Who is he shooting at?

it is my second watch and i still don't get it

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A Lovecraftian Horror

The question isn't "who" he is shooting at, but "what" he is shooting at.
Rust is shooting at the metaphorical 4th wall and trying to break it. Fed up with the world around him, he is becoming more self-aware and the most genius way of showing that is having him shoot at the "screen".


The Lorde

The forensic officers' imaginations.

He's making the scene look like him and rust were under fire to excuse the murders

Lol what kind of retarded fanwank is this

If you aren't trolling (which I know you are) explain how you reached this conclusion.

That gun he's holding is one of the druggy guy's. He's making it look like the druggies got off more shots than they actually did.

So they were either trying to make it look like they were justified in killing them, or making it look like another gang came and killed them. Again, haven't seen it in a while so I don't know what dialogue was said or what the following scene was (them at station? or Rust telling his story in the present). But the general thrust of him shooting the gun was to fake the forensic evidence for what really went down.

He saw a wild nigger running in the forest


>people actually believe this nonsense

the amount of rounds he shot represents the average iq of /s4s/

this is actually have been confirmed by a director

stop this meme

Guess the director has never heard of fingerprints and residue


he's shooting at Cthulhu before his fart can shatter the cosmos

t. trolling or genuine retard

>damage control
You got owned punk, just hide the thread and walk away

not him but it was obvious the moment they started shooting, you absolute mongrel

op here and that was not me also you retarded

There's always someone...


the korean guy in memoirs of a murder

>dat samefagging
Jesus guy give it up, you've embarrassed yourself enough