Thoughts on Cloud Atlas?

Thoughts on Cloud Atlas?

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its shit.
Tykwer tried to make it passable with his parts.

It could have been better

It could've been one good movie but it chose to be like ten medicre ones.


Had its moments. This part stuck with me.

ambitious to say the least, not as bad as it could've been I guess. if those queers didn't make that sense8 abomination I'd say they were ok directors

fag shit

brrr rrr aaaap

sense8 was pretty good except for the self-insert

Doona is Bae

wonder if the male versions of themselves couldve made this work

It wasn't bad.

I think it's incredibly entertaining.

as some others have said, it had some good parts, but not a very good film overall. I wasn't a fan of the seperate story gimmick, and I didn't really like the overall message of the film


Laughably bad. Some of the stories were tolerable (I liked the old people escaping the retirement home) but it was mostly shit and the scifi stuff was some of the worst I've seen in a long time.

I honestly think it's one of the most impressive feats of modern cinema. The production schedule alone must have been insane, and the way they pull it all together is perfect. I guess it's not for everyone, but I love each and every story and the soundtrack makes it even better. Definitely one of my favourite films

Not as good as the books

People praise the interwoven stories aspect but to enforce it they shifted around the original stories until it was basically the same simplistic story in different time periods.

It stretched itself so thin that the whole thing became shallow.

Pretty neat, I'm particularly glad they used the oft underused Keith David
Some of the shit was cringe though, in particular the post apocalypse storyline with Halle Berry and Tom Hanks. Literally could not hold my shit together whenever Hugo Weaving's devil or whatever was on screen


It is the biggest pleb filter in known cinema.

>"what is any ocean but a multitude of drops"

the entire neo-seoul/sonmi 451 plot is shit the rest are kino

It's so bad I feel like explaining why it was bad elevates it to a status it doesn't deserve by implying that it wasn't obvious how bad it was

Damn near 3 hours of "so this gets better right?"

Pretty definitive "Baby's First lolsodeep Film"

underrated post


When Sup Forums can't agree if the film is shit or good, it's pretty clear it is average.

The sneed of the movie industry

Indeed she is.

After watching Forest of Secrets I think she's weirdly attractive. Her lips are funky.

Absolute dogshit
Also the makeup department should be publicly executed