Fear me, I is bad
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>dude what?
is this the new pimp in The Deuce
>Not actually a giant
>mfw I eat a lemon
>I am your faja!
If a kid takes that to school, they are getting beat up.
Could they really not just paint him green and give him 4 eyes or something, its just such a dull design, The new films really lack that alien element, and all the new ones are that same bland brown with upturned nose
>those hands
Even for fucking motion capture they had to have that mongoloid guy Andy serkis, as if nobody else could do it.
It's as if nobody in this thread can tell that pic is a cheap Halloween costume.
Its still the same design poobrain
Great damage control, Kathleen!
The Dutch are truly evil.
God Grampa take off the bath robe and put on some damn clothes.
get off my lawn
Looks like disfigured Gold Member
Why did they think it was a good idea to introduce a sith out of nowhere? Without any explanation of his character it makes it obvious that he's going to be Palpatine or some other secret identity shit that will be revealed. And if not, it's still bad because he's just some guy.
Vader was also some guy but then after 30 minutes Obi-Wan gives his backstory.
Rian Johnson said we didn't know where Sidious came from in the OT, so let's just imitate that again. The difference is that we didn't know what happenned before the OT, there was this clone wars and Jedi going extinct. In the new trilogy, we know what happenned decadeas before so it doesn't make any sense that this new guy pops out of nowhere.
>my name is snoke
>i aint no joke
>but i dont smoke
>not even a toke
don't do smoke
The one thing I miss about hollywood is Will Smith doing raps about movies.
>let's mix Darth Scion and Goldmember
We also know what the Empire is and the fact that there's an evil wizard in charge of everything fits.
It's still unclear in film what the New Order really is, in relation to the New Republic and why there's still rebels.
Like, yes, they're clearly a remnant of the Empire, but how are they so fucking huge in the galaxy if the Empire was totally rekt at the end of Jedi? Did Luke and Leia just do nothing for 40 years? Luke trained new Jedi by they were all wiped out by one dark jedi??? And his "knights" ??? How did that happen? Why does Leia's faction seem totally divorced from the New Republic that we never see?
The first Star Wars at least gave discreet explanations for shit, if not through actual exposition then through practice, i.e. the Empire is an empire and the Rebels are rebelling against it.
>just turn off your brain
>marketing purposes
>you're not the target audience anymore
>it's STAR WURRS!!1!
fat hands
This is a joke right? I'll even take fucking Nute Gunray or whatever the fuck his name was over this clown
LONDON, England (AP) -- Broccoli Studios has leaked a picture of the new villain to be featured in the new James Bond movie that will tentatively open in the summer of 2019. "We're very content with the direction the James Bond franchise is taking" said Barbara Broccoli, head of Broccoli Studios in an exclusive interview with the Associated Press.
He kind of is. His limbs are outrageously out of proportion and he's about 2 feet taller than most characters.
He's gonna end up being the Emperor isn't he.
He's not a Sith. He's the evil version of Bendu from Rebels. He created the Sith and the Jedi to keep the galaxy in conflict and harvests the strongest force users to augment his own existence.
This pretty disappointed. If Mary Sue Rey is even more of le strong empowered womyn and Kylo becomes even more of a useless cuck I don't see the point in seeing the next one.
It's like they took everything cool and replaced it with tumblrisms. At least we have a gay pilot though.
If they were going to merchandise the fuck out of Snoke, the least they could have done is make him cool looking.
And how the fuck is a Halloween costume of him supposed to work when the movie doesn't come out until December.
This is a Halloween costume, right?
>Why does Leia's faction seem totally divorced from the New Republic that we never see?
This was my main problem when I watched Ep.7, why was there a resistance in the first place? Did people really forget what the empire was able to do? and how did the first order culminate into something huge that rivaled/shadowed the empire when the first order was supposed to be the remnants of the empire?
>dress up as snoke for halloween
>people think im freddy krueger golmember
I like the "old man in oldfolks home has dementia look" they really nailed it.
Austin Powers confirmed for being part of the Star Wars cinematic universe
Are you genuinely trying to rationalize this nonsense? The dumb-ass in the picture has low IQ he copy pasted chunks of the OT and merged them together in a completely incoherent way forgetting that you can't make a shot for shot reboot and a sequel at the time.
>shnoke and a pancake?
Snoke's Feed and Seed
Formerly Sheev's
Not that user but yes, I want to try to understand this drivel. I mean look at Phasma, they clearly wanted to push Phasma as the new fett and if they wanted to push a mary sue character, why not her? she's clearly the most experienced because of her CHROME armor but no, when she got threatened she immediately pussied out and said the secrets (even though first order troopers are conditioned/broken to follow orders, also makes me wonder why Finn was able to break that conditioning and why he was okay to kill his fellow 1st order troopers but wasn't cool with killing sand people) and was then dumped in the garbage bin. What the fuck was that about.
LOL becasue start wars is fun and fasma needs to be in other moves
The one positive to Snoke's shitty design is some revival on talking about Austin Powers on here.
that's part of why they wanted the movies to come out in the summer. it also works better for more Christmas gifts
What kind of parent gives their kid a toy of Snoke, he looks like shit.
Are some people actually not seeing that this is a picture of a person in a snoke mask with weird gloves on?
Then why the scars on the torso?
what are the other last jedi confirmed spoilers ?
>He's the evil version of Bendu from Rebels
I don't know or care what that fucking means
He's literally the hologram the darth vader figure talks to, same as the emperor
Yes, when I watch a film, I prefer to know what's happening. Such as why organizations exist and what they actually do, as opposed to pronouns being thrown around without meaning.
>evil version of the one in the middle
That logically can't happen. Being in between dark and light means you aren't evil or good.
It's funnier when you remember they were talking about how Phasma was a good role model for girls and how she was a feminist character. At least until the movie came out.
They did?
Disney wanted Star Wars to be appealing to girls because they had seen the box office success of The Hunger Games and Twilight and wanted Star Wars movies to appeal to many of the people going to these movies more so than the Marvel movies were doing.
So, Disney would have
Pixar-usually appeal more to boys and very young children regardleess of gender
Disney animated-usually appeal more to girls and very young children regardleess of gender
Marvel-action movies that usually appeal more to males up to like their 30s to some degree or another
Star Wars-Disney wants some action-style movies that appeal more to females in general up to like their 30s; but don't really want to drive off male fans as well
So the main thing they want to do with having more female characters for certain roles is what I described, not really to try to appeal to many tumblr users in particular
how is kylo any different from Vader in ep 4? or phasma different from boba fett in ep 4?
there are some benefits for merchandise in general by coming out in the summer
This gif
Fuck my sides
>gay pilot though.
Poe is a gay?
>there are some benefits for merchandise in general by coming out in the summer
Like what? Also Vader never really lost to Luke and Fett always put up a fight and didn't go like a bitch.
That's another thing, when they pull up Finn's "file" after he deserts, it shows a hologram picture of a black baby (assumedly Finn) meaning he was raised from birth within the First Order.
And he's like 25, so why is he such a pussy when he has to shoot civilians? That could not possibly be the first time he's had to, and if it was, why was he involved in such a mission? He claims to have been a janitor, so why was he acting as a shock trooper in a high profile task?
I forgot he worked in sanitation. Yeah, when I was watching I was thinking why the fuck is this guy cool with killing people he know all his life rather than shooting some faceless mooks. I mean he doesn't know any life besides that so why the sudden independent thinking
Some examples (though I didn't specifically check if these are from before the movie came out):
>Why Captain Phasma is important as a female villain in ‘The Force Awakens’
>the presence of Phasma adds a satisfying new dimension to the Star Wars universe. We all need a bad role model, now and then.
>People of color and women populate cockpits and space ship crews. Menacing villain Captain Phasma is actually Gwendoline Christie underneath that gunmetal stormtrooper helmet. It doesn't even matter that Phasma is a woman, at least not to the narrative. It's simply a fact
>You never see General Phasma's face, which is pretty amazing. Most female villains are sexed up a la the Bond films, but General Phasma is just a towering, slightly terrifying, and sassy villain.
>snoke is beyond good and evil
Poe is gay or at least ambiguously gay, how did you not see it? He bites his lip in the gayest way the actor could possibly find, and on purpose.
Heh, thanks.
Maybe because I don't fixate on the lip area of men. Did other people pick that up? Literally the first time I'm hearing of this.
>didn't go like a bitch
this is his final form.
the sloth theory is true.
Better than completely pussying out when someone points a gun at them.
I think the people that picked it up are LGBT people from tumblr, and myself since I was specifically looking for any gay vibe in the movie, as I thought for some reason that they might have tried to put a gay character in there considering the diversity was obviously forced.
I haven't asked my friends if they noticed that. My dad didn't notice it but he's in denial about the existence of gays.
Idk if it was something the actor did because he wanted to or not, I might be confused but didn't he say something about that in the Ellen show? I'm sure that Disney was okay with it or at least JJ was, but it was ambiguous enough to change their mind in the next movie.
I was reading some of the Poe comics and he doesn't do anything sexual or romantic at all in them, he just does war pilot action stuff.
I see, I'd rewatch it and see if you're right but I really, really don't want to rewatch it.
This is the scene. It can just be a "good for you, bro" lip bite, not that I see it again.
Poe is either gay or just weird/awkward.
Besides the fact that he says the jacket "looks good on you" to Finn, in that same scene.
now* that I see it again
I wouldn't mind if that was his actual form, a non human looking alien as the big bad villain might be more interesting
Hold on...
Well, the leaks mentioned that appsrently Snoke knows how to transfer himself into another body and that his current body isn't his original body.
>Maybe because I don't fixate on the lip area of men. Did other people pick that up? Literally the first time I'm hearing of this.
The lip bite was quite obvious and not accidental. It was copied from the OT, when Luke sees Leia's hologram for the first time, he bites his lip and says she's beautiful. The disgusting cunts at Disney put this homo hint on purpose. #StarWarsIsDead
Whoa, I didn't remember (or maybe never really noticed) that one! I guess it's poetry then.
Well fuck, that is pretty gay.
What's with the dick fingers?
JJ Abrams signature