what are Sup Forums's hopes and expectations for the upcoming HBO series "Lovecraft Country"?
what are Sup Forums's hopes and expectations for the upcoming HBO series "Lovecraft Country"?
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I don't expect it to be any good or Lovecraftian.
Given that Peele's face is on it I expect it to put a massive influence on Lovecraft being racist
Maybe they will mention Niggerman the cat and I can get a laugh out of that
Jordan was the only reason to watch Key and Peele and Get Out was legitimately good even if overhyped for political reasons. I'm expecting it to be good.
is this still the nazi hunting show? are the nazis... trying to awaken cthulhu?
>Peele is the one memeing Lovecraft threads
according to the opening scene of hellboy, yes
>interracial relationships and blacks everywhere even tho lovecraft dispised them
Is some nigger involved?
Fucking disgusting.
say what you will that was a dope glove
indeed. very lovecraftian.
>race will be the central theme of the series
>Endless discussions about race
>racist cops
>racist towns folk cultists
>flash back to racist things
>Anti Trump messages littered throughout
>Anything even remotely related to Lovecraft will take a back back backseat
It's funny, because in reality, a lot of Lovecraft's stories were about subhumans slowly but surely outbreeding decent folk and turning places into shitholes.
don't forget:
>focus on the discrimination faced by the fish mutants from innsmouth
no they weren't and other people's racism doesn't justify your own
I wonder if it will be about a crazy cult-like place that does bad things to black people, almost like that movie
Have you actually read any of Lovecraft's shit? Shadow Over Innsmouth is the best example, but even The Horror at Redhook, The Festival, and The Rats in the Walls have similar narratives. I'm actually going to have to reread my Lovecraft stories to point out more, but I'll leave you with this:
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
Why do niggers appropriate white culture?
wha da fak...
What universe am I in? Jordan "fug white people" Peele is doing a fucking Lovecraftian show?
I mean I hope it is good but this is highly unusual and quite unexpected.
"When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger."- Howard Phillip "loves big Khazar Milkers" Lovecraft
It's about a roadtrip through America, where we learn that the real ethereal monstrosity is racism. I wish I were making that up.
>yfw the cosmic horrors are actually white people
I think my expectations would be bad no matter who would do it, but since its this race guy it is going to be worse than my wildest negative predictions.
I will be so shit it will kill holywood.
ITT muh whites.
Whites are dog fuckers, get over it.
this. lovecraft wouldn't approve of this, only if blacks are portrayed as savage subhumans in it
then dont use someone's name or work who was 1) white and 2) hated niggers
Have you read the book? That's pretty much what it is.
and 3) fucked dogs
>make a Lovecraft show
>don't set it in New England in the early 1900s
>set it in the Jim Crow era South
>want racism to be a major story point
Who the fuck thinks of the racist South when they think of Lovecraft? I don't get it.
>Anything even remotely related to Lovecraft will take a back back backseat
did you miss the themes of miscegenation that show up in multiple stories he wrote? I get that you're saying they're not going to handle race well in this, and I'd probably be inclined to agree, but HPL's vitriolic xenophobia is a large part of his writing.
I don't have any hopes or expectations for that show because we already know its going to be garbage.
Its not going to have anything lovecraft in it and the main focus will be racism.
oh wait
>Lovecraft Country, the 2016 novel from Matt Ruff, focuses on 25-year-old Atticus Black.
so this isn't even based upon Lovecraft's writings. It's shitty pastiche interchangeable with all the other "Lovecraftian" garbage written by people completely lacking in creativity. Who even cares?
Hm, those weird shapes at the bottom kind of look like Klan hoods...
Nah, they wouldn't do cheap/lazy race-relation material under the guise of Lovecraft.
i actually though the book was pretty decent. its about a family of black people in the 60s dealing witih civil rights stuff, and then it just goes lovecraftian for no reason. like they get chased off the road by some good ole boy sheriff and end up in some strange town with like weird cultists that try to sacrifice them to elder gods and shit. i didnt find it to preachy, just more historical, like here is how it was for black folks in the 60s.
THIS is great lmao youtu.be
>pilot written by a black woman
can't wait just what HPL would like
I expect it will do great in 2018's Emmys.
i hate myself for laughing at this
ive never read lovecraft, but i used to play wow. is it really just old gods and tentacles, or is there more to it?
lovecraftian is real
A evil corrupting space octopus that ruins a small (white) town. The space octopus is a metaphor for niggers
I was interested in that book until I read a synopsis talking about KKK shit.
But also is Jordan Peele only allowed to make """horror""" starring black guys or something?
Looks great, can't wait.
It's ok user, I hate you too!
Many of his stories don't deal with the old god/tentacle thing and are more in line with the gothic fiction of Poe. There's "more" to his work in the sense that it thematically deals with the insignificance of the human race, the ambiguity of scientific "progress", xenophobia and the fear of one's own ancestral line, etc. There's also a major preoccupation with the archaic, from the prose itself to his fascination with the architecture of New England. Plenty of his stories are online and most of them are rather short readings, so give it a try.
HPL must be spinning in his grave. Many of his stories were pretty much about the corrosive influence of mud races on white society.
wow epic brah
I had lukewarm feelings about Get Out but honestly I think that kind of atmosphere applied to a Lovecraft tale could be amazing
talking about his fiction stories (not his life and letters) how much racism was there in his work? i've read about half his stories or so, and i can only remember some partial stuff
- niggerman cat (which was also the name of his real cat) in a story where they're digging down into a basement
- experimenting on a black man in reanimator. not even sure if this was particularly racist, i believe they decided to experiment on a black man to see if they got different results from their white "patients".
what else is there?
Peele does because like all half black people he's fucking obsessed with race.
>Have some lame racial agenda about muh oppression
>Use Lovecraft's name to your own interest
>He has nothing to do with it
Am I looking at it correctly? Not that I don't like Key or Peele, or which one is it, but he's all about DUDE RACES LMAO.
>niggers kicking rednecks and kkk's asses show
>jews hunting down nazis's show
What's next for Jordan Peele?
looking purely at the wikipedia synopses
>exploring the conjunction between the horror fiction of H.P. Lovecraft and racism in the United States during the era of Jim Crow laws, as experienced by black science fiction fan Atticus Turner and his family
seems like lovecraft and his important to the book at least. i'm not entirely sure how though.
>conjunction between the horror fiction of H.P. Lovecraft and racism in the United States
WTF how is this even possible
Is Cthulhu a white male now?
A lot of the times it's not exactly beating you over the head with the word "nigger" or anything. Take The Shadow Over Innsmouth, The Lurking Fear, or even The Rats in the Walls, in which the ultimate revelation of horror is the narrator's discovery that they come from a degenerated bloodline. It all stems from HPL's high appraisal of his own ancestry. He would've been horrified to find out that he had a family member of mixed race.
More overtly are stories like The Street or The Horror at Red Hook in which the horror is primarily found among immigrants or urban non-whites.
Frankly, it's overstated. Racism was certainly a preoccupation for HPL and it bleeds into his work, but I find it more a fascinating exploration of one man's own neuroses and horrors rather than a call to wipe out blacks or some shit.
i have no idea exactly how he puts it in the novel since haven't read it
I had forgotten about this, OP.
Fuck you for making me remember. I hope you get mugged.
> The "Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family" one
This one was pretty blatant lmao.
Now that I know he hated niggers it makes more sense.
I hope it isn't politically correct
>the ultimate revelation of horror is the narrator's discovery that they come from a degenerated bloodline
tbqh I've always suspected that had less to do with "dilution of the race" or whatever, and more sort of autobiography. both of Lovecraft's parents ended up insane and he was scared shitless that something like that could be passed onto him. it is still hereditary horror, but from a different perspective.
but then there's stories like Arthur Jermyn, and, welp, yeah, it may have a point there
Oh yeah, and oftentimes cultists and worshipers are blacks and Asians, races that are portrayed in his fiction as being savage and therefore more in tune with darker forces that modern man has lost touch with.
>Arthur Jermyn
Shit, that's one that I was trying to remember. Good point on it being hereditary horror in another sense as well. I like that it all culminates in At the Mountains of Madness revealing that the human race itself is essentially a cosmic corruption from its inception.
pic related is a pretty good read on HPL and his inspirations.
Is Hellboy the best lovecraftian film ever made?
That grinding sound you hear is Lovecraft's skeleton, spinning at 100,000rpm, burrowing through the Earth
I guess on surface aesthetics.
The Mothman Prophecies is a surprisingly good Lovecraftian film, which is something I don't think anyone expects going into it.
No, but it is good pulp fun.
Mothman is pure weird fiction and a great example of subtle cosmic horror.
Lovecraft's spinning skeleton over this nonsense caused the earthquakes in mexico
>Good point on it being hereditary horror in another sense as well
That shit was literally about a guy killing himself when he found out that he had human-like white ape from Africa for a distant ancestor.
I know you are baiting but there is nothing wrong with making a realistic mcs of professors and science guys that were and still are mostly white and male. Also as a white male you can probably explore the mind of a white male more than making you character a black woman just so it isn't racist
Would watch "The Adventures of Niggerman the Cat."
>Types this on a white devil magic computing box.
>Engages in Free Speech on a Democratic Forum, even though they are concepts of white culture.
This is partly why I'm racist now.
1. Humanity is small. 2. The Universe is big.
>100% RT
hahaha take THAT lovecraft you HACK NAZI
Oh god this is going to be awful.
Respect the blacks.
Sit down.
Be humble.
If it has a black lead and white woman love interest, I'll see it. Otherwise, I'll pass on it.
Reminder that HP Lovecraft called Jews "men of the west", married a jewish woman, and actively campaigned against German immigration to the US
>even tho lovecraft dispised them
Lovecraft married a Jew
Can't wait for the ST Joshi review
Might be ok. Honestly glad black people are making things for black people maybe we can stop this meme of "gibs me dat OC from white people and make it black"
I wonder what Jordan Peele thinks about Lovecraft's poetry.
>Get Out writer-director Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions is teaming with J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot and Warner Bros Television on Lovecraft Country
>Lovecraft Country, the 2016 novel from Matt Ruff
I actually got my hopes up that this would be the Lovecraft anthology TV-series I have been waiting for...
Obviously didn't read the book. That poem is brought up in the first chapter when the main character's father shows it to the MC when he starts getting into lovecraft as a kid
i'm sure the both of them are very fond of lovecraft as a person and as an artist and are going to work very hard and diligently to uphold and maintain his legacy with a rousing homage with this original film
they are NOT repurposing a famous artists namesake for use of mainstream propaganda
>be mixed race raised by white mom cause nigger dad left
>marry jew
>consistently make fuck whitey propaganda
Will HPs cat, Mr Nigger Pants, make an appearance?
>people spazzing out about lovecraft's racism
>he was only exceptionally racist in his edgy shutin teenage and early 20s-years
>later in life he was sympathetic to FDRs considerably more liberal politics and expressed regret over his adolescent ignorance
Der nu-male strikes again
Same shit that happened with Wagner.
It's almost like Sup Forums is just a phase that you grow out of.
>Same shit that happened with Wagner.
This is just wrong, For his Parsifal he got into trouble with the King of Bavaria to avoid a Jew from conducting it.
>It's almost like Sup Forums is just a phase that you grow out of.
This. Kids always start off staunchly Conservative and then become far more Liberal as they enter into old age. Seen it a million times.