What is Sup Forums's opinion on the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s?

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Im like actually super curious what it was actually like. Like a modern day plague how did it kill so quickly?

Targeted Virus. Bioweapon out of control perhaps. Jump from animal to human has never been adequately explained.

Yah but Aids still exsits. We got that shit under control But how was it so fucking powerful early on? was it a natural virus like Spanish flu? Also what i dont get is how it was so deadly before but now people live forever with it.

I assume it was a bioweapon. But we will never know the classified details. I don't know how to explain this well since I'm not a sci-fag but someone was telling me viruses can sort of be targeted to attack specific genetic profiles so I wonder the extent to which that can come into play. eg targeting gays or blacks. Now it mostly affects black people and trans people (because they are prostitutes but its not PC to talk about that)

People didn't know enough about how exactly it spreaded, they knew buttsex was to blame but not if it was the only vector. Also there were basically no drugs that were helpful in any way so people died very fast.

Same way the old plague killed so quickly, hygiene and safety failure. The sexual revolution of the 1960's created a disease vector for HIV as strong as uncontrolled rat and flea populations were for bubonic, the 2 to 3 degrees of separation between every queer in the 1970's caused by gay bathhouse culture.

How was HIV that strong though? That shit was like Ebola is HIV naturally that strong of a killer?

just don't have gay sex and you'll be fine

Fucking Canadians.

>is HIV naturally that strong of a killer
If you leave it untreated the effect is cummulative, one serious disease leaves you too weak to handle the next one so it only takes some bad luck for a cold to finish you off.

I've had tons of gay sex and been tested negative. I think you would have to fuck black people or trans or prostitutes or have sex on meth or not use lube. I assume it gets transmitted primarily via semen through tears in the rectum or hemorrhoids made worse by the rampant alcohol and drug use in our gay world.

Watch Gary Null's documentary where, towards the end, he interviews old homosexuals who lived through the seventies and eighties. The real reason there was a failure of compasion for GRID sufferers was not homophobia. It was because everybody remembered out-of-control homosexuals embracing disease and extreme promiscuity as a moral, societally-changing political triumph. They thought that penicillin meant that VD was permanently conquered. They boasted about how many times they were re-infected with the same disease.

Can we consider the AIDS problem solved nowadays? I mean, people don't really die from it anymore.

>bang asian chick at college
>condom breaks
>she starts crying suddenly, wtf?
>think she's scared of preggo, be nice and bring her to drug store and get plan B pills
>midway through school year, find out her nickname is AIDS girl :^)
>:^) oh shit n*gger
>go get tested
>year later get tested again just in case
How many bullets did I dodge?

a leaf homo from quebec city or something started it. not only do we shitpost, we start AIDS

No there were earlier cases of black male prostitutes spreading it. They just weren't widely covered because, well if you were a sick black male prostitute, how comfy would you be seeking medical treatment?



Lucky, be grateful. Like really.

>how did it kill so quickly?
because we didnt know what the fuck it was, how it spread, or how to treat it.

Think about Polio. Or hell, even the plague itself. back in the day, people didnt know what caused it or how to fight it, so it had its way with the population.

as for the origins of Aids, and conspiracy theories behind that, who knows.

many people think aids was created specifically to target the black community.

others the gay community.

maybe it was just a bioweapons test on the human population. or a superbug borne of, like

mentioned, gays pretty much rejecting any common sense or disease prevention, just allowing themselves to catch diseases because "so what, we can treat em later", resulting in mutations and evolution of something along the line, which eventually became aids. Sort of how around cold season, you get warned about going full ham on cold meds, because you could develop a medication resistant strain.

AIDS is one of the best things to happen, ever.

HIV doesn't spread from women to man (unless you have a bunch of open sores on your dick).

not many, heterosexual vaginal intercourse is very safe.

We had no idea how it worked, there was as much misinformation as real information. It seemed easy to get and was a terrible death sentence.

It sucked.

The South Africans were working on some of that shit back in the day. Brits too. There was that bioweapons base they had to incinerate.

>So we're being ravaged b a disease born entirely out of indulging in our mental illness?
They're beyond sympathy once it becomes completely immune to its treatment medicine.

Well user, I'm glad you asked. Let me share with you a famous story from the 80's gay "scene" that actually appeared in a magazine from that era. And you can judge the level of degeneracy for yourself:


>By Bob Blotnick

>A few years ago, while browsing around the library downtown, I had to take a piss. As I entered the john a big beautiful all-American football hero type, about twenty-five, came out of one of the booths. I stood at the urinal looking at him out of the corner of my eye as he washed his hands. He didn't once look at me. He was "straight" and married -- and in any case I was sure I wouldn't have a chance with him.

>As soon as he left I darted into the booth he'd vacated, hoping there might be a lingering smell of shit and even a seat still warm from his sturdy young ass. I found not only the smell but the shit itself. He'd forgotten to flush. And what a treasure he had left behind. Three or four beautiful specimens floated in the bowl. It apparently had been a fairly dry, constipated shit, for all were fat, stiff, and ruggedly textured.

>The real prize was a great feast of turd -- a nine inch gastrointestinal triumph as thick as a man's wrist.

>I knelt before the bowl, inhaling the rich brown fragrance and wondered if I should obey the impulse building up inside me. I'd always been a heavy rimmer and had lapped up more than one little clump of shit, but that had been just an inevitable part of eating ass and not an end in itself.

>Of course I'd had jerk-off fantasies of devouring great loads of it (what rimmer hasn't), but I had never done it. Now, here I was, confronted with the most beautiful five-pound turd I'd ever feasted my eyes on, a sausage fit to star in any fantasy and one I knew to have been hatched from the asshole of the world's handsomest young stud.

>Why not? I plucked it from the bowl, holding it with both hands to keep it from breaking. I lifted it to my nose. It smelled like rich, ripe limburger (horrid, but thrilling), yet had the consistency of cheddar. What is cheese anyway but milk turning to shit without the benefit of a digestive tract? I gave it a lick and found that it tasted better then it smelled. I've found since then that shit nearly almost does.

>I hesitated no longer. I shoved the fucking thing as far into my mouth as I could get it and sucked on it like a big brown cock, beating my meat like a madman. I wanted to completely engulf it and bit off a large chunk, flooding my mouth with the intense, bittersweet flavor. To my delight I found that while the water in the bowl had chilled the outside of the turd, it was still warm inside.

>As I chewed I discovered that it was filled with hard little bits of something I soon identified as peanuts. He hadn't chewed them carefully and they'd passed through his body virtually unchanged. I ate it greedily, sending lump after peanutty lump sliding scratchily down my throat. My only regret was the donor of this feast wasn't there to wash it down with his piss.

>I soon reached a terrific climax. I caught my cum in the cupped palm of my hand and drank it down. Believe me, there is no more delightful combination of flavors than the hot sweetness of cum with the rich bitterness of shit.

>Afterwards I was sorry that I hadn't made it last longer. But then I realized that I still had a lot of fun in store for me. There was still a clutch of virile turds left in the bowl. I tenderly fished them out, rolled them into my hankerchief, and stashed them in my briefcase.

>In the week to come I found all kinds of ways to eat the shit without bolting it right down. Once eaten it's gone forever unless you want to filch it third hand out of your own asshole. Not an unreasonable recourse in moments of desperation or simple boredom. I stored the turds in the refrigerator when I was not using them but within a week they were all gone. The last one I held in my mouth without chewing, letting it slowly dissolve. I had liquid shit trickling down my throat for nearly four hours. I must have had six orgasms in the process.

>I often think of that lovely young guy dropping solid gold out of his sweet, pink asshole every day, never knowing what joy it could, and at least once did, bring to a grateful shiteater.

It's still an epidemic, expect those faggots have now embraced it under the guise of "bugchasing" and "giving the gift."

>someone was telling me viruses can sort of be targeted to attack specific genetic profiles so I wonder the extent to which that can come into play. eg targeting gays or blacks.

>this one guy loves eating shit therefore all gays love eating shit
they were male, does that mean that all men love eating shit?

Protip: it never actually ended. Fags are still 2% of the population and 60% of AIDS cases.

they are 60% of far fewer cases though. it's not an epidemic anymore in that it's not something to be worried about, really.

AIDS was a test. They purposely infected a few gay people because nobody cared about them. It kind of got out of control.

Female to male transmission rate is like 1 in 10000. Her fluids would literally have to travel all the way down your urethra.

Well I heard some stuff about if you sleep with prostitutes, especially in less developed countries and they have syphilis or gonorrhea, untreated, it can weaken the vaginal membrane to make it more permeable so that can increase it spreading in both directions.

Well of course there are outside factors but the fact of the matter is that unprotected sex with a prostitute has not been listed as an AIDS infection risk in America for nearly half a century.

Well ur not in America. Lord knows what those abbo women have.

Wasn't bio-engineered. God sent it to kill the heathens and gays. We are going against God's work to stop it.

Ebola is high death rate, but its incubation period is short and symptoms are obvious so it's easier to recognize and control

HIV has a really long incubation period and when it kills by allow other diseases with other symptoms to finish the job. By the time people figure out what it is, it already infected a shit load of people. It also helps the the very first few victims happen to be extremely promiscuous gay individuals who spread it to other promiscuous gay

Liberals pushed normal healthy homosexuals to be flaming in-your-face faggots as psychological warfare on Conservatives. They now get votes because they induced an AIDS epidemic that has evolved into an identity issue.

Good thing I'm not an extremely desperate Northern Territory trucker.

best copypasta ever

The AIDS panic was when I first became aware of cultural marxism and the ability of the media to peddle lies and make everyone too embarrassed to question them. It was the beginning of the end as I saw it.
It went something like this:
It was known early on that AIDS was spread primarily by homos and IV drug users, but that didn't matter, it was everyone else's "ignorance" that was the cause of the spread, not infected needles and penises.
Condoms and needle exchange programs were the magic solution to the problem, so we needed both in nightclubs and classrooms alike. If you objected, you were not only a prude but a nazi hatemonger.
ACT-UP was a bunch of homofaggots who would go into Catholic masses and start screaming and breaking things and shit. Because of course it's the "ignorance" of church-goers who are causing AIDS to spread, not the reckless behavior of junkies and butt-pirates. This is when I realized that gays are inherently mentally ill drama queens who project their neuroses onto others.

What were they even protesting? The fact that they lived a dangerous, irresponsible lifestyle and incurred unforeseen costs? By that logic, middle aged men who wreck their mid-life-crisis-mobiles trying to impress sorority girls should be able to picket too. Same think with IV drug users.

They were literally protesting to receive government subsidized sympathy. This is why social issues are political, even if you aren't personally offended by them. Seriously, name one minority group that has worked to be self-reliant and skeptical of big government handouts . You can't and that's a problem. Minority groups will always make government bigger, for this very reason.

> name one minority group that has worked to be self-reliant and skeptical of big government handouts .
Korean and Vietnamese refugees.
And that's why you never hear about them, and why rappers and "civil" "rights" "activists" hate them with a passion.

Butsex is easiest and had the highest transmission risk besides blood to blood. A gay man's ass is basically a incubator of bacteria

HIV cannot be treated with antibiotics, and so antibiotics will not provide selection pressure.
It was more about a lack of safe sex between promiscuous gay men


Standard homosexual gathering

It's a plague sent be God, it only effects those who engage in sexual deviancy and partake in drug use.

Fuck off, little kids died from contaminated blood bank donations. Insensitive brigger.

Watch this degeneracy

Those kids probably didn't go to hell, after all it is only what comes out of the mouth the defilith the man.

God works in mysterious ways I'm sure they would've been evil in some way.

>Continues to have gay sex.

Nigger it's like you're tempting God.

If you have sex with only white dudes and you lubricate it properly the risk is pretty low.

>Only a few Muslims are terrorists, so there's nothing wrong with Islamisation of the West, u're just racist.

Okay so we can deport all the ones that commit a crime, attempt to commit a crime, are found to have supported a financed a crime?

How about if they have a history of being criminals and pedophilia, animal abuse and other criminal acts?

yea except like everyone can get it not just fags jesus like some places 40% of men and women have hiv or higher dam thats bad. it is mainly an educational thing like most problems its total avoidable if you educate the masses on it. that was a big problem in the us even still