Is the world ready for Chav-fantasy?
Is the world ready for Chav-fantasy?
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Box office says Nay
I actually liked this
Pure anime kino.
>QTE:The Movie
thats so bad
yeah me too, lots of good character, interesting world, wouldn't mind seeing more
Live Action version of Fate.
fuck i wanna watch this show now
Holy shit that's retarded.
When are we getting a at the least slightly accurate king arthur story set in the 5th century?
Fuck you Guy Ritchie I believed in you, I put all my hopes on this movie but you betrayed me with shit like this
Lock & Stock, Snatch, Rockanrolla, and now this shit..
Fuck you Guy Ritchie
I haven't seen the full thing but the bits I have seen (execution, opening) are fucking kino. Our fag armond was right, its the arthurian variant hollywood was too far up its own ass to appreciate.
It's a fun film. There's only 2 or 3 scenes when he's using the swords full power. For most of it he passes out when he tries, which lands him in sticky situations.
The Clive Owen one where they were Kipchaks?
I unironically thought that the fight scenes were really cool
I had no desire to see this movie until I saw this webm
Me too, but Sup Forums doesn't like anything and will die in lonely and bitter as a consequence
it was metal-fantasy
Finally a God of War movie. Based Kratos.
If they replaced the mage chick, ditched the chav and his runt, the movie would be better.
what was wrong with clive owen one that they had to do it again, with niggers and shit
film was great, some of Ritchie's best montages
Shame the opening and closing 5 minutes were both terrible
>If they replaced the mage chick
She was kinda hot, but she couldn't act for shit unfortunately
opening was the best thing
was a great movie, i enjoy rewatching it
tone is best ive seen in the longest, its music is god tier, imagery and acting is top notch too
was going to buy a bluray of it too, but decided to wait til it got cheaper
opening was generic fantasy shit with unimpressive cgi and an over-saturation of "lol so epic"
it was metal as fuck
that is literally a cutscene from assasins creed trailer
literally link the trailer then
I really enjoyed this film. I hope Guy Ritchie makes more chavkino.
This movie was actually pretty decent, I hope they continue the series.
>wanting to replace gwynevere
They didn't say her name once in the movie so it's pretty obvious that's who she is
This was a decent movie. Fun to watch, and an interesting take on King Arthur.
The fact that some brainlets actually enjoyed this travesty of a film is borderline inconceivable.
i think this is the best fantasy movie since LOTR. jude law was fuckin great.
>t. sophisticated kinosseur
Soundtrack was good though, it's on my permanent playlist now
Ok but why is a white guy playing a middle-age brit
why do you hate it so much user
It had CIA in it.
How far we've fallen...
And roose bolton
And David Beckham
I wouldn't throw the ol lotr comparison in there but Jude law was definitely 10/10 as a bad guy
Def upgrade from madonna, who is this octoroon?
This movie was basically he man the movie, I enjoyed, thought it was comfy
I cheered "for you" in the theater when he first came on screen
Why is his name Goosefat Bill?
Other than this scene and the 'final fight', the movie is good. IDK why people didn't watch this and instead watched another shitty 'save me tony' spiderman reboot.
Because he slips away every time he gets captured by big guys
Isnt he sir galahad? They probably just called him goose fat cause they didn't wanna name drop any of the knights
Are you guys hyped for the sequel?
>there will never be a king arthur: legend of the sword sequel
>insttead we will get more and more pointless reboots and capeshit every year
just die in my sleep already
not that guy but the movie felt very insulting to me tbqh,it was really obvious that they just made this movie to grab monies from dc fans using cheap tricks
Me too. The OST was fucking awesome, and I actually liked the sword scenes.
Why does his face looks so punchable in that poster.
Bana was great, too. I enjoyed Uthet as proto-Arthur.
But why Bill?
No one in their right mind would compare this to Excalibur. That doesn't mean it isn't enjoyable for reasons of its own.
Listen to Joe ROgans podcast with Guy Ritchie and you can say what an airhead he still is even after leaving Madonna and Caballa behind
I pray this gets a sequel.
That's his name. Bill Wilson. Same name of his future descendant also named Bill Wilson.
CIA is immortal.
I like the Arthur and the Knights wearing casual clothing rather than armor.
I watched it during a long plane ride. It was surprisingly enjoyable.
Severely underused Katie McGrath desu