>ship asian girl with a white man first time in history
>it flops so hard it kills the careers of everyone involved
And you wonder why they stick to safe couplings like wwbm. That shit sells
>ship asian girl with a white man first time in history
>it flops so hard it kills the careers of everyone involved
And you wonder why they stick to safe couplings like wwbm. That shit sells
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No one cares about interracial relationships aside from a handful of freaks.
Eh, people liked Glenn and Maggie for a while, before we realized walking dead was going nowhere
I like gook pusy
WTF I thought this movie did well enough for a sequel.
It did, OP simply has a sore bum.
The movie was just boring. I don't give a shit if the asian waifu is underwhelming
But the point was that they weren't a romance in the end.
russiabot and chinabot were absolute wasted potential. They both deserved better than what they got.
t. white roastie
Go to jamal and we'll go to Miu. AM can get BW and the cycle is complete.
>flops so hard
Haha it must suck being an asian male
>remember my son will be an asian male
They weren't a couple and it wouldn't even be the first wmaf couple in a film by a long shot.
low iq detected
>And you wonder why they stick to safe couplings like wwbm
Wonder Woman x Batman?
Uh based China saved it and we'll get a sequel.
Was it really a romance? They never kissed or anything. They seemed more like close friends
No, it flopped hard in america because americans are too stupid to understand any action movie where an american isn't the hero. Oh and mecha, americans hate mecha.
It wasn't and it surprised most people because it's become such a cliche to have a romantic pairing at the end.
>stated for a sequel
>mfw theme kicks in
Shit's fuccen sick, bro'
Exactly. One of the reasons why I liked it, except for bigass fucking robots punching badass aliens in the face of course, was that they didn't build up a stupid romance plot.
half breed girls are fine
we mostly hope for that
I'm fine with Asian waifus, but she could barely speak English and had absolutely no chemistry with the main character, and she's not even particularly cute. The problem wasn't that she was Asian, it's that she was completely miscast. They needed someone that could at least go 1 for 3.
>first time in history
GDT specifically stated there was no romantic interest between the two
>I really want my daughter to be smoking hot so other guys can run a train on her and she won't carry my name
>also I won't have a son
WMAF truly is the cuckiest relationship of all time
Agreed. My favorite movie of all time is a romance. But I hate when they try to force a romance plot into every single movie.
why build robots so expensive each country can only make one? why not use mega-powerful bombs?
because that would be boring and everyone wants to see giant robots fight
will the sequel flop? no del toro and a black lead
Might I ask which one? Romance that is?
Raise her a feminist, so her cucky husband takes her name
>everything is somehow related to my infantile political viewpoint
400 days of summer
>raise her a feminist
you're really not making your case here
>ship asian girl with a white man first time in history
>the first time I've seen it is the first time in history
Are you underage?
>the only white girls that like asian guys are eastern european weebs
im ok with this
The rest fuck niggers
makes me want to rewatch it
Sup Forums strean where?
>monster keep attacking cities
>you keep bombing your own cities
Yes, it was.
Friends don't watch each other change clothes through the peep holes of their doors
in the movie they detected the monsters before it reached the cities. they can bomb the monsters before they reach the cities.
also, in the movie the battle caused lots of damage in the city and the robots also directly caused lots of damage in the city like that robot that dragged the train to use as weapon against the monster.
tanks and planes vs monsters with bombs missiles exploding is also fun.
Damn this gif must be like 13 years old by now
Are there any asian leading men left in hollywood? Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Donnie Yen are basically retired at this point from blockbusters.
feeling old yet?
Pal has a happa boy. Kid turned out super cute. Blue eyes. Blonde hair. But still has Asiatic features. Bitches be all over him. Apparently he even avoided the asian micro-dick thanks to his dad's whiteboy genes. Going to be some kind of Anime Protagonist pussy destroyer when he's older.
Mother isn't pure single-strain Asian though. A mix of three types if I remember right. So the kid has a crazy genetic mix going on. May be a one-off.
you've aroused my "interest"
>another proof of burgers shit taste.
China will change cinema.
i'm ok with that. as long as it's not africa.
It felt like it was and then got cut in the final release