Why does Joe Rogan trigger Sup Forums so much?
Why does Joe Rogan trigger Sup Forums so much?
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He's a right wing fucktard
any good episodes recently? I need to lie down and listen to something.
he's a fairly centrist fucktard
leftists are far worst in every regard, but I dislike Joe because he's just the fear factor and UFC guy, but now he's fucking everywhere like his opinion isn't completely irrelevant.
Relentlessly mocking him is being triggered now? Ok guess I'm triggered, honeybunch.
He's a flip flopping fucktard. He basically just changes his political opinion to fit with whoever he's talking with.
Why is he making the Kevin Smith face?
That's a nice word for sperging out hateful drivel on anonymous forum about a millionaire who's living a successful life and drowns in pussy and attention.
I bet he's close to suicide with all the mockery.
Go to bed Brandon
>decide that there are values on both sides that you appreciate
For sure man Joe is very successful, 100%
He's boring.
this we've heard everything he has to say id rather listen to eddie bravo podcast
He's relevant because he gets great stuff out of his guests. He's mostly silent in one from this month with Jordan Peterson and Brett Weinstein as they go off down an intellectual rabbit hole whereas when James Damore, the "sexist" google doc guy, was on Joe was a lot more vocal because Damore admits himself he's fairly shy.
I like Joe but I don't tune in for him.
He's quite literally a goldmine of meme material. A failed comedian who overcompensates for his baldness, short stature, and closeted homosexuality by being as outwardly macho as possible while fully embracing the DUDE WEED LMAO persona.
>eddie bravo podcast
This would be the fucking GOAT, with all the BJJ things too.
>failed comedian
Just stop trying.
Things won't become true if you say them.
>when James Damore, the "sexist" google doc guy, was on Joe was a lot more vocal because Damore admits himself he's fairly shy
that one was a fucking chore. 3hrs of literally just going around in circles (and small circles at that) and the guy uh-ing and aw-ing the whole time
he seemed like a nice guy and all, but theres no possible way you can stretch a single topic like that out to 180 minutes
Speaking of which, has he ever had DUDE WEED himself on in his show?
He's a free thinker and a meathead at the same time. The more time goes, the more Norm Macdonald loses to Joe for me.
inb4: go away Joe
I thought it was decent, I certainly learned a lot about the inner workings of google even if the stuttering was a bit hard to get used to.
Though honestly I think 3 hours is a bit too long in any case.
he had one but hasn't updated for ages listen to the one with biohazard guitarist and also the perfect circle guitarist both are great
Because Trump weenies think they've found themselves a safe space because he has guests like Ben Shapiro, Milo or Gavin Mcinnes on but the next episode he will have some Snarky Jewish or female comedian or just anyone with remotely left leaning tendencies. Look at the comments section and like to dislike ratios on those episodes, it's a salt mine
Yeah, I was willing to give the dude some credit because it's pretty much what would happen if they pulled one of us onto the show.
He doesn't.
Laughing at someone posting food on instagram does not equal to being triggered.
"so let's talk about Donald .....Trump"
Because Sup Forums is full of cucked manlets who watches movies all the time to escape their sorry ass reality.
>joe rogan is 5'8 / 1.73m
I stopped listening to him after that
Is that really true? I don't listen to his podcast I just click on these threads for the memes.
>Joe isnt giga manlet
>Sup Forums
>watches movies
gonna need a source on that
I think hes shorter than that because of the podcast with his mates, recent one.
Had that guy who never wears a shirt.
Ari shavir or whatever
and that fat white latina guy who does the moms house podcast.
the fat guy said something like "Im self conscious about being 5'8"""
and joe was like
"I WISH I was 5'8""
>goes on rants about being nice and how weed makes you relaxed
>proceeds to shit on his co-host and/or guest
also it's annoying how he tries to philosophize everything and any time. the worst is when you're listening to the ice house chronicles and joe goes on his usual rants with 5 other fucking comedians in the room forced to listen. meanwhile when he's not around they're actually making jokes
does he?
we don't actually hate him
we just like taking the piss out of him
he hasn't had Sam Hyde on his show yet
Joe would annihilate all these trump kiddies and Sup Forumstards
He'll chase Carlos Mencia for stealing material but talks his way around doing the same to Amy Schumer
>Why does Joe Rogan trigger Sup Forums so much?
he isn't an underage girl
dont encourage the self promote spamfags
lol. he's basically a social democrat. he only voted for ron paul/gary johnson because of muh weed. he's said that he's pro-universal health care, pro-basic income, socially and economically liberal, etc. people think he's right-wing though because he's anti-sjw and is fairly tolerant/open to other points of view and sometimes will have alt light type dudes on his show.
PodKino when?
>numales clinging to anyone with the semblance of anti-trump sentiment on any issue to do the hard work because their cuck squadrons are too estrogenic and gender fluid to do anything but be a walking freakshow
It's kind of hilarious really.
Cameron Hanes later today. probably going to talk about hunting Elk for 3 hours
nah he normally has interesting people on the show, save his comedian buddies, but when it's comedians they really are his friends
He is a rational libertarian individualist centrist and triggers both far left SJW's and far right Sup Forumstard collectivists
The anti-racist talking point on the Sup Forums side makes sense though when you take into account the people who style themselves anti-racists are the rank and file of groups like BLM & Antifa. Combine that with the generally accepted view on the left that racism is a social crime only applicable to white people and the egregious overuse of terms like "white supremacy," then the anti-racist = anti-white point makes perfect sense.
It's like the diversity = anti-white point since people readily label stuff that isn't diverse at all with it simply for not being white.
Insecurity REEKING from this post
Insecurity is the "I bet he could beat up..." post here like you're some faggot comparing daddies. Nice of you to concede to the point given you're not arguing against it. Leftwing males are an embarrassment to humanity.
literally anything is triggering Sup Forums
And yeah, that was meant for . They come in shades of black too.
is this the final form of nu-males?
I'm glad he didn't fall for alt-reich propaganda and condemned the white supremacist neo-Nazi Charlottesville protests, I thought he was too far gone for some time.
butthurt lanklet detected
joe is more alpha than anyone here will ever be
Nu males don't exist
my son would never end up like this
I come from a line of ferocious warriors and impeccable athletes
Goddamn, Jamie, just suck this dick
>rational libertarian individualist centrist
>how butthurt would you have to be to spend the time to make an image like this.
"pull down my zip jamie..."
Classic! Daily reminder that he licked his lips watching Ari pissing in the bottle
Has anyone ever been as dumb as Eddie Bravo?
I like Joe and I enjoy JRE. But some of the shit he says is so fucking stupid that you have to make fun of it
>"Weed, no."
He's got a new show to promote so why not? If he can be bothered to fly out to LA that is
I would make him pay for his own education. I'm not supporting a liberal indoctrination camp.
Name one (1) right wing point of view he uttered on air
The obviously do. Bugmen and soy soldiers are fucking everywhere, especially in any moderate sized city.
LOL saw that, although think it was 5,9". I'd say he around fix six. Built like a fkn tank
>I dislike Joe because he's just the fear factor and UFC guy, but now he's fucking everywhere like his opinion isn't completely irrelevant.
couldn't have said it better myself.
What the actual fuck?
One would thing that a 4chins poster would be familiar with the concept of faggotry. It has been 13 years of nothing but faggotry on this Chinese cartoon imageboard, after all.
Loudmouth pseudo intellectual
Sometimes I think we'd be better off with him barely suppressing his homosexuality and telling retards to eat cave spiders.
Crowder came off looking like the idiot here and the only reason Joe dragged the topic on for so long was because Crowder was using false evidence to support his claim and he wouldn't admit it.
I don't know, he was great in Twin Peaks.
Because he flip flopped on bigfoot.
He's a retard.
like he does with nearly every topic he talks about. He has literally zero knowledge of history and geopolitics, how the fuck does he have a platform to spread information? his whole basis is "liberals = bad", which is true, but then he equates liberals to socialists and communists (which he knows nothing about)
>any good episodes recently?
Any good episodes ever? It says a lot about the knuckleheads who browse this board that they watch this retard and his special olympics discussions.
>he's a millionaire so he's above mockery
What was your argument here?
>He's relevant because he gets great stuff out of his guests.
No, no he fucking doesn't. He gets half-baked rants out of his half-baked guests. The content here amounts to 2 hours of white noise.
You can't say bad things about daddy he's a good, powerful, girthy daddy
don't say anything mean or i hate u 5-ever >:P
We love our daddy cuase of MAGA
cos he is Sup Forums
>and closeted homosexuality
He absolutely likes to rail twinks and trannies. But my guess is he's bi.
fuck off. when was he in twin peaks?
He is a hard working and successful weed lord.
lost it several times in his most recent standup special " triggered "
he's a good guy.
>Joe asks Crowder what he doesn't want to talk about
>says weed
>Joe keeps harassing him on a topic he said he doesn't speak on
dude looks like shit
That's jack from lost you dingus
5 entire cloves of garlic in that?
he still looks like shit
>has an unbending stance on a subject with no real substance to back it
im not even a LE WEED LMAO XD fag, crowder literally has no clue what the fuck he's talking about. i had to stop after he tried equating the plant itself to laboratory derived chemical compounds that mimic (term used loosely) the effects of smoking the plant. then he tried to say big pharma would benefit from weed legalization because they have those laboratory derived chemicals... when the compounds he's discussing big pharma as having aren't even illegal in the pharmaceutical realm (like adderall =/= meth)