>title card pops up 15+ minutes into the movie
Title card pops up 15+ minutes into the movie
sneed's feed and seed
>underneath the title it tells you the working title it had during production
hehe, epic :)
watch r100 lol
fuck you i like the depahted.
what movies do this
>opening titles are just text on black background for 7 straight minutes!!!
>title card appears halfway into movie
>title card is a 3D cgi and flies towards the camera
>title card appears at the end of the movie
This actually happens in Helldriver. It has an hour-long prologue.
pacific rim
happened in The Departed and it fucking ruled. I don't see your problem OP. Got a case of the old mental retardation?
american audiences easily forget what film they're watching and need to be reminded
>watch The Shield
>get 20 minutes in
>title sequence
Always enjoyed that, dunno why
Also, I loved the way they introduced the cast with the cuts to black showing the actor's names. It comamnded the viewer to pay attention.
>title card appears in the sequel
>have watched every season upwards of 6 times each
>only now find out that's what they were singing
Cheers user, you've made my day
>title card appears at the end of the film
That's how you know it's kino.
>getting off on being annoying
welcome to "teevee"
kys reddit
Is this the new barneyfag?
Chuck off you kafkaesque piece of sneed.
>first scene is a flashforward to the end of the movie