Russia is and almost always will be an autocratic society. The Soviet Union was a continuation of the Russian Empire. Russian national identity is practically no different from the Soviet Union. Communism is a stain on history and more evil than Nazism.
>Russian national identity is practically no different from the Soviet Union.
yeah... fuck off.
Justin Turner
of autocracy? I completely agree. how? Besides the fact that 20-and-unders post here? Last time I checked most people listen to state TV and act like they own eastern europe. Most Russians regret 1991 and don't see Stalin or Lenin as mass murderers that killed more people than Hitler.
The only real thing I can think of is Orthodoxy, otherwise its the same shit. Lies and all.
Leo Collins
>Cuddly Putin >Autocratic
yeah Nyet.
Andrew Cooper
completely accurate. russians are cunts.
Justin Clark
and they post a lot of bullshit nationalism on Sup Forums and elsewhere trying to convince everybody that america is responsible for the immigrant crisis. We've always been much less liberal than europe, and dont give two fucks about their affairs so long as they support nato. That doesnt stop them from weaving bullshit the same way they always do. In the 1960s we were supposed to be evil corrupt capitalist agenda, now we're an evil jewish liberal agenda. Doesn't matter, they'll always lose in the end.
Blake Torres
Russia is an empire. It's weak. Putin is trying to make it stronger.
I think what we're seeing now is the failing attempt of the UN to galvanize the west against a Russia that is growing increasingly nationalistic and asserting it's sovereignty.
I'm starting to believe that the different forms of government are a moot point if you don't have strong leadership that sticks to principles. Putin is a strong leader that sticks to principles, and for that I respect his leadership (as do a lot of his people)
As an american, I believe the time has come for us to assert our own sovereignty against the failing UN and the islam invasion, and on these fronts, I believe Russia could be a great ally.
David Lopez
Not the kievan rus? I may sound really anti-Russian, but its just that I'm fascinated with your country and culture. Next semester after my semester in Salzburg I plan on spend all my remaining time in the East. The westernization of Russia is also really damned interesting, its really something I should know about more than PETER THE GREAT LOL.
It's just interesting to see just how much the Soviet Union never ended, it seems like the only countries that ever got out of the communist way of thinking are the West Slavs. Everyone else is stuck 70 years in the past.