WTF! this makes me sick!
WTF! this makes me sick!
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lol rekt
>grown man watching anime
WTF! this makes me sick!
Dirty commies needed a lesson.
Japan btfo
The nukes were a tragedy.
Most of Japan's cities had already been leveled by bombing raids, and the nukes didn't phase them much in the grand scheme of things, as their timeframe for surrender suggested.
Stalin's impending plans to mobilize and invade Japan were what spurred their surrender. The nukes were little more than realpolitik intended to intimidate the USSR.
grown adult men need to stop being babbys and go watch Law and Order SVU not cartoons!! Law and Order SVU is very meaningful and highly interesting and deep! WTF that makes me sick!
Where do you think you are?
I love this meme that we just nuked a bunch of civvies for fun.
They're the retards who put factories and war machine production centers in the middle of civilian cities. We nuked the factories and important infrastructure centers. If we hadn't done that, millions more of Americans, Europeans, and yes, Japs would have died in a land war when we landed on their soil.
I'm not saying civilians didn't die, I'm not saying they don't have a right to make movies about it. Dropping the nukes ended the war quickly and saved millions of lives.
Besides, Fat Man and Little Boy did a more precise pinpointed attack on those industrial centers than blanket carpet bombing the entire city would have done. They weren't Tsar Bomba tier that leveled entire cities. They were actually pretty small.
Wtf I hate America now
Designated shitting street must be full
Stormfront. Where do you think you are, weeb?
WTF i hate bright lights now
Vengance is a bitch
There's a lesson to be learned here: Don't fuck with America. Usually, we're just a bunch of fat, docile fags, but when someone actually manages to rustle our jimmies, we'll make their land a living hell. We'll devote all of our resources to completely degrading and humiliating the enemy; we don't mind if we get hurt in the process and waste a ton of money. We'll make it rain fire. We'll bass down our judgement with supreme, unforgiving force like God's blinding-white hammer. So be warned. Never attack American soil.
Just admit you had to test the bombs on real targets. Jeez.
>We saved millions of lifes. BLABLABLA.
The alternative would have been far more destructive and drawn out: a collosal invasion that would have put D-day to shame
>A study done for Secretary of War Henry Stimson's staff by William Shockley estimated that conquering Japan would cost 1.7–4 million American casualties, including 400,000–800,000 fatalities, and five to ten million Japanese fatalities. The key assumption was large-scale participation by civilians in the defense of Japan.
Or the Soviets could have taken Japan instead
>We saved millions of lifes.
This is literally true though.
It also prevented Japan from ending up divided into Soviet/American control like Germany was.
you saved millions in labour cost when you had slaves as well. You saved millions when you massacred all the native americans, and the blacks and according to you the japanese as well. America has a lot to answer for.
Fuck off. You want to experience Dresdin again? It could be arranged. Dresdin and firebombing were just as bad, if not worse.
Which anime is this
>Or the Soviets could have taken Japan instead
Yep, you could've had a nice north and south Japan much like Korea and Germany. I'm glad our timeline got it right in this case.
Law and Order is feminist propaganda dude.
Incase you forgot. Firebombing was so bad that it melted asphalt. People would get stuck ankle deep in asphalt and would be dried there.
>While these scattered efforts went on, the Japanese militarists completed their final plans for suicidal defense of the homeland—Operation Decision (KETSU-GO). More than ten thousand planes—most of them hastily converted trainers—had been collected. Two thirds of these would be thrown into the battle for Kyushu; the rest would be reserved to repel any landing near Tokyo. In the face of the bloody lessons of Tarawa and Saipan, the plan was to crush the Americans on the beaches with fifty-three infantry divisions and twenty-five brigades—a total of 2,350,000 troops. These would be backed by almost 4,000,000 Army and Navy civilian employees, a special garrison force of 250,000, and a 28,000,000 civilian militia. This last mammoth force would evolve from the national volunteer military service law for men from fifteen to sixty and women from seventeen to forty-five which had been unanimously passed at the final Diet session. The military spokesmen, whose impressive testimony had ensured passage of the bill, later showed Suzuki and his cabinet a display of the weapons that would be used by the volunteers: muzzle-loading rifles and bamboo sticks cut into spears stacked beside bows and arrows from feudal times.
well it sure took out the bridge
>you saved millions in labour cost when you had slaves as well
>You saved millions when you massacred all the native americans
But we didn't... It's like your flag shows just how uninformed you are when it comes to these issues.
was that 3rd impact?
It actually didn't.
I talked with a Hiroshima survivor and he said he hated his own government more than the U.S. for not stopping the war when it was clear they had already lost
of course im the uninformed one and you are the one who can do no wrong, you dindu nuffin after all
Yea, bet you believe you saved millions of lives by firebombing Dresden and Hamburg as well.
What a load of shit. The japs did nothing in WW2 that was any more extreme than anything done by any other group of people including europeans. The real reason its justified is because they're non-white, you're just too afraid to say it.
Who let you off the boat?
'merican education everyone
Those were well deserved though
You murdered a bunch of aborigines you hypocritical fuck
>nothing more extreme
>numerous deliberate and intentional massacre of civilians and POW's
And who is going to make us "answer" for all we done? Australia? ?
Destroyed in seconds.
you are probably talking to one of aussielands many asian immigrants
>numerous deliberate and intentional massacre of civilians and POW's
europeans have never done this
I'd say theres a much higher chance of you being a spic or a nig, m80
No we fucking didn't. We did not go out of our way to commit murder and genocide. Deaths occurred but it was not out of malice or our own hubris.
The only thing that can topple america is america herself and its happening as we speak. Open your eyes and apply a bit of foresight, its not hard to see. No one needs to twist your arm, let the corrosion occur from within.
>b-but attacking a shitty harbor in the middle of nowhere was just as bad!
Strawman argument
Other than the some cases for the axis powers, almost none of the allied powers committed such acts. Bombing Dresden maybe, but that still wasn't the primary goal. Their first goal was bombing what they believed to be an industrial powerhouse for the axis army, the civilians were caught in the aftermath.
The Japanese intentionally went out to kill Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Phillipinos in large numbers solely for no other reason than to kill them.
I bet you think the indians didnt have it coming either, faggot
>japs draw themselves as white people
This is why american exceptionalism is a toxic cancer that needs to die out.
When I was a kid I overheard two fatty american kids gloating over how america could've won vietnam like it "won" in korea and japan. Fuck you warmongering americans.
Your eyes melt?? I thought it'd be instantaneous disintegration.
Now nips should make an anime about how their soldiers treated POWs
We couldn't have won since it was intended to drag out and spend as much on military shit as possible to get rid of surplus
Also of course, rules of engagement of sorts screwed it up as well.
If they run, they are VC. If they don't run, they are well trained VC
It's a way to make sure Americans identify with them. Years from now generations maybe, they will start to question if the bombing was necessary to prevent any further war. America will not stop cucking itself it will turn into the most cesspool degrading place on earth.
The Bomb was primarily useful in sending a big fat fucking message to the Soviets who were still revving their tank engines in Europe and Asia. Militarily Japan was an irrelevance by that point.
The fact that a few hundred thousand nips got tempura'd just before we got to head home was just a nice little bonus.
You stink like reddit. Remind me what happened to all the abos again?
nah, I think that the person who made the picture came up with all of that bullshit so he could tell himself that hes not a racist and his feelings are justified.
Woulda been one helluva fight
They deserved it.
>Nankin massacre: "Rororo it's katana time, bayonet that subhuman infant"
>Unit 731: "Rorororo vivisection time firthy rogs, spread your ass gaijin the probe inertion initializing"
>Perl harbor: "Hahaha burger BTFO"
>don't directly participate in the war despite having a shit ton of military power
>get attacked anyways by some Japs
>get revenge by nuking the shit out of them
>win the war
Thank you, big brother. Not everyone understands, but I do.
>gooks killing chinks
how is this a problem?
FOB get out.
Honestly, this is a tiny detail but changes everything. As soon as the bomb detonated, they'd be dead instantly. There would be no reaction or turning around or anything. You'd be dead as soon as you saw the light. Yeah you'd evaporate but you wouldn't even be able to feel it. Its the people further away that got fucked the hardest. The radiation burns etc.
And out of the two, Nagasaki was probably worse because the bomb actually missed its target by a large margin so it didn't actually instagib the majority of people in Nagasaki
lol, how many jap immigrants do you think australia has?
That's pin-point American bombing for you, direct hit on that important bridge.
Bit heavy on the payload tho, IMO.
The Brits started the terror bombing.
The Poles started the genocide of Prussians before the war.
Most of the people in concentration camps deserved it. (an other English invention btw)
And the holocaust never happened.
I remember one of the anniversaries of D Day back in the early 200 2000's. Some reporter asked what would have happened if the Normandy invasion had failed. The general he was interviewing said, "Then we'd likely be talking about Berlin instead of Nagasaki."
Thanks for that OP was a tough fap but I got there.
this, to say that japs deserved the nukes any more than any other group of people is retarded
>>gooks killing chinks
>how is this a problem?
>nah, I think that the person who made the picture came up with all of that bullshit so he could tell himself that hes not a racist and his feelings are justified.
Ah, your just a troll.
We were planning on using chemical weapons on mainland Japan. The justification being the Japanese Army's use of chemical agents in China.
no, it just pisses me off that white people will go though all that much trouble rather than just naming the japs as the other as justification
The Japanese didn't deserve the nukes.
The nukes were a necessary evil to end the war without further bloodshed because their military government was unable to admit defeat.
The Nazis on the other hand, deserved every bomb and more.
we fucking bled for fucks like you
if the japs managed to get past us then indonesia
you'd be singing a different tune than that leftard babble
Nope. That was the Brits taking revenge for V-1 and V-2 attacks in London.
>War is Hell, and you cannot refine it.
This 88 HH confirms
Japs know war best: War is War and it is always wrong and never justified. Sometimes people do things that are not justified. World war 2 was many unjustified acts, but there should be no apologies because it was all war. All that should be done is avoiding future war by making sure the reasons for fighting are better than the actual fighting.
With some holocaust denial on the side.
lol, straya was fine
I disagree, Germany was 100% in the right to claim pooland
To any who say:
>Nuking enemy civilians makes me sick!
Good. I'm glad.
It means you're not jaded, that you give a damn, and that human life matters to you.
You're one of the reasons that we might never have to resort to using them ever again. However, we still have enemies - and always WILL have enemies - that DON'T give a fuck about shit like this, and they're the reason that we need to maintain them. Because if some fuckhead decides to launch their bombs/ICBM's at us, or one of our allies, we'd better have a means of answering. War doesn't work the way Trudeau thinks it does - if you don't have the bigger stick, someone WILL take you out if they think they can get away with it.
Our own nuclear arsenal is the one reason we didn't have a massive, conventional World War III around 1965 or so.
>If he pulls a knife, you pull a gun
>If he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue
War isn't sport ball. It's breaking things and hurting people. If someone hurts you and breaks your stuff, you bring down so much pain and suffering that they never again wish to do you harm. This is how war is practiced.
wtf I love nukes now
Barefoot Gen, good anime.
First of all, you're on Sup Forums.
Second, Studio Ghibli, Graveyard of the Fireflies, and Barefoot Gen don't count as regular "anime".
I'd love to know what the average anime watching anglo looks like
No apologies. It was war and all sides were committing unjustifiable evil.
The goal should never be to justify war.
jesus christ go learn some history, faggot
The japs did terrible shit to other humans just like every member of the allies. Ever heard of Eisenhower's death camps after WW2?
how will Japan ever recover?