'I Am Not Going ANYWHERE' Hillary Promises Supporters On Stephen Colbert's Show

It was Clinton's first late-night appearance since her November defeat by Donald Trump. She sat down with Colbert to explore what happened, how to prevent it from happening again and what exactly Colbert had in mind for his alt-universe election night special.

Promoting her new book, "What Happened," Clinton and Colbert talked of many things. Like how young, white "Bernie Bros" wish she would just go away.

"Well, you know, if they'd take up a collection and somewhere really nice, I might consider it," Clinton joked about her detractors, before clarifying: "I am not going anywhere," which elicited raucous and extended audience applause.

While sipping Chardonnay and chatting, Colbert offered Clinton an envelope full of his Hillary victory jokes, unused on election night.

"I wish we could have told those jokes," Colbert said. "I wish you were our president."


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This is great news for every right-wing person ever.

Could this interview be considered a form of Lovecraftian kino?

I would vote for HIllary just to troll the other side. Imagine if she won.

>"I wish you were our president."
fucking lol. is this what passes for a television host? this sounds like some mid-afternoon talkback radio host

considering the amount of demon-worship and occultist activity she's involved in, I would say so

>Imagine if she won
Have you read 1984? I imagine it would be something like that.

How can anyone take Stephen Colbert seriously? He's not merely a biased comedian; he's a fucking shill for Democrats.

>"I am not going anywhere"
She's almost 70 years old and she looks like hell. She's going somewhere.

>White Bernie Bros

Why did they feel the need to draw attention to their race ?

White people are the great Satan

>Have you read 1984? I imagine it would be something like that.
so you haven't read it then. Mong.

Democrats can't stop themselves from shitting on white men. It's almost like a disorder now. This is why Republican is now the white people party.

I wonder why his show is so popular
It's a mystery I guess

Can't wait for her corpse to become worm food

I am literally reading it right now. About half way through. It's seriously a progressive leftist paradise. The government controls everything, including what people think. They even edit records of actual events to their advantage. This is all shit that the left actually does in real life.

lel this. but seriously we can't let her get the nuclear codes.

>the triggering is real


get over yourself. it is far from what the book is

>It's seriously a progressive leftist paradise. The government controls everything, including what people think. They even edit records of actual events to their advantage. This is all shit that the left actually does in real life.
Wow imagine missing the point so fucking bad

you 15? required reading in most of the US

colberts just salty that donald even got to run fro president nevermind actually win it.

remember when colber tried to run for president.

and then he made that book i am america and so can you.


>if they'd take up a collection and somewhere really nice, I might consider it
what does this mean?
A collection of money?
And *what* somewhere nice? Did she leave out a word?

get yourself together Sup Forums, jesus christ

this is just like liberals saying trump is hitler

The point of what?

>no reptilian president

what went wrong bros?

30. Never was required at my school.

Sup Forums really is full of SJW numale leftists

Of the book



leftwing alex jones

t. butthurt libtards

I really wish she'd retire. I mean, she's in her seventies, you can't tell me she's still enjoying any of it. And it's not like she has any actual principles. God, the absolute state of the american left. They deserve Trump. They really do.

>getting paid 15 million to make Trump jokes

He's living the dream.

>annoying know-it-all dweebs who spam the internet with supposedly intelligent views which are actually retarded and annoy everyone else
This checks out



Well seeing as how I'm only roughly half-way through it, I think it's safe to say I'm not at liberty to claim to know the point.
Do you care to elaborate? What, in your eyes, is the point of the book, and how does it relate to what I said?

Say it with me Sup Forums: HILLARY 2020!
Now that I figured out your suppose to register before you vote cheetoman doesn't stand a fucking chance.

The orange buffoon will make people see why Hillary is what America needs. If we just stick together and nominate her again these hillbilly backwater sisterfucking inbreds don't stand a chance.

>make ridiculous claim
>get rumbled
>go mongoloid muh libtard posting

That's racists and sexists. Why is the late night such a white sausage fest?

Don't hate Colbert for making big $.

Democrat moonbats wanted to hear some Drumpf and white people jokes before bed to "turn their brain" off, he's just giving the pigs their slop


god damn you tards from Sup Forums are cringey as shit

the Dems have to understand at this point that she is not the candidate to get them the first female president
she's too much of an old school political beast in an emotional climate


That wasn't me, bud. I can't stand the term "libtard", it's moronic, and I would never use that autistic t. meme

It's against totalitarianism and the destruction of individiual liberity.
It's just weird you mistake totalitarianism for leftism by thinking big government = leftism. Maybe after finishing it you could read Homage to Catalonia or Road to Wigan Pier by Orwell because they further show his support for Socialism. Then get onto the works of Kropotkin.

>twitter feed looks like a hormonal teenager having a meltdown


Explain how he's wrong

>i have an authentic worldview i've cultivated through experience, compassion, and rationality

fuck u libtard

“If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, the russians are puppet masters controlled the US election, nobody panics, because it’s all ‘part of the plan’. But when I say that one little old jew controls us, well then everyone loses their minds!”


Good example thtat's exactly what I'm talking about. Thank you for proving it.

I vote UKIP, dopey. you Sup Forumskiddies are so stupid

this tbqh

How do you think it feels to lose against this guy even when you spent 2 billions more and every media outlet ever was shilling for you?

This.... so much THIS!


The things done by The Party are done today usually by the left e.g. "2+2=5" "Islam is a religion of peace"

>While sipping Chardonnay and chatting
and they still wonder why the working class didn't vote for her
>inb4 "but trump!"
yeah, he at least tried to market himself as based with the plebs.

Not him, but if you really can't see the parallels between 1982 and the modern left, you're beyond hope. The way they actively control the media and the narrative, how they try to change language in order to censor thoughts. The whole "we've always been at war with Russia / Eurasia" thing. Late night talk shows doing an eerily similar version of the "2 minute hate" described in the book every single day regarding Trump.

>wasted a billion dollars on failed campaign
>thinks she will be given chance to run again
yeah no,


So 1984 is against the destruction of individual liberty, yet Orwell supports socialism? I find that hard to believe since the two are mutually exclusive.
Also, if you don't see how modern leftism is fighting in every way for the destruction of individual liberty, you either aren't being honest with yourself or you really haven't been paying attention.

Voting for a civic nationalist party

You're not a writer for American Horror Story, are you?

He was a socialist but against Stalinism

This guy gets it.

Okay, maybe it's me being European but there's a huge difference between leftism and neo-liberalism (escpecially "Clintonism"), which has the hegemony concering our current political predicament.

Even his slogan was fake. Cletus is gullible as shit, all he had to do was yell bumper stickers at them and they're like HELL YEAH WEEEHAW
It really is the age of stupid.

She deserves it more than anyone else. That $1 billion isn't a "waste" if She's elected the first Madam President . (Wow that has such a great ring to it...). It's time for us to stand united with Her and nominate Her as the president we know She should be.

ur ded

> full

No, it's the same 5 people spamming the same 5 images

Not even Sup Forums man
>The government controls everything, including what people think. They even edit records of actual events to their advantage
This is what Sup Forums wants too

Why would a self-respecting male ever support Hillary Clinton, I don't understand that.

try get the book title right next time.

>there's a huge difference between leftism and neo-liberalism
These words all mean the same thing now. Liberal, leftist, progressive, democrat...in reality they are all very different concepts and ideals, yes, but in The U.S. they've all come to describe the same group because the group itself is such a clusterfuck.

to piss off stupid kekistan morons. its a protest vote in spite of a protest vote

>Make America great again vs I'm with her
The slogan was great in direct comparison to Hillary's because it made her look all the more selfish and egocentric. It said: I want to do things for you and our country. Hillary's slogan said: I want you and our country to do something for ME.

No self-respecting male ever has. These people hate themselves and project their self-hatred onto society.

Right? The country is being filled with sub-75 iq niggers and spics

Like herpes, she never goes away.
Is Sam's Club next on the tour?

Colbert got famous by acting like a shameless, stereotypical right wing sycophant. He’s still doing the same bit. He’s just switched political teams.

>So 1984 is against the destruction of individual liberty, yet Orwell supports socialism? I find that hard to believe since the two are mutually exclusive.
Again, please read actual socialist authors. I don't know, maybe start with Proudhon and work your way through there.

Yes and for me there are clearly two distinct political systems. And again, there has to be made a distinction between leftism and neo-liberalism because they are distinct.

fuck off cats

He's not acting anymore, though.

>self-respecting male
>support Hillary Clinton

Pick one

did none of her staff ever stop to think that putting the book stand next to the toilet paper in costco was abysmal optics?

Colbert seems to be the only American who is able to hold a fucking glass of wine.
What's the problem America?

Orwell hated communism Big Broder was modeled after Stalin

Her staff aren't the smartest people out there, her campaign demonstrated that well enough.

>Yes and for me there are clearly two distinct political systems. And again, there has to be made a distinction between leftism and neo-liberalism because they are distinct.
It doesn't matter what you use a term to refer to, it matters what the general population uses the term to refer to. Language is based on common usage. I understand and agree with what you're saying, but words are used differently now by basically an entire country than they have been traditionally. You might not agree with the new usage, but that doesn't matter. The People decide.

Does she still even have a staff? For what purpose? She no longer holds any office to my knowledge and the Clinton Foundation has shut down.

> "2 minute hate" described in the book every single day regarding Trump.

so this guy is a troll, he starts going on some bizarre rants in some of his videos


She is the most important woman on earth you fucking imbecile

THIS. She's our future Madam President

lol no.


the queen doesn't do anything, she and her family are just personalities used to encourage patriotism