

You think you know her, but you really dont!

Fresh from Netflix

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shes a fucking insane bitch

>but you really dont!

I plan to keep it that way

who fucking cares

>Five Foot Two

I didn't know they stacked shit that high. Wakka Wakka Wakka!

her name does mean the lord of feces


I'm not sure but I feel like whoever thinks it's a good idea to put stockholm syndrome on someone by gangstalking/torturing them anonymously, behind a computer screen for years deserves nothing short of death.


I would rather press my dick to a belt sander.

you'd totally do her

Madonna>Lady Shitgaga

madonna is 2 cool for school

>would stick his dick in crazy

Not gonna make it.

She's a tumblr sadgirl, addicted to drugs, associates with occult turbosatanists and actively pushes liberal degeneracy, there's nothing to know, she's not unique.

hot back when she had glow she's the definition of a roastie now.

impressive cover art on that gaga movie

Madonna has gotten so much better with age




>good reviews so far
>won a Golden Globe
>starring in the upcoming A Star is Born remake
Wow. When will other pop girls

Just finished watching it, it was a really interesting documentary and a good insight into the modern show business.

What surprised me is how many professionals are affectionate towards each other, constantly giving each other compliments, back rubs and overall being nice to each other. I mean it's obvious that this is how they all cope with the pressure, but still unexpected.

Also Gaga came off as a control freak, but surprisingly down to earth any way.

she's on camera. it's not real.

Madonna and Lady Gaga are both pretty cool
>involved in writing their own music
>can actually play instruments
>decent (Madonna) to great (Gaga) vocals
>decent (Gaga) to great (Madonna) dancing
>both are incredible performers and command great stage presence
>both reinvent themselves
>both with Italian asses
What's not to like??

What is that one motown song she sings?


I want to manhandle her.

Just be careful with the killer heels

This thread requires considerably more ass.

i'd pay good money to watch a BBC pound that

What a stupid name for a movie


god womanlets are fucking embarrassing

theyre fun to fuck but DO NOT reproduce and make more manlets. jesus christ.


I'd make sure her feet were bare, for sucking and avoiding being impaled when twirling her around.

arent most women womanlets tho?

Who is going to watch this crap?

Indulge me, why?

>Sup Forums has a problem with the Juliard educated, multi-millionaire, music producer, pop singer Lady Gaga now.

Too many gayposters.

Nothing is ever genuine (((tips))) amirite famalam? ;)

yeah but we can breed them out by not impregnating them

Literal Fags: If Gaga asked you to fuck her (not in the butt), and get your face in her cootch, would you? She won't tell, and you not allowed to tell anyone.


how much would he pay?

Gays arent 100% gay

gays and people who want to eat her ass out

she aged just like anyone. but she was fucking perfect 40 years ago. so she still holds up.



That Gaga??

DAMN her as looks average in heels like THAT?

>tfw both

Well is yours any better?

literally yes and im a guy because i squat and dead its really quite shapely

post a photo not in heels you shill

Hi im a girl who doesnt lifts ass

God I would fuck Gaga until my cock was sore. Cum all over that ass.

Not him, but here. Wouldn't call it big or anything, but it's nice.

based astroturfing poster


shes still up on her toes, the same benefit as using heels

her great ass is a myth

I'm not astroturfing, I really would fuck her.

Flat footed. Thats her real ass. No magic lifting techniques. Also looks like lordosis.

>flat footed
>standing in sand

What? She's slightly raising one heel, and her other foot is flat.

There's no point in arguing over this, though, because there are pics of her from all over the past decade and her weight clearly fluctuates depending on whether she's been eating/working out.

>try and find barefoot photos of gaga
>fucking none exist because shes always wearing heels because it artificially makes her ass look good and thats all anyone cares for her

You could just stop being a footfag

Its all about heels and lifting the legs


Madonna is gross af

never seen so much brainwash in one post

listen to her talk ffs, such a fake bitch

It's called actually checking out their bodies
Of work



It was surprisingly enjoyable. Kinda makes me wonder how much of her actual persona we got to see and if she didn't play it up.

how do i get into this line of work

why is this so fucking hot


Gaga said she didnt know which recorded footage the directors and other producers used so take that as you will

I thought society was over with Gaga years ago.

Her whole persona is so cringy, it feels like she such a fucking tryhard...

>muh women muh patriarchy


Sup Forums likes anything with a fat ass. even when its unshapely like gaga's.

She got a huge boost from the SB halftime show. It was pretty great tbf.

the astroturfing in this thread fucking sucks

gaga is over

You're right. My girlfriend has a fat ass and dancer's thighs, two of my favorite things about her.

She was pretty candid in it. Whether it's played up a bit or not i do believe she's probably the only one out of the major popstars who sort of dictates her own course and isn't micromanaged up and down her every step. Sure she has an army of people around her but she still decides her own creative path and comes over more genuine than the others in what she wants to express.

This triggered my gf

And how exactly would a Sup Forums poster know about society's dealings?

me in the back

If you don't, you're gay.

Hi Katy Perry. How's your Weakness era doing? I meant Hitless. Or Witless? What was the new album called?

nobody knows who these 2008 old whores are

stop trying to remain relevant by paying minimum wage college kids to post on Sup Forums


Prove it, fat faggot.

Her army of faggots obviously, as seen here.

Its so weird how if you pander even barely to gay people theyll give you their shekels

If you make a career of pandering to them you can become a superstar

Yeah, I think it's because they are thirsty for any type of acceptence and feeling of belonging.

And these popstar fandoms offers them a platform where they can be accepted and feel home.

So glad I'm not a mentally ill degenerate.


all the money in the world and thats all you can become. girls need to cash in while theyre young. they act like theyre all gonna become helen mirren.

Wasn't she literally dying in Brazil?

That's pretty ironic coming from a parrot.