Is there a bigger Mary Sue in existence than pic related?
Is there a bigger Mary Sue in existence than pic related?
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no. thats the point. he's invincible so literally everything in existence either bores him or annoys him.
Why are you guys so stupid?
welcome to 5gum, the land of shitposting
Practically a Deus Ex Sanchez
Wubba lubba dub dub xD
that's not true. the squirrels seemed to scare him
no, that's just Sup Forums
What is wrong with American animation?
It's not visually appealing. It isn't well written.
He's not a Mary Sue. Have you even watched the last episode where nearly every Rick in the multiverse get outsmarted by a Morty?
It costs money and nobody would really care.
Those are the lesser Citadel Rick's. They're retarded just for the fact they'd want to live there.
The main series Rick is consistently confirmed to be the best, the "Evil Morty" said so during his villian monologue in Season 1. And it's painfully obvious that the Evil Morty is the main Rick's original Morty who he either got separated from or abandoned.
Who said it was deep? A question was asked, and a question was answered.
>God from the Sánchez
>American education
>shown to actively alter and delete memories in order to manipulate his close relatives into liking his alcoholic, nihilistic, and self-destructive ass
One if the signs of a Mary sue is that the people around them inexplicably like them despite glaring flaws, sometimes even because of those flaws, with the emphasis being on inexplicable. Which in this case it is not, as it has been explained why this happens, making it no longer inexplicable.
Ferris Bueller
Jack Ryan
when the target audience are children and stoners you don't need good writing or visuals
lol....several people worked on that and thought "yes, this is something that will make money".
South park is also very visually un-appealing, but it is still one of the best and longest running series in existence.
As for the writing, I wont go into that. I, and a lot of other people, happen to think the writing is amazing. If you dont agree, that is perfectly fine.
Him being the ultimate Mary Sue is the whole point of his arc. He hates being the ultimate Mary Sue who can't be defeated by anything, not even his other selves from parallel universes. Hell, he even attempted suicide one episode.
Well, Rice Niggers eat this like it is THE SHIT. Just look at other cringe-worthy films that made quite some buck in China: Warcraft, Clash of the Titans, and the list goes on.
***Gary Stu
When was that? Haven't watched an episode since the detox one.
Way back in season 1 iirc. It's the scene where that catchy song 'Do you feel it' plays in the background.
*blocks your post*
>abandons his wife and daughter
>treats his grandchildren like shit
>manipulates his daughter to divorce her husband
>uses people left and right, not caring if that gets them killed
The fact that you dont understand what makes a Mary Sue is not surprising. Not alot of people do.
Rick's "skills" werent inherent to him, which has been elaborately explained through out the show. He was always smart, but it happened gradually until he was either given the teleporter by other Ricks, or until he was old enough 40+.
A Mary Stue would be a 20 year old 10/10 woman intenting teleporters, while also being beloved by all, strong, athletic, kind, sexy, funny and brave.
Rick clearly isnt.
Learn a term before you use it to ask dumb fucking questions.
except he lost to morty in checkers
he just seems invincible because he erases memories that prove otherwise
A mary sue has to be well liked and that only really to his direct family and even that's questionable at times. He also hates himself
Kys retard it sucks dick more than your mom
Although I agree with your assessment, you come across as a cunt.
Yup, Rey from 'The Force Awakens'.
Rick is at least supposed to be comedy.
uh, yea, summer at the end of the episode.
I wouldn't call him a mary sue per se, since the show makes it clear that he's not a good guy. The thing is, none of his weaknesses feel real because nothing bad seems to happen to him. The pilot episode was actually a pretty convincing portrayal of a human train wreck who happens to have some amazing abilities, but in pretty much every episode since the writers only pay lip service to his flaws and make him a snarky demigod figure. It's gotten boring by now.
Wanna come check out my site? It's called "Jiskha". I'm serious, on the site we go over just about anything. One post we made on the site was that Mary Sue's have no character flaws what so ever. Rick is a well written character with several flaws, i.e. being a jerk & depressed all the time. If you want a mary sue you are looking for, check out Steven, from Steven Universe.
Oh yeah! We are also doing a banana popsicle giveaway! Many may enter but only few will win! So come enter now, just go to Hurry up because time is wasting, come over to my site to get that limited edition banana popsicle giveaway. :)
Literally no-one is saying it's deep, calm down autist.
Start banning cartoon threads or I'm bringing Sup Forums back to Sup Forums since sports play on television
On top of that, the notion that Rick doesn't fuck up is absurd.
>Unreliable as fuck in the pilot
>Causes the kronenberg universe
>Constantly makes harmful decisions out of his own interest or lack thereof
>Terrible father figure, Morty has to rip into him whenever his own confidence isn't being undermined
The only reason his losses and Morty's successes aren't given more focus are typically because of reddit hyping up Rick because they want to be hedonistic nihilists, and see Rick's vices are a means of embracing that. The very worst R&M episodes are the ones where the writers buy into this myth themselves. Rick isn't a god, he's a corruption of Doc Brown. He's an intelligent waste.
Autism is my life! Come check out my website, ! I promise you won't regret it I swear! In fact, we are actually doing a limited edition banana shaped popsicle giveaway! So come on over to Jiskha! We love boobs as much as you do!
>A comedy science fiction show about the most intelligent being in the universe
>Entire point of character is that he's a virtually unstoppable genius
>Show's entire theme revolves character having near limitless capabilities
OP: "Fucking Mary Sue!"
lel #rekt BTFO
He knows it all, he can pretty much have a normal life with the squirrels dominating the world and he knows they won't mess with him if he ignores them. That doesn't mean that a million angry fucked up squirrels can't kill him.
He still can slip in the shower and die, he is human.
Were they wrong?
>Is there a bigger Mary Sue in existence than pic related?- 46 posts and 3 image replies shown.
You just use words and shove them wherever regardless of context don't you?
The show never pretends that rick isn't the biggest asshole in the room.
Well, it did.
He already died in many different timeline s.
Translation I am in great pain and need help
no because they keep taking away his powers, and creating versions of him that are retarded
>gets mind wiped and is fucked if not for summer
>almost gets tricked by jerry into being easily assassinated
>"20 minute adventure" results in nearly being killed by own bomb, is saved by morty
>is at the mercy of giant court and is saved by tiny person civil rights activist
>morty is always disarming neutrino bombs
>had to be saved from split timelines by 4d testicle who then fucks up imprisoning them
rick is overrated
This isn't true. This is one punch man.
Even in the very first episode he starts freaking out and running from a creature he knows nothing about.
>Is there a bigger Mary Sue in existence than pic related?
Probably not. Rick is one of those few characters that have literally zero flaws, not a single one. And his virtues as a human being are very plentiful, of course.
yeah plus he's hugely handicapped the moment he loses the portal gun
i turned myself into a good show morty!!!!!
what's with the green drool always coming out of his mouth?
Jerry is the Tyler Durden of Rick and Morty (Roiland literally cites Fight Club as inspiration for the character), except he doesn't have the split personality that gets shit done. He's supposed to be a pathetic subservient beta male that represents the worst of the modern 'male' whereas Rick is the strong charasmatic alpha that takes what he wants and forges his own way in life.
Threadly reminder that Rick & Morty is reddit
Ah, it's "I don't know what Mary Sue means," the thread. I hate these threads.
This is 100% true, R&M fags please stop and just accept it.
He really isn't. He got beaten at checkers by fucking Morty for fuck's sake.
>all these butthurt 4channers
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Can someone explain to me what exactly a 'Mary sue' is?
And OP comes across as a retard so its ok.
get out
go on urban dict and read the second entry
>Can someone explain to me what exactly a 'Mary sue' is?
It's a buzzword people use when they don't like a character.
They will try to give you a hundred conflicting definitions about what it means, but ultimately it boils down to that.
It's cheap to produce and has a wide audience
Tyler is the strong charismatic split personality who gets shit done
I wouldn't ever count a title character as a Mary Sue, the story is meant to revolve around them to some extent.
Now when you insert an OCDONUTSTEEL character into a story and make it all revolve around them, then you are getting into Mary Sue territory.
Both are Tyler. Ed Norton's character is only ever credited as 'The Narrator'.
Until the plot needs him to be otherwise like that shit episode where they go on a 20 min adventure
So how does a rick then get the Intel that morty is evil morty before he even reveals that ?
I am talking about that bar scene.
This is not the main characteristic of a marry sue but only one of many.
I like Rick and Morty
Separate characters aren't one character
Reminder that the only people who hate S3 are children who genuinely identify with Rick and hate seeing others get the better of him.
A character whose character is overpowered, if that makes sense.
>The prototypical Mary Sue is an original female character in a fanfic who obviously serves as an idealized version of the author, mainly for the purpose of Wish Fulfillment. She's exotically beautiful, often having an unusual hair or eye color, and has a similarly cool and exotic name. She's exceptionally talented in an implausibly wide variety of areas, and may possess skills that are rare or nonexistent in the canon setting. She also lacks any realistic, or at least story-relevant, character flaws - either that or her "flaws" are obviously meant to be endearing.
>She has an unusual and dramatic backstory. The canon protagonists are all overwhelmed with admiration for her beauty, wit, courage and other virtues, and are quick to adopt her as one of their True Companions, even characters who are usually antisocial and untrusting; if any character doesn't love her, that character gets an extremely unsympathetic portrayal. She has some sort of especially close relationship to the author's favorite canon character - their love interest, illegitimate child, never-before-mentioned sister, etc.
They explained it so many times and you still didn't get it? You're a fucking moron.
They're not separate. You're not understanding.
Is Sup Forums legitimately too shitbrained to understand that they are making fun of Rick's edgy, arrogant character?
Not even american and you still got that wrong. Embarrassing.
Have you ever watched Fight Club? They are literally the same person.
I don't hate season 3 but it's not funny. I think it's interesting but that's it. It's boring me.
>reddit and memey
consider suicide
One Punch Man, or Motoko Kusanagi(anime).
The story isn't about the main protagonist. It is about what everyone else is doing in relation to the MC.
Yep, separate characters by your own words
I don't think they count if it's stated they are the absolute best. Rick is the smartest person in the universe, OPM beats anyone with one punch,. A mary sue would be solving greater and greater problems that should be beyond their grasp. And Rick isn't a self insert.
>Deus ex machina is a Latin calque from Greek ἀπὸ μηχανῆς θεός (apò mēkhanês theós), meaning 'god from the machine'.
>Deus ex Sánchez is a Latin calque from Greek apò sēnchês theós, meaning 'god from the Sánchez'.
Please explain how am I wrong