>hahaha look at his willy
Hahaha look at his willy
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Hey, f-five inches is a-average.
Shut up alien chad and stacy.
h-hey fuck you
it's scientifically average....also most women don't even like big dicks
my penis shrank a bit after starting hormone therapy. it looks cuter now
>always thought i had a small dick
>one day check what 17.5cm is in inches
>mfw top 20 percentile
i hope you weren't a good twink
5.5 inches is average!
I mean, I'm still a virgin, but it isn't because of my averaged sized dick!
I want to fuck Mantis
When will dick enlargements finally work
never lol
better luck to us in our next life
>hahaha he watches Zack Snyder "movies"
*wonders what bizarre series of events led me to this scenario*
>b-brown nipples? hahahahhahahhah
at least I don't have roid shrinkage
If both me and my gf have brown nips, will our bebes also have brown nips???
>tfw girls go wild for your olive skin and chocolate button nips
No, because you're firing blanks anyway
across the board my man, come one come all
A gentleman's five and one quarter is nothing to be ashamed of.
The giant bush of fire orange crotch hair? That's another matter entirely.
Awright luv? I jus been down the shops and saw Mr. Sufi, that big arab hunk of a man he is, and he's wiv Mrs. Sufi right? An it's bloomin' 32 degrees celcius outside innit, and she's there wiv er gawjus usband and she's full covered in er burka ent she? So I goes over there an asks her if she needs some wa-ah, and she says "No thanks luv, I'm wet enuf already" haaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa she wuz talkin bout er vajeena weren't she?
I hated her. Her retarded way of talking which is supposed to be cute... Yuck
have sex
Really? I was too busy jerking off in the theater.
>tfw thought I was aa 5"-5.5" dicklet
>remeasure recently
>tfw actually a 6" dicklet
feels good
You have to have atleast 6 inches of girth to be taken seriously.
She has REALLY nice tits tbqh
I've lost my tape measure so I can't measure my girth unfortunately
>dicklett and premature ejaculator
It's not fair.
its 7 girthlet
b-b-but does it follow the bell curve?
>tfw fucked 7 (seven) different girls and still can't cum from sex
>literally just keep going for more than a hour to make them climax a few times and then we both just tire out
>blowjobs don't do a thing
>handjobs are either fuck awful or painful
Did deathgripping really fuck me up that badly or am I just secret gay
Despite the high end of average being like 4.7"
both bro
but dude u gotta have at least a 9x7 bbc for women not to kill you on the spot when you pull it out lmao
all penis size measurements seem to deviate a bit, but this one study says
1 in 2 men have a penis size of 5.877 inch and it's the most common size so if ur under that ur a small dickie lickie shmickie
nice try
WOW, I didnt know that Dave Bautista was half-Asian
He has an Asian father and White mother. If you have an Asian dad, you get Bautista and Keanue Reeves while if it was the other way around, you get Elliot Rodgers
>hahaha he watches Marvel "movies"
She was way too hot, I couldn't even follow the movie everyone she was on screen.
I ended up rushing to the toilet during the credits to rub one out