>main character's genetic makeup and bone structure doom him to have females never find him attractive and males to not respect him for the rest of his life
Main character's genetic makeup and bone structure doom him to have females never find him attractive and males to not...
>tfw 6 feet
>big penis
Even Stephen Hawking left his wife for his caretaker.
And yet you'll always be alone.
>tfw main character has a massive cock but doesn't know how to say so subtly, so it doesn't help attract women.
He's rich and famous it's not like they actually like him
>tfw main character too dumb to understand the subject he's passionate about
>main character isn't too dumb to understand, but rather too lazy, and only realizes this on his deathbed
true kino
Exact. Meaning genetic makeup and bone structure has jack shit to do with women being attracted to you.
Are you arguing that any 6/10 or higher woman on the face of the planet is physically attractedto Stephen Hawking
They get wet over his money and status retard they find him gross
I'm like a solid 7.8/10 when I'm not moonfaced.
God I really need to lose some fucking weight.
That hit too close to him, lad
So why don't you quit being a bum and get some cash then? Do you think whining like a bitch about how unfair everything is will get pussy on your dick?
Name one (1) movie that has this plotline in it
Well that's your problem that you'd only get with a 6/10 or higher.
Lower your fucking standards. Even if you look a little bit better than Stephen Hawking, you can still find a 5/10 who will find you attractive.
>main chatacter doesnt understand basic human relationships and somehow thinks that the looks are everything
You just need to be symphatetic, i know lots of fat manlets drowning in pussy
>Even if you look a little bit better than Stephen Hawking, you can still find a 5/10 who will find you attractive.
Hunchback of Notre Dame
I'm 6'2", good looking with a big penis but diagnosed mild autism means I'm still a virgin at 27.
looks are helpful but don't guarantee success with grills.
Genetic makeup is the only thing that matters when it comes to two organisms mating
You don't need to be subtle mate. Just drop it in casually when introducing yourself
you're 100% gay
I'm at most 20% gay you faggot
I hate that movie
It really doesn't need to be this long either
>the arc where the character realizes he's just go to do the best with what he's got and works hard to improve himself
Took far to long to get there but really worth the payoff
I got all three of these and I'm a wizard.
Face is all that matters, I see way more handsome manlets with pretty girls than average lanklets