Why are Canadia and the (((United States))) developed countries while Mexico is a shithole?

Why are Canadia and the (((United States))) developed countries while Mexico is a shithole?

Bcuz durg cratels

Latin America is very mountainous as a whole, which increases the cost of infrastructure and transportation. Transportation costs explain almost everything about the world.

Simple answer, Spanish people are arab subhumans
t. Dacian Traco Getae Roman masterrace

Most of mexico is Desert and Jungle -- literally a shitbox economy.

Superior anglo/european intelligence and leadership. It's sad that the libcucks are going to import shitskins until we're third world. I'm starting to learn polish just in case the race war starts after my country goes to the dogs.

Because Mexico is filled with Mexicans

Spanish colonial system coupled with inherrent Mediterranean cultural faults, like corruption, oligarchical economies, and under the table work, along with the spread of American nigger culture that glorifies laziness. That's the short of it.

t. Latin american

Shitskins. Too many of them

>roman master race

low IQ Indios

To add to that, most Latin American economies are run by a dozen or so families each. In my country they are Italian-Christian Arab-French-Spanish.

>muh culture, muh culture, muh culture

>also, it's niggers' fault

It's your low IQ dipshit.

Google Jason Richwine.

Because of white people.

Lots of them in Canada & US, lack if them in Mexico.

Because America and Canada are majority white, and Mexico isn't.

White People.

No idea but it definitely has nothing to do with race or culture.

Mexicans are nothing but dirty Indians. We treat them like they're something else because they speak Spanish and are Catholic, but they're really just Indians doing Indian things. They don't know how to be civilized.

Spotted the jew.


Yes, please tell about my country dumbass. It's the mentality of the people, not the IQ. That, coupled with the fact that Spain didn't give a shit about most of the colonies. What do you think leads to dumb people? It's bad schooling and bad attitudes toward education, and Latin America has one of the world's worse schoolinh systems, except for Chile.

Percentage of white people

>S H U T I T D O W N


How much do you think Britain cared about America, faggot? Btw, you have to go back.

Fuck you too Pedro :^)

This infographic gave me a stiffy. Thanks leafbro

they are (mostly)white

Spain tried to enslave the natives instead of commiting genocide like the English.

Well, to grossly oversimplify... Spanish institutions, as in South America, tended to promote resource extraction that diverted resources from industrial development. At the same time they limited widespread property ownership and participation in democratic institutions that are essential to national unity and development. British institutions had a far better success rate and limited the development of an establishement of a rentier class that stymied widespread prosperity and development.

I don't live here. And Britain cared enough to finance a war and win their colonists more land on more than one occasionm

Meanwhile Spain left Colombia to defend itself from Britain for example. They also literally just gave my country France for a time.

I mean after the revolution you stupid faggot, which is the majority of American history.


And I've been talking about colonies dumbass since the start. The systems that they put in place. You really are a fucking retard.

Yep. Just here on business.

I really feel for you Latin bros I wish your countries were more developed don't worry we know Latinos are 65% European

This thread is about independent countries, you stupid faggot, not colonies. Reread the OP, you dense shitskin.

You will always be in the lower castes of American society, one rung above niggers.

uh.. a bomb was dropped in san francisco? what?

This is retarded.

If anything the US and Canada have the highest transport costs in the world by virtue of being so massive.

Too much Indian blood.

Ice cream that is 35% shit is still shit.

>le spain fuked us meme xDDDDDDDDDDD


They're almost literally as White as nigger are black

The Eastern half of Canada and the USA have flat plains of fertile agricultural land. Eastern North America is geographically ideal. The difference in cost between mountains and plains is far more significant than having long distances to traverse.

>failing to spot sarcasm

Literally, your English is about as bad as theirs.
You know, Turdeau recently started letting in illegals who enter through the airport and allowing them to stay... You just might be one of those mexiniggers.

IT was real in his mind user.

Lower IQ

in our case.
weak institutions couldn't stop populist goverments and fascist military coups, so the past century democracy faied here, leaving the country in a very weak shape and it couldn't face all the quick change that the world were making.

Fascism worked fine in Chile. You guys are just pinko faggots.

Mexicans have no concept of property rights, no middle class, and no legal equality. All three come (on this continent) from English common law tradition.


No other Mexican will tell you the truth. We were colonized, not an empire. We are elitist so that still use the word "indigenous" for fellow citizens.

Socialism is destroying the west and the world. If you want to see the future just look at Mexico.


because mexico ripped up most of their railways

imagine if pic related was in mexico, they'd be white

They're all corrupt as shit, tax payer money goes in, none goes back to anyone. Hard to remove corruption as Hispanics as the DNC so racistly put it are "Loyal consumers." And now theyre turning our country into a corrupted shithole.

Also Monsanto is currently fucking up farmers down there so thats why they're all trying to come here.


No other Mexican will tell you the truth. We were colonized, not an empire. We are elitist so that still use the word "indigenous" for fellow citizens.

Socialism is destroying the west and the world. If you want to see the future just look at Mexico.

#Trump2016 for the return of true Capitalism and individual freedoms instead of the nanny state!

burger proxy

Sorry for double post, got an error msg, this is the full version.

In fairness that was to stop us from bringing them freedom and democracy.

we didn't have a pinochet.
our dictatorship was terrible. it killed the commies, but it also kill a lot of intellectual and actually useful people.

the economic changes itroduced by pinochet worked.
all the economic plans of our dictators failed. that's why they tried to take the falkland by force, it was a desperate try of mantein power.

sorry. wrong tagged

Would a burger know who Chabelo is?

It's true. I'm Mexican and people often assume I'm Arab.

Yeah, my life is pretty terrible.

So why does spain have one of the lowest crime rates in europe?

Couple reasons:
Canada and US as a nation were created by white people and Mexico as an independent nation was not.

US and Canada decided to segregate natives while the spanish in mexico bread with them making them a mutt race of lower intelligence.

Now fast forward many years and you will see corruption, exploitation, poor education, bad policies, lack of law, and extreme poverty etc..

>parentheses needed

>example - (((cocaine)))

Yes the spanish fucked a bunch of their slaves to makes mestizos, and so did southerners in the US. You can see a clear difference between american blacks and africans.

The biggest difference was that spain was not big enough to populate latin america, so they could never create white majority, while US got a huge influx of whites from all over europe.

>What do you think leads to dumb people? It's bad schooling and bad attitudes toward education

Let's not get carried away here taco.

What do you think lead to ugly people? Is it only their level of physical fitness?

The only correct answer to this question is the Spanish.

That's it, it is all the Iberian Niggers fault.

Yeah because we all know what a paradise british guiana is.


Travel for a few km outside of southern Ontario mate

Slave plantation colony that is 30% niggers and 43% poo in loos.

>we wuz romans

Honestly i cant tell if youre even serious about this anymore

90% of latin america was a slave plantation colony to the spanish.

Exactly, so the Spaniards made Latin America shit.

>we wuz emperorz philosophers n sheeit

If mountains raising the cost of travel is what makes those countries shit how come BC is so rich?

it was much more shit before they got there. And no other country would have done a better job.

>43% poo in loos

Funny, just learned this odd fact the other day. Looking at pictures of modern British Guyanians, they look mostly African though. What gives?

The British imported all the poor, basically niggers, southern Indians.