What movies do girls watch?
What movies do girls watch?
Probably capeshit or some other trash
Master and Commander
Horror movies desu.
I know way more girls that like horror movies than guys.
I know a girl and she liked Frances Ha.
girls enjoy kafkaesque movies
boring ass chick flicks that get their ginies tingly when the main actress kisses the boy.
Empire Records
The Notebook
Men in Black
Magic Mike
Whatever is trending on social media
same shit as guys
the notebook
Do they enjoy Lovecraftian movies by any chance?
Stop posting this in my threads faggot!
They don't, they constantly check their phone and facebooks
stop making the same thread over and over
left seat > roof > back left > right seat > outside > back right
prove me wrong
you cant
Girls don't watch movies they watch propaganda
My gf loves:
>Argentinian movies
>Movies where someone gets sick and dies
>Movies about elderly people
>Movies about poor people
>Movies about immigrants
>Social movies (alla Ken Loach)
It's the female "care" instinct. They thrive on it.
I like:
>Hero's journey movies
>Revenge movies
>Dystopian movies
>Technically and visually kino movies (masters-of-the-art directors)
It's the male "mission" instinct.
We humans are spiritually divided at birth, we truly are ying and yang.
Don't overestimate bitches dawg. They only watch they phone and messengers
>I know a girl
yeah right
Whatever movie chad decided he wanted to watch. And don't believe she's actually watching, she just needs something to post on snap/instagram
fiances favorite is Step Up
No. They like the new ones about spooky ghosts and demons that are full of jump scares.
How do I get gfs that look like this?
Homemade cuck tapes starring you.
Public Agent
Mean Girls
Get your Chad level to at least 7.6 meganormies.
How do I do that?
b urself
Then why hasn’t it worked yet? :(
It’s a meme you dip.
Whatever is popular