What's wrong with the fucking EU?
Why are they such authoritarian lying bastards?
>Why are they such authoritarian lying bastards?
because they can get away with it
I was reading this today
That's a deceitful and very clickbaity headline
From the report:
>"In general, the results do not show robust statistical evidence of displacement of sales by online copyright infringements. That does not necessarily mean that piracy has no effect but only that the statistical analysis does not prove with sufficient reliability that there is an effect."
That does not equal "piracy doesn't harm sales"
It goes on to point out:
>The results show a displacement rate of 40 per cent which means that for every ten recent top films watched illegally, four fewer films are consumed legally
Which contradicts the headline totally
It's also as if this article is deliberately misleading in order to promote it being shared and clicked on for advertising revenue
I mean, I'm european and I've never got a letter from my ISP so...
Your best argument is a quote that says "Well the stats dont show anything but maybe if we ignore the stats and focus on downloads we can pretend something is happening"
It's because the people who pirate are usually people who would have never spent money to begin with
thats me. ive got so much music and movies and tv shows, but id never buy them. its just like porn, if its there ill take it but id live without it.
ISPNs don't care but here in Germany sleazy law firms monitor the IPs on torrents and then are legally allowed to basically extort you for thousands so they don't go to court with it.
I'm American and neither have I nor do I fear one. You have to be a seeding cuck to even get one.
It's called the Perestroika Deception, you should look it up.
The current head of the european comission is the former minister of economic affairs of a major european tax haven. The whole union is a joke and is dictated by corporate interest.
hurr durr pirating doesnt hurt anyone
You're just mad because you've been handing over your money to rich people who don't need it
>Communism means not getting exploited by companies
Gonna need you to go back to redsdit there lad
Way to intentionally misrepresent the article.
wat Im saying it means exactly that
they maybe not need it but they still produce what you consume so they earned it
Pirating is good, real libertarians do not believe in intellectual property and copyrights.
im a streaming enthousiaste i will never be in trouble
>t. CEO of Goldstein Records
could you give a picture of a "real libertarian"?
literally every anti-piracy poster is a shill
ten years ago zero percent of Sup Forums gave a shit about piracy
the way they're coming out of the woodwork for these threads is proof of how thoroughly Sup Forums is occupied by professional astroturfers
The European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (also ECTR) is a non-governmental organization that was established in Paris, France on October 7, 2008 to monitor tolerance in Europe
>Why are they such authoritarian lying bastards?
because Europe is where authoritarianism and corporate fascism evolved and the same old money still runs everything behind the scenes?
you don't know what statistically significant means. saying that the results showed that 40 percent displacement rate doesn't mean anything if it isn't statistically significant.
it's just a looming threat for now
but you know if they need a new way to terrorise the public, this is on the shortlist
the key is to let the threat simmer for long enough that when they start kicking down doors of dissidents who also happened to download game of thrones, everyone will have forgotten the time when it was possible to do something political about authoritarian creep latching onto copyright law using something which should be an entirely civil matter
okay grandpa
That's fair enough though.
>buy games dirt cheap from key sellers
>exploit vouchers once for infinite deezer and groove access
>pay 5 bucks a month for amazon prime student and leech off parents' sky go
There. No need to pirate shit.
Aren't normies nowadays paying again for all their media? Everyone I know pays for netflix and spotify, while just a couple of years ago they were still copying cd's and dvd's from eachother.
most people who torrent shit were never going to spent money on it in the first place.
normies love netflix and spotify. its weird. i think the middle class think that if they can show they pay for media they arent low class. like if someone came over to my million dollar apartment and saw torrents im meant to feel shame?
>Aren't normies nowadays paying again for all their media? Everyone I know pays for netflix and spotify, while just a couple of years ago they were still copying cd's and dvd's from eachother.
I think Gabe Newell once said that pirates are dissatisifed customers. In some people services wised up to that and offered more convenient ways for those pirates to become paying customers.
He said Piracy is a problem of convenience. He said the reason Steam works is because its easier than Pirating, and he said the reason traditional DRM measures have been so unsuccessful is because they actively make it harder to get the product legitimately. A Pirate just downloads the game, mounts the .ISO, and installs it, whereas a legitimate buyer has to basically do all of that plus deal with all the retarded DRM horseshit.
haha you are such a cuck it's cute
>What's wrong with the fucking EU?
EU exist to centralize corporate lobbying in Europe to one place. It is cheaper for corporations to bribe politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels instead of doing same in every European capital.
you're on Sup Forums user. You are a normie