>no one talking about Kingsmen 2 being a failure
damn... this actually makes me sad, I was looking forward to this
No one talking about Kingsmen 2 being a failure
That means half the critics liked it. The other half could be wrong.
This means Matthew Vaughn finally managed to make (half-assed, but still) kíno in his life time of flick combiner.
>ever caring about rotten tomato
This. I'll still see it since I liked the first one.
The original film had meme marketing like "OBAMA DIES" and "VICIOUS CHURCH MASSACRE". Doesn't look like this one had any good meme scenes.
This is the only score I care about.
so what? russian subhumans won't ever accomplish anything and the eu is garbage
>if it's not fresh on rt it's a failure
here's a list of movies that are now considered classics/cult classics but have low rt scores
>Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (45%)
>Home Alone (54%)
>Last Action Hero (37%)
>Saw (48%)
>Equilibrium (38%)
>Three Amigos! (44%)
>Spies Like Us (35%)
And many others. If those movies were made today, RT would kill their chances for being hits.
Rotten Tomatoes doesn't decide shit. If it did, Ghostbusters remake would've been huge, and Batman v. Superman would've tanked.
The movies you named are huge studio projects based on intellectual properties with an established fanbase. The movies I named don't have that safety net.
With that rational, Ghostbusters 2017 should've done much better. Most of those movies didn't do well for their time, either.
*tips fedora*
Just got back. Average at best. 1st was better
how R rated is this one?
Loved the first one, but I had a hard time getting into this one. It just feels like a mess, with a lot of really unnecessary subplots and character arcs. Overall I think it was a bad movie that had some moments I really liked.
I kind of expected this. Matthew Vaughn's movies really don't work as sequels. Same thing with kick-ass 2. The entire self-awareness of the first movie was thrown out of the window and it just felt really weird watching the whole thing.
I'm watching it tonight. But I am a little worried about the stale trope of American Team vs. Brittish Team. Looking forward to Channing Tatum though
no one "looks forward to channing tatum" who isn't a flaming homosexual.
wow you sound really insecure bro
Wrong, i do. He's always been very entertaining in the latest movies.
apparently I hear that they don't even really use the american team often, which is a huge sham because they looked fun as fuck
failure? every session in my city was booked out til like monday bro, no way is it gonna flop commercially, and fuck what the (((critics))) say, they don't know shit
i've never been impressed with his acting ability, so i just always assumed his success was a sexual thing. kind of like brad pitt, who we can all agree is a shit actor.
Are you capable of making your own opinion?
He's really quite good in Burn After Reading
channing's part was really disappointing, he makes a cool intro and then you basically never see him in action again
He is an amazng dancer too, and even though he might not be a stellar actor, he is fun. I loved him in 21 Jump Street and his dance part in Hail Caesar was amazing.
It's a guilty pleasure actor I guess?
It's an interesting Team for sure, I'm more worried about the tired tropes that they could use
yeah, he's good at being an obnoxious moron, which probably isn't acting for him. it's like when people said eminem was a good actor when he was only playing himself.
Expected it to be an okay flick. 50% is fine for what it is.
Another over the top comedic action spy movie, they never need to be amazing.
I don't care for reviews but fuck this movie. I loved the first one, but this garbage is nothing like the first.
I went yesterday.
It was not bad, like the 1-st film, absurd but funny. I hope they will show something like church scene, but they didn't. 1st movie had all "my gentleman" shit and actually good church scene, while Colin Firth was amazing. The 2-nd missed it. But still, i like it.
i heard they got rid of all the "politically incorrect" parts, which is part of what made the movie original and interesting.
Still not sure if I liked it or not. Wasn't as subtle as the first one, and the way it started out was kinda unusual. I really liked it up until they get to the Statesmen and the Harry part, then it didn't catch up to the beggining which also had some creative editing.
also Elton John can't act
How the fuck did Saw score so low? Cashgrab sequels aside it was a modern classic
you heard wrong and a woman is the main villain, it's bad for other reasons
So could the half who liked it
>brad pitt
he isnt popular for only being attractive, user
see 12 monkies for an instance
I think the problem is some people still don't realize how RT works
Not as good as first. Something was missing. Too overt about the jokes.
He just doesn't have the intensity you see in others. His best role is probably the stoner in True romance since he played himself
They don't. Channing Tatum basically interrogates them when they first arrive and soon after gets afflicted with the villain's sickness and gets puts into cryo-freeze. Only the guy with the whip actually goes out on missions with them.
Ralphthemoviemaker gave it a 2/10 so I won't see it.
I liked it up until the villain revealed her plot on tv. Speaking of which, her whole shtick and style was fucking awesome, but I was really disappointed with her personality. For such a cool theme, she really didn't have much personality to match.
none of that is in the film for more than 15 minutes
channing is frozen for 90% of the movie
They showed american president as total asshole %%thoug, he was right in his own way%% and arrest him. And main villian is woman. And all this drug theme is ambiguous.
I don't mind Tatum. He's seems like chill and self aware guy and doesnt't take try hard roles.
Yeah she was underused and her death was well not good.
also what was up with the romance plot? I get that it's a parody of the Bond bang em and leave em cliche since they're dating but it doesnt bring much to the film.
Also did anyone think they were gonna travel through the jungle for a while instead of immediately finding her?
fuck critics, i really enjoyed it
And go shill somewhere else.
The romance subplot was fucking awful and the only point of it seemed to be to make it personal for Eggsy so that he'd be motivated to do the mission he was already motivated to do.
More importantly, what was the fucking point of Ginger Ale's little arc? Oh, the barely relevant side character wants to be a field agent and it's treated like it'd be a big promotion, despite the fact that she's their Merlin and basically does one of the most important jobs in the organization. And when she specifically mentioned Whiskey was the one denying her the privilege of being a field agent, I assumed it was because he was a double agent and didn't want her out on the field because of some info she might have that could compromise him somehow. But since he was just acting on the fly with no connection to the golden circle, I guess he was voting against her all those times just to be a dick.
>fuck critics
>makes a critical statement
i meant "professional" critics
They're literally pay Halle Berry to do nothing nothing
such awful writing and such quick, soulless conclusions to the worthless subplots
>ok gang im going to ask one of the brits to replace whiskey even though he definitely needs to go home and rebuild kingsmen seeing as there are literally only 2 of them left
>actually boss i would like to be whiskey
>okie dokie lets vote. ok thats everyone saying yes, which means that we always said no to you before because of one vote in opposition. youve got the gig and we dont have a merlin anymore but now have our merlin in the field in a position for which they are not qualified.
>now. tequila. youll need to show ginger the ropes, but instead you are going to work for kingsmen because i have no idea how to run this organisation apparently.
fuck off jew
this ralph knows whats best his suicide squad review is gospel plus he makes his own movies unlike some other hacks *cough* stuckman *cough*
people are idiots just as much as critics
All Brits Must Die
First one was decent for what it was, definitely didn't need a sequel, though
Australian group when?
>Sup Forums likes Redditman
Why am I even surprised anymore?
Trusting viewers is even worse to be honest.
Neither of the Kingsman movies are kino, but both of them were entertaining.
A lot of the complaints I'm seeing about Golden Circle may be valid, like how many plots were going on, a certain character dying before he gets his big moment, unnecessary characters, strange and unexplained choices etc. However, I was thoroughly entertained and enjoyed it all. Somehow Vaughn got away with it IMO.
Gladiator is 76%
I liked the part in the trailer where the tight blonde opens her robe. Who she?
so why is Colin Firth alive in this one again?
Someone that Eggsy has to seduce to plant a tracker in her vagina and you see a ridiculous close up of him fingering her under her panties
I saw the part in the trailer where they were shooting people with an umbrella and a suitcase and pretended kingsmen sequel was never made, for the sake of perserving my sanity.
Statesman saves him minutes after he's shot, but he has amnesia and thinks he's just out of school
Aside from Home Alone, none of those are considered classics.
Wait, they just...saved him? No super agent plot twist or anything? Wasn't he shot through the eye?
I blinked and missed the explanation, why did they say they were there in their helicopter at just the right time to save him?
Yes. The unknown American version of Kingsman has nanomachines son, and can cure headshots
"recieved very low frequency signals"
I don't think they were in the helicopter already, they just responded quickly because they detected the transmission that triggered the fight between the church people and Harry.
>Kingsflop 2: The Golden Bomb
These movies remind me of those straight to tv diseny flicks they used to make
I mean, c'mon...
I mean... have you seen This is the End?
first was shit
I bet all the rotten is because they killed Pedro Pascal
>be the coolest character
>best fight scene
>most fun to watch fighting style
>did literally nothing wrong
>le lets kill him
also they killed Roxy like 5 mins in. fucking hell
>Looking forward to Channing Tatum though
he has like 2 minutes screens time
Fuck IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. I only started enjoying movies again when I stopped caring about their stupid opinions.
Watch shit and judge for yourself, do not take seriously their shitty, heavily-biased opinions. A feminist reviewer could literally give a 20% rating to a perfect movie because there's a scene where the protagonist hits on some bimbo.
(~NOT~) Donald Drumpf is in the film and is super evil and gets impeached at the end. Then (~NOT~) Hillary Clinton becomes president since it was HER turn (yassss queen!)
I feel this way about a lot of movies. I think it means two things.
>I enjoy most trips to the theater
>I am a pleb
You sound triggered
>trusting critics
I wouldn't trust a critic to actually breathe.
the first one was the most overrated movie on Sup Forums in 2015. literally nothing special about it.
>tfw we wont get to see another good over the top spy movie for a while because of this pile of shit
it was good though.
No fight scene quite matched the church scene from the first one, but the fight scenes were still really good
It’s Neocon shit from Millar.
The president in kingsman did nothing wrong though.
And why did it say that the president was impeached at the end? wouldn't he be indicted?
>Trusting the "film experts" over the average joe.
We have a lot of Armond White fans here.
During the scene when the black girl was on the computer getting the signal or whatever, you could hear the sound of the chips all about to go off which would have been just before the church fight scene started.