy doing 2 funny voices. That said, some episodes are really well-made with good concepts, such as the Ricklantis one from this season.

>as a whole
And where is that mentioned?
Unless specifically stated - the average is always implied when dealing with a group.
You'd know this, if you weren't autistic.

i can't imagine wanting to disregard someone's criticism just because you think they hate women, even if they do happen to. the obsessive types are always gonna give it to you straight, and they're more likely to know what they're talking about.

It's not about them being women, it's about them being diversity hires.

I've never met a soul who bitched about 30 Rock as an example, even on this board. But they fucked up and hired women CLEARLY regardless of talent, considering the effect it had on the show.

>I don't know shit about my native language
>I'm going to make up bullshit and try to pass it off as fact
Holy shit you're an idiot. I give up.

>Post a shitty bait topic so you can argue with strangers
>Shitty bait topic runs its course and hits post limit
>Re post shitty bait topic again so you can argue with strangers
>Repeat daily

Oh so now you assume I'm a burger too. This is the problem, you assume things.
Here's more to fan your tard-rage.

This is extremely wrong, and is in every single case I can think of. Same with my native tongue.

>dogs have 4 legs
Doesn't mean, every single dog has four legs and anything that doesn't obviously isn't a dog.
>men have testicles and dicks and don't have titties
Doesn't mean that every single one of them does.

You're confusing "women aren't funny" with "no women are funny" for some reason

The problem is that you don't understand the English language, yet you're too retarded to realize you're wrong so you make up some stupid shit that supports your wrongness and claim it's fact.
But I don't have time to teach you English so we're just going to have to leave you retarded. Sorry, bud.

Maybe it was too much for you, here's something a little less intimidating.
Maybe then you'll understand averages.

>It's not about them being women, it's about them being diversity hires.

You have absolutely no way of knowing that. And even if it were true, why would you care?

>This is extremely wrong, and is in every single case I can think of.
Oh, well if you THINK it's wrong then it must be wrong, I guess. Case closed, guys.
>Same with my native tongue.
And English isn't even your first language. This is rich.

>You're confusing "women aren't funny" with "no women are funny" for some reason

Because they are literally the same thing.
When you say "women aren't funny" you are making a claim about the group, "women", as a whole. Just like if you say "dogs have four legs" you are making a claim about the group, "dogs", as a whole.
Is that claim true? No, obviously not. There are some dogs with less than four legs, and there are some women who are funny, but that doesn't change the MEANING of what you said, it makes what you said incorrect.
Does that make sense? I don't know how else to explain it, but I know what I'm talking about, I studied language in school.

Saying "men have testicles and dicks and don't have titties" is making a claim about ALL men. That claim is just wrong.

ah, the old ghostbusters 2 publicity gambit

>Saying "men have testicles and dicks and don't have titties" is making a claim about ALL men. That claim is just wrong.

Not all men have testicles, they can be lost in accidents or to cancer.
Some men have titties.

>There weren't women writers originally
Ah. That explains the steady decline of quality after the first season.

who cares, nothing matters bro *buuurp* wubba gabba dabba


It doesn't matter. The people who write shit for garbage publications like the AVClub are going to frame any and all objection to Harmon's diversity crusade as misogyny the same way they all framed James Damore's milquetoast memo as a sexist manifesto. At this point it doesn't matter what the actual opinions of the detractors are, it's what these people con themselves into thinking those opinions are in their heads.

I really can't tell if you're just messing around at this point.

Houses have roofs, even though some do not.

If you're not messing around can I ask how old you are? just out of curiosity.

>basement-dwelling virgin neckbeard who hates women because none of them have ever been willing to touch my disgusting, stinky, flab-hidden peepee.
Why is this the only insult anybody attacking from the perspective of the left can churn up when it comes to women's issues these days?

Dogs with three legs are about as common as women with a sense of humor.

So when talking about women in biology class, according to your language education. You should be pointing out the physical characteristics with disclaimers?

"Most women have breasts"
"Most people have two legs."
"Most people have brains"


I'm 30, and somehow you still aren't grasping the concept.
The fact that you don't understand what I'm saying is leading you to conclude that what I'm saying is wrong. That's apparently just the type of person you are. I can't help you. It's like trying to teach someone Spanish, when they don't speak a word of Spanish, and you only speak Spanish. Communication barrier. So lets just leave it at that. You can go on thinking you were right, and I'll go on knowing you were wrong. Everybody's happy.

So the harassment was publishing 'personal information' online, what was this information ? Their addresses, phone numbers ?

This is why cartoonshit like Rick and Morty should be allowed only in Sup Forums.

>according to your language education.
This isn't according to "my" language education, this is according to the English language.

That being said, your question is pretty stupid considering I already answered it in the post you were replying to, so I'm not going to waste my time repeating myself since the first time I explained it you either ignored it or were unable to understand it.

>Why do you care about incompetent people being hired for their genitals instead of their actual writing. It's not like the things you might have enjoyed are being ruined by such practices right?

Also, dude, Harmon went on a giant apology fest when these people started henpecking him about his lack of female writers. The only way he could have fixed that in one season is knowingly going out and hiring women precisely for what they are first and foremost and given the other credits to these women's names it fucking shows.

i knew reddit and memey wasn't long for this world when i discovered dan harmon was involved

Saw how a woman ruined the Canelo vs GGG fight the other day? The problem isn't that women aren't capable of being funny, it's that when you choose a writer based on any other criterion than talent, then you aren't getting the best writers you can possibly acquire. It's fucking simple: only choose people based on qualities relevant to the task at hand.


He, like most SJW primadonnas, cannot resist injecting bullshit, drama, laziness, and incompetency into his projects. I used to think the Sup Forumstards were exaggerating when they called people like this parasites who destroy everything they touch, but it's starting to look that way.

Canelo versus German Goo Girls?

>muh safespace

>Things that literally have never, ever happened

I guess I keep asking to try and get you to see how what you're saying doesn't make any sense. I've never met any professor that uses the english language the way you're demanding, and only hear it from people that are trying to push some offense "how dare you say all x are y" etc

>some people on the internet get mad at the new writers on the show
>happens to be women
>now nobody can say anything bad about them

This shit is a religion.

How is the show different? I haven't seen any of the new season. I've only seen season 1 and parts of 2

It literally is at this point. It dawned on me when I saw ancoms in my circle of acquaintances unironically say they'd rather be wrong and compassionate than right and blunt. Feels over reals is not just a meme anymore, it's their entire belief structure.

That's why they violently lash out at anyone to the right, because they self-aware just enough to know using your feelings as a basis for political argumentation is retarded at best and it shows in how even the most banal of conservative ideas are giving them trouble.

Wow user, thanks for defending my sex on Sup Forums, you made me so wet ;)


>mostly ignored the pickle meme
>finally watch the entire show this week to understand some reference in some fanart for some anime
>expect the pickle rick episode to be something worth meming about
>it's actually really boring and pedestrian and the meme was mostly unrelated to what happens in the episode

thank you for reading my blod

He's right, there's no reason you have to pin the show's decreasing quality on the weaker sex. It effectively takes responsibility away from the writer in question and is in fact the same kind of postmodern bullshit argument you hear from the other side of the fence: that there is such a thing as an inherently 'female' experience or a 'black' experience of life, meaning a privileged silly white boy like me can't ever relate and I shouldn't even try. It's a slippery slope leading to total relativism and the death of intellectual debate.



Isn't dan harmon supposedly a huge sex pervert who's harassed a ton of women? or is that justin roiland?

Fuck off you roleplaying sperg. He wasn't defending women he was defending logic.

>You know morty *BURP*, if god were real, which he isn't *BURP*, *BURP* I-I'm GOD MORTY! *BURPPP*

This is more about Dan harmon trying to virtue signal than woman writers. his divorce has megacucked him beuond his previous levels of normal liberal cuckage. he feels the need to say stupid things and voice outrage constantly.
he actually believes 1/3 of the united states are nazis. he's off his fucking rocker.

>Sup Forums doesn't know how a writer's room works
>they treat whoever's name is cited as the main writer for an episode as responsible for every single thing that happens in the episode

kinda silly for a board that centers on television and film

Postmodernists claim that the different perspective is the result of being treated differently, while conservatives claim that a different hormonal makeup (especially while still in the womb) causes a gender disparity when it comes to both interest and ability. You can't really compare the two points-of-view.