I need more comfy dark fantasy shows like Buffy, Angel and Supernatural. Good ensemble of cast with good family/friend relationships, supernatural elements is on the forefront and not in the background, major points for apocalyptic plots and presence of multiple creatures instead of focusing on just one kind of monster/creature, and finally, if it has more than 3 seasons. What would Sup Forums recommend?
I need more comfy dark fantasy shows like Buffy, Angel and Supernatural...
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Twin Peaks
Op said more than 3 seasons.
I'm yet to find a show as comfy as Angel.
i'm also interested in shows like buffy, angel and supernatural and waiting for anons to give suggestions so i can check them out.
i'm ok if it's only one season long.
OP here. If you're okay with just one season, try Constantine (2015) or maybe The Gates
this,hannibal too.
thanks, OP. already seen both. i'm still butthurt over the cliffhanger ending of the gates damn the execs who cancelled the show.
And Constantine really reminded me of the golden Supernatural days when they had several new concepts to explore.
I mean Supernatural 12 won me back after the shitshow of 9-10, and I'm hyped for the upcoming 13 but I really still want to start watching another similar show that is as enjoyable and, dare I say relatable, as Buffy-verse and Supernatural. Constantine seemed to be on the right track back then
X-Files is legendary but I want something leaning more on fantasy than sci-fi (i.e., no aliens as much as possible unless its mixing with demons/ghosts is well-made). What is Twin Peaks about?
What is the premise of this one?
not that user. it's about lucifer abandoning hell and pretends to be human. i haven't seen it just the trailer and a few clips on yt mainly funny scenes like lucifer being uncomfortable with children. in one clip lucifer is offended with a satanic ritual he witnesses because iirc he wouldn't insult or disobey god.
i just realized i have no idea what they do each episode.
Who would win?
It's the Lucifer solves crimes the show.
If you don't mind plotholes, teenagers-level drama, and lgbt propaganda, teen wolf can be an ok-ish time killer
> in b4 be ashamed of yourself
i'm not
also fringe
hmmmm. i might watch a few eps.
is it like law & order original or svu procedural when they're investigating/solving crimes? or is it like law&order criminal intent where they already show you who the criminal is at the start of the ep?
do they spend most of the ep in investigating (again, like in orginal and svu law & order) or is it like the glades and chicago justice where big chunk of ep is focused on personal/family/relationship drama?
Babylon 5 is the perfect show for you
I'd like to hear more suggestions as well. I love shows like this.
My suggestions are x files and fringe . Both are terrific.
when i started watching teen wolf i expected something like twilight or vampire diaries but was pleasantly surprised that the writing is tight and not boring at all. i wouldn't call it teen drama although it has that but it has more action than drama and the enemies like the dread doctors and the ghost riders are awesome.
Is it ONLY about werewolves?
It's a Jeremy Bruckheimer produced show, so conclude what you will.
I just watched thinking it was like Lucifer from the comics.
there are other supernatural beings like hellhounds and ghost riders but no vampires. in the show, the werewolves are actually a type of shapeshifter and there are similar shapeshifters like were-coyote and were-jaguar.
Too reliant on crappy effects. At least Buffy punches and stabs her foes. But feel free to convince me otherwise
not that user who suggested charmed. you just reminded me of how in most eps those girls, when a demon or somebody appears to attack them, they run away daintily in their high heels with arms flailing. and the most active power among them uses her power like she's flicking water from her hands.
i stopped watching when in one ep they overcame a powerful spell because one sister shouted to her sister USE YOUR LOVE.
castiel was in one ep forgot if he was human or something else but i clearly remember one sister calling him cute.
Yeah i read about that. He was talking about angels or some shit
Also lurking this thread.
I have never seen supernatural is it any good and should I start it ?
Also try twelve monkeys not demons and shit,but time travel is always fun.
Sup Forums will tell you seasons 1-5 are golden and i agree. The main draws of the show for me are the following
>fraternal bonding
>muscle car
>dad rock
>comfy backroad driving
>my favorite genre
It just seemed to have nearly all my interests in one show. You also have cult show references here and there. Show started to really stumble in storytelling circa season 9-10 but the dynamics among the characters kept me checking it out. Until the upswing of 11 and 12 finally winning me back again. It also helped that me and my bros watched it together and our dynamics mimicked those of the characters
I like the first 2 seasons.
Checked mate and thanks I might just check it out now. I have always thought it was just twilight tier girly drama, but
>and muscle cars
Funny you should post a Spike gif. Supernatural's longtime producer(?) thought Buffy was silly at first but after watching it, Spike became his favorite character. James Marsters also later guest starred in Supernatural.
Also be sure to watch it from DVD or rips because Netflix had trouble with the license of many of the dad rock tracks and they had to be changed
well I think this show reached its peak during the first 3 seasons and then went down hill beginning at s5.
S6 is really far from the hype it created in the teases so far and is furthermore hurt by the everlasting absence of Dylan O'Brien; add tho that the writing (which was not great already) feeling more and more uninspired and slow.
not only, but it takes the first couple of seasons to actually see other supernatural creatures (some from quite exotic cultures), mainly as villains, but you'll see a lot of werewolves until then yeah.
Lol supernatural actually hates twilight
Try iZombie. Season 4 should be a soft reset given that zombieism is now out and known to the rest of the world - Seattle gets walled off from the rest of the US after Fillmore Graves pretty much declared it the zombie homeland (Zeattle?).
Ok well that about seals it I'm going to start it, if the producer liked spike I'm in he turned out the best vamp and a good character in the end up. I will remember about the Netflix thanks.
This show is so bizarre. Its like they repackaged vampires and called them zombies.
Good luck, mate. Hope to see you in future supernatural threads
Well then I'm definitely in then looks like I have a lot to catch up on.
Forgot about this it's just the right mixture of campy fun and bullshit drama. It's just a fun comfy show.
Thanks mate I have a lot to catch up on might be a week or 12.
underrated show
I heard this is more like a cop procedural show though
Wait what? Since when can she turn whiteface and get super powers?
It is but with an over arching story that runs for a the full season. It's pretty fun and comfy.
Just this season she went full zombie and I think Ravi help talk her down,when she was fighting the zombie hunters. She learnt to kind of control it.
What is whiteface
I prefer if they teamed up
To gangbang me
Vampire Diaries, very painful first few episodes.
Then it becomes a very great show for 2-3 seasons.
After that the quality drops a bit.
She always rages out when the fights start.
When the zombies hit rage mode their skin turns even paler and their eyes go red. They pretty much just ignore any damage then on.
Liv's extremely experienced at it now - to the point where she can almost flip it on and off at will.
yuck i cant stand this show, everybody's just trying to look pretty
don't meme me, I have season 11 on my drive, I can't bring myself to press play on that show anymore
I'm going to be so depressed if supernatural ever ends. I honestly get excited when it's the day of a new episode airing and look forward to it all day.
I wont try to meme you on 11 but it is an upswing from 9-10. 12 is where it got completely better story-telling wise
You can look forward to the Wayward Sisters spinoff maybe
Supernatural started to suck after season 4. Season 6 was so godawful I stopped watching,
When I watched it I found it to be pretty much Elementary, the modern day US based version of Sherlock Holmes but with DC Lucifer.
Actually took me a while to realize it was the comic version of Lucifer, but I really enjoyed the show. But then again I love a police procedural from time to time. Think I'm getting old..
I haven't managed to find anything as spectacularly good as the first 3 seasons of Supernatural. It was some of the best television ever made. Too mad it turned progressively more shit from season 4 onwards.
>supernatural elements
>apocalyptic plots
>multiple creatures
>more than 3 seasons
I can believe I'm about to suggest this, but...
True Blood
Check out Preacher and Constantine, my man.
Let me guess. You hated the angel thing. Are agnostics and atheists this butthurt by mere mentions of such things? I've noticed it's a common complaint but it's not lik they were promoting Christianity and forcing you to convert
idk about OP, but I was the opposite.
As an atheist, this is where I think angels and demons and stuff belong: works of fiction.
I love the lore in the bible. The battle against satan. Michael throwing him out of heaven. the corruption of man. It reads like a good Supernatural episode.
I stopped watching spn when they got to the leviathan season tho. At that point the writing was just bad.
For me I stopped watching when Dean came back from hell. It felt like a different show.
I quite enjoyed Constantine. It's a shame they nixed it after one season. It really had potential. Never watched Preacher, though. I'll have a look. Thanks, friendo.
I didn't have a problem with the angels for religious reasons. I had a problem with the fact that after they appeared, they were so overpowered that they had to be included in every storyline.
This was my gripe with X-Files back in the 90s. I loved the standalone episodes, which like in Supernatural were more common in the early seasons, but wasn't a huge fan of the overarching story episodes.
You could try Grimm.
Not exactly what you might consider comfy though. The entire premise is that all the horrible original tales of shit lurking in the night is real, and most of them are walking around next to you during the day. Supernatural is at the forefront. Its basically a cop show where it turns out every murder was done by some kind of creature from fables. Mix in demons, witches and other weird shit. The family/friend aesthetic is there too. Also, it had 6 seasons.
That was the start of season 4. I'm in the same boat as you. Kripke wrote the first 3 seasons as a finite story, but the network couldn't help themselves from stretching the show out infinitely. Like you said, it was a different show from that point on.
The Strain is nice popcorn stuff.
Grimm is pretty great, Has some old Buffy and Angel writers and that comfy supernatural feel.
Alternate universe 14 year old girl me would win
Wrong. Kripke always wrote the story for 5 seasons. The angelic storyline was always bubbling under the surface--Lucifer is an archangel and Sam and Dean were always contrasted just like Lucifer and Michael were. It was the most logical progression
Tried it. Gave up episode 7 of season 1. I hate cop procedurals and i cant take many of the wessen seriously
Charmed was the comfiest show. I fucking love Charmed. Paige best girl.
Does everyone know that Wesen exist in Grimm?
Does Leftovers count? Its pretty good
No. The Wesen try to keep their true selves hidden. They're outnumbered by normal humans and don't want to get exterminated by outing themselves.
Not much action though
How can wincestbros even compete?
xena the warrior princess
this will always be my favorite live action TV series
X Files has a shit ton of supernatural stuff, it's not just ayy lmaos and gubment conspiracies.
join us user... praise Sup Forums for It manifests Itself in mysterious ways...
I keep forgetting this is a thing. Wow the series has definitely gone a long way
Grimm was a great show, but isn't really like Buffy or Supernatural.
I'd like to believe it is, and I really tried getting into it, but the problem is I'm looking for another Buffy/Angel/Supernatural
You might like Being Human.
The villain of the first season is the guy who plays Lucifer on Supernatural.
Carver kinda made Supernatural 8-9 like Being Human in premise
The originals, it's like what Angel is to buffy but to the Vampire Diaries.
Better than the Vampire Diaries too.
Otherwise Lucifer is nice.
Dean is the superior husbando
I used to think guys were super gay for having man crushes
Now I am the gay
The Vampire character in this show also has a sort of Angel like backstory. Only he never really becomes a "good guy" and ends up murdering multiple people throughout the show.
How many seasons? And is this the british or the american version?
4 and American
The vampire diaries
Where have you been??!
I LOVE the first episodes. Also Jena is that you bb? You told me the same thing.
not supernatural, but you may wanna try stargate, atlantis and even universe. i'd say same levels of comfy, but science fiction.
No, you're wrong and you should feel bad.
Everyone does look great however. Just like Buffy and angel zomg
>very painful first few episodes.
I love how hilariously cheesy they are. Its one of the reasons why I stuck with it instead of dumping in like ravenswood
What about Stefan's abs? I thought they were CGI
even though it was cancelled after one season I quite liked the secret circle
I thought cw was better before it got taken over by capeshit
Ugh i really can't get into it i dunno how my best friend did. Conversely, im yet to get the fucker to buffy/angel