>ywn watch Friday Night Lights for the first time again
Why even live, bros?
Ywn watch Friday Night Lights for the first time again
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how was it so good?
>genuinely believable and complex character development
>great acting that never felt forced (especially Coach and Tami)
>dat West Texas setting and atmosphere
>dat fucking music
I miss it so much, lads.
So fucking good. One of my all time favorites.
The OC > FNL
handegg/commercialball/niggercollide is shit but that show was GOAT
This was fucking kino. Last season's weren't as good imo.
Best broadcast TV series of all time.
I know Kyle Chandler gets supporting roles in movies, but I hope he gets another good TV series. He's awesome and deserves better than Bloodline S3.
Why was Tim riggins the GOAT lads??
They should make a Star Trek show with him as the captain.
He wasn't as alpha as based Saracen.
Season 4 was great, but the new characters just didn't hold a candle to the originals. The last episode was GOAT, though, and Vince was just as great a character as Smash or Riggins.
Considering the praise it gets here I guess I have to give it a try.
You really should. It's pure kino. Season 2 is notoriously shit, though. It came out during the writer's strike, so just power through it. The rest of the show is God-tier.
Saracen was as beta as they come, Nigga.
tahnk you explosions in the sky
>tfw not in tacoland netflix
fucking shit
>ywn watch blue mountain state for the first time ever again
Good thing I marathoned it during that semester of college when I was drunk 6 days a week. I don't even remember half of it.
Alrighty user. I'll start it this weekend. Thanks
I feel like this is all coordinated shilling...
>shilling for a show that premiered over 10 years ago
Back to your /got/ general, pleb.
Yeah, no positivity allowed on this board.
it's a really excellent show that doesn't get anywhere near the respect it deserves.
when I tell people it's my favorite show I usually get laughed at because so few have experienced its greatness.
I got to season 3 and became bored with it so I stopped. Did I do wrong?
lance was the best
redpill me on this anons, you praise it too much..not sure if trolling
it's a high school drama about a football team in Texas, the coaches, the players, the hanger ons, etc. It's very earnest and realistic but occasionally melodramatic and delves into "soap opera" territory more than once. Jason Katims made it, who went on to do Parenthood.
Slice of life drama about a football team in Texas. Pretty great.
No , but all those Orville threads sure as hell are.
>inb4 CBS
To be slighly more accurate, a slice of drama about a small town that gets its "livelihood" from football.
And it's pure fucking kino.
Because he has the most complete character arc out of all of the characters; only Saracen seems to come close.
>yfw that scene where he is drinking on his land building the house
How can such a stupid fucking show capture so magnificent feels and essential things
sounds nice, i don't need to be an american to like it, right ? I mean footbal isn't the MAIN thing, right ?
I'm Finnish and I've never played handegg and I love this show.
It helps to understand that the town would probably wither and die without football, and for most of the kids it's their one shot at glory before a life of backbreaking labor.
I would argue that Saracen is a far better written and acted character than Riggins. Riggins doesn't really come into his own until the second season. For much of the first season, he's really just the protypical brooding bad boy. Plus, the episode with Saracen's dad was GOAT.
No, the football is just used to set up drama. Other than the first episode I barely remember the sports aspect of it to be honest.
Football is to this show what the mafia is to The Sopranos. Important, but not the main point.
There's nothing as powerful in Saracen's arc than when Riggins drops his boots on the field after MUH STATE! and later tells about his feelings to someone (forgot who). That shit was 10/10 feels.
Maybe we just identify with different characters for reasons.
>Friday Night Lights
Never heard of it.
cool, picked up - thanks for the replies
Did it ever win any awards and shit? It sometimes feels like The Wire. By that I mean that it never really got the respect and recognition it deserved.
Kyle Chandler won Best Actor one year.
Coach Taylor won the Emmy for Best Actor and the last episode won the Best Writing Emmy. It was also nominated for Best Drama. It was more successful with awards than The Wire, surprisingly.
I'm too much of an autist to skip a session of a TV site, but you genuinely could skip season 2. I think there's only one or two storylines that actually make it out of s2.
Yeah, but even if most of season 2 is lame, Coach's scenes with Tami are still worth watching. Their relationship is one of the only things that stayed consistently great that season.
>mfw Julie's footballs became fully inflated in season 3