What movies did they show in your class? We had gay Shakespeare shit in mine.
What movies did they show in your class? We had gay Shakespeare shit in mine
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schindlers list became mandatory since its home release
Our teacher was out sick on Halloween so the sub played us Hocus Pocus until the sperg in the back got caught jacking off and was sent to the dean's office
How long was your suspension, user?
>"since its the last day we're going to watch one of my favourite movies: Master and Commander"
>"uhh this is boring can we watch a Disney movie instead?"
fucking roasties
Sid and Nancy
Chasing Amy
all with the same teacher, who ended up ruining his marriage by fucking a student
Schindler's List, The Pianist, Life is Beautiful, some european Anne Frank movie... watching movies on class was basically filthy jew indoctrination hour.
>wall mounted CRT screen
yeah that looks fucking nice as hell...
>bong in impoverished northern shithole
>history teacher could not be bothered in high school
>just put the movie "pompeii" on every single lesson and left
>watched it multiple times a week
>eventually people just start to not show up
>too scared to skip class so I just watched the first hour of pompeii three times a week
>near the end of the year it turns out we were meant to be doing ww2
>teacher plays gay Shakespeare shit on the tv
>forgets to skip past the underage boobs
Stand by me
>sex scene comes on
>whole class stares at the class virgin, grinning
why do the mods allow a pedophile to post on this board?
showed us tae bo
Philosophy teacher once put a French movie about a teenager girl that skipped school and went to public bathrooms to suck niggers off. Anyone know the title?
let's go way back - elementary school
donald duck in mathmagic land
remember the titans
i swear every teacher i had in high school had a copy of this movie in their classroom
That's just everyday french life
>sophomore year
>new English teacher hired
>she's right out of college and 10/10 hot as shit
>tons of boys awkwardly hitting on her
>she starts mentoring a senior Chad on the football team
>he graduates
>next school year
>find out they started dating
>principal was pissed but couldn't do anything since he was 18 and already graduated
I wish I could be that alpha
Also had a pretty hot (no homo) male teacher. The way the girls would look at him was unreal. If he whipped out his dick they'd all line up on their knees to blow him. He had to hold study/after class hours with a female teacher because the girls kept on staying late and flirting with him. I have no idea how he resisted the temptation.
Fully Watched.
DiCaprio Romeo and Juliet.
The Patriot
Rohin hood with kevin costner
A Beautiful Mind
Super Size me
An Inconvenient Truth
Saw clips of
Saving private ryan.
Some WW1 fighter pilot movie
All i can think of off the top of my head
in health class we watched an educational film about teen pregnancy. paul dano was the father
We had to watch hours of red cliff last year during senior year.
Holy shit, that movie was so long
>went some years to a catholic school
>teacher plays Mel's The Passion of the Christ
>teacher skips forward in the gory parts
Could have been gay, was the case at my school.
I had an Econ teacher senior year in high school who would put on white chicks every time he came into work hungover.
Also, his wife was a math teacher at school and they'd been married for a year after and just had a baby and she fucked a kid at school after he stayed late to make up a test. The fallout was hysterical. We stopped watching white chicks so much after that. All the teachers there were fucking students I imagine. A chorus teacher got done in for banging a guy after the kid was dumb enough to brag about banging her, and I was fucking my senior English teacher but was smart enough to shut the fuck up about it until well after I graduated. We dated for a bit openly once I was out.
we watched stranger things :D
my junior year history teacher let me show the class full metal jacket the week after finals. she was a great lady
Teacher showed us Gattaca in biology class to teach us about genetic engineering lol
Romeo + Juliet (the one with Leonardo DiCaprio)
Of Mice and Men
Hot Fuzz
The Boy in Striped Pyjamas
Les Choristes
Hocus Pocus is Halloween kino. I'd dare say it's my favorite holiday movie. Horseface was so fuckable. So many childhood boners.
we got jean de florette in french class. absolute cinéma.
I took one course in high school called Wildlife Recreation. It was the first year it was introduced and since I'm in Texas there was practically no course. The teacher would just play hunting videos, Dirty Jobs, and Mythbusters. Then we might have a test on it. There was also a computer in the room with internet access that he let us fuck with. The negros were always in a huge group playing rap on it. Best class I ever had. Teacher was a bro and told me I should get into it. I should have.
Other than that I remember tons of films. Hell I saw the second plane hit the towers because our science teacher wheeled out one of those monstrosities. She was in tears and everyone got to go home. Good day. Another time in 3rd grade we were watching Milo and Otis and nobody else had seen it but me. I was hyped for the birthing scene to see people's reactions. The other kids we're all very shocked. Even a teacher was having to look away. Then I heard him ask the teacher playing the video what she was thinking. I didn't find it so bad considering I'd seen it a billion times.
Lord of the Flies (black and white version)
Romeo and Juliet (1960s version)
Dead Poet's Society
Move aside, Shakekino coming through
Had a history Teacher who loved Indiana Jones and played all of them, even Young Indiana Jones all the time. He also would dedicate the anniversary of JFKs assassination every year to all the assassination itself, and spend the class period going over all the conspiracy theories and shit, complete with having students sit in chairs in front of the class playing the roles of all the people in the car. He would say shit like "So in this theory, the bullet would have to hit Chris, bounce off his ribs, and pass straight through Jessica here," while walking around them with a rifle bullet and putting it against entry//exit points
Total madman. Loved him to death
The Boy in Striped Pyjamas
The pianist
Some other shit i cant remember, all I know is my english teacher was an annoying cunt who would pauze the movie every 5-10 min to talk about the scene.
I went to a small Christian private school. Had a teacher get fired for showing our 8th grade class this in History
My history teacher in 6-7th grade or something showed us Das Boot
Pretty based of him when I think about it.
>10th grade history
>studying the American Revolution
>teacher is like 25, pretty chill
>he decides to show us The Patriot because the marking period was wrapping up
>only get through the first 45 minutes one class
>come back the next day to gleefully watch more Mel Gibson killing redcoat scum
>someone ratted him out and he got in trouble
>we just got a head's start on the next chapter instead
I wonder to this day why someone would do that.
Prospero is a fag
Your mother's home videoes.
That movie scared the fuck out of me when I was younger
Mostly Disney animations, like Lion King. But there was two that changed my life: The Pest and Nutt House.
You had an eternal anglo in your class. He had beady eyes and looked like a rat.
Escape From Witch Mountain
The Red Baloon
Armageddon (astronomy class)
Othello (1995)
The Piano
Dead Poets Society
Full Metal Jacket
Rewatched Amadeus when netflix was featuring it recently and it's just great. It's glory was so lost on a bunch of 2nd graders. Teach must have recorded it off the tv cause the version we saw did not have whats-her-faces megatitties.
>Smilla's Sense of Snow
>Yellow Submarine
>American Beauty
>Woyzeck (1979)
>Romeo and Juliet (1968)
>The Physicists
>No More Mr. Nice Guy
>Dr. Strangelove
>Der Besuch der alten Dame (2008)
>Flatliners (1990)
>Kingdom of Heaven
>Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
>Super Size Me
>Final Destination 3
>Get Him to the Greek
Off the top of my head.
Movies I remember watching since like 4th grade
>300(not Gerard butler version)
>movie with Frankie Muniz in a wheelchair in a small scene
>national treasure 2
>osmosis jones
>diary of Anne frank
>diary of Anne frank
>diary of Anne frank
>the patriot
>gone in 60 seconds
>Wall Street money never sleeps
>America: the story of us
>DiCaprio Romeo and Juliet
out of all those my favorite was the story of us. I wish Netflix had the men who built America
I'm surprised no one has mentioned "Forest Gump". I think I saw that twice a year in highschool.
a lot of german movies:
>Der Untergang
>Good bye lenin
>The Lives of Others
>Christiane F.
>Das boot
Old and new version of Anne Frank
Some weird low budget version of Macbeth that takes place in modern times
The 60s version of Romeo and Juliet with the titty scene
To kill a mockingbird
> Spanish
Finding Nemo en Espanol
A TV movie about some illegals quincinera
Drumline every year for 6 years
Why would you take the time to fabricate something like this? Does it make you feel cool to completely pull something out of your ass?
>Watching Romeo and Juliet
>Teacher walks out just before the nudity
Class movies are great
Had a super based history teacher in HS who wasted most of the time showing war movies.
Highlight was watching through BoB.
We watched Scarface in Spanish class once. That teacher was sadly let go at the end of the year.
the only BOB episode I watched in class was the fucking concentration camp episode.
In third world in denial we had
>Die Welle
>The Mission
>Bang Bang You're Dead
>An old adaptation of Martin Fierro
>An old adaptation of the House of Spirits
>some other shit from my cunt I can't remember
Kind of unrelated but I had an english teacher play a 9/11 conspiracy "documentary" once.
Was switched out of her class the next day
oy vey
I no shit watched Water World in my 8th grade geography class.
romeo and juliet (the leo decaprio one)
MacBeth by Roman Polanski
schindler's list in religious education class
the opening of the fellowship of the ring in media studies
and Judge Dredd in welsh class, dont ask why because i have no idea, we normally got Pobol y Cwm (which is a welsh soap opera created by the BBC)