You use this shit board because you're a shit person

You use this shit board because you're a shit person.

You think lifting weights is going to benefit you but it won't, because you're a piece of shit on the inside.

Your whole fucking life is a lie. Lifting weights for you is like rolling a piece of shit in glitter. You go after women, this glitter covered piece of shit, and they don't want you, because they see the glitter, but underneath you're still just fecal remnants and human garbage.

You never lived a day in your life and you cry at night, clutching your pillow because what you consider a short fat guy is fucking the girl you thought you were going to fuck. But he had more balls and actually does something with those 2 billion miserable fucking seconds you call a life. Or maybe all the foundational lies you built your shit "ego" on are complete fabrications so that you can deal with the fact that you aren't special. You aren't anything.

Go commit a crime. Go to jail. Join the army. Kill somebody. Take drugs. Drink to death's door. Live on the street for a few days. Figure out that you're nothing, like a million generations of worthless life that came before you. Maybe then you'll actually be fucking worth something that somebody gives a shit about. Or keep shit posting on a shit board with shit people. Like a pig. Rolling around in your own shit...


Literally me

check flag,
yep just another day


To be quite honest the only way you were able to come up with all this is because you speak from experience.

People tend to project their worst insecurities because its all they know.

Once you know this you start to understand human behavior a lot more. I feel sorry for you user, seek help.

>tl:dr i'm a jew

Project much?

the stop projection retort is usually lame but in this case i think it applies.

stop projecting, op.

>At least I don't have spongebob saved on my computer.

Wtf i hate Sup Forums now

yes goy be a degenerate goy everyones doing it!

All of this is true but I don't care because I have an above average sized penis which is literally the only thing that matters in life even if you never ever have sex.

Wrong board.
You'll get something right once in life, champ.

The projection

>tells us we're worthless
>tells us we're not worthless if we say we're worthless
No jew. I wont be like you, more over I wont think like you. Your projections paint enough of a picture for me to trash this thread in place of you human garbage if I could I'd toss you in the oven and give your life worth and cook some bacon or some shit from the jew flames.

I am far from a shit person. I have always done the right thing. It is unfortunate that you drank your own poison and think this way. Just another useful idiot to your masters. See that mutilated cock between your legs? A man has sucked on that. Faggot.

I lived my life reckless and carefree, as though each day was my last, till I got hit by a car, and my legs were mangled and had to be amputated. I preach living a peaceful life in which you don't fucking kill yourself drinking, partying, and adhering to social norms and instead do what YOU want to do. Deep down, as a person, since you're living life for you, and no one else.

Wrong board.

>have qt3.14 girlfriend
>currently in college with decent-ish 3.6 GPA
>4 months into gym life, at .5/2/2.5/3.25 of that 1/2/3/4 goal and enjoying my noob gains
>don't need to throw away my life to prison or the army, or do superficial shit like drugs and alcohol to be fulfilled with my life
You can't fool me with your degenerate shit, kike. I'll continue working to improve myself until I make it to greatness.

>Wrong board.
Untermensch, do you even lift for the fuhrer?

why did you make me feel insecure you fucking kike

I saw you post the same reaction image the other day, Israeli. Israel needs to embrace diversity just like the west. If we go down, so will you.


Looks like I'm voting for Hillary now, thanks for the change of perspective.

>yid wants my gains
Who would've thought

Kill yourself nigger!

kek has seen the truth in your post however all that is projection

That's some awfully butt hurt projection you've got there proxy fag.

Great Pasta.

Israel's national anthem is too long. I thought at least Jews would want to be stingy with words.


There was a screen cap that's so apropos. I wish I'd saved it-- it was the one about how society is so shit we have to come to a place that's considered a cesspool of filth to find like minded people. We are considered awful because we can't take the shit that passes for "decent" human beings these days.

I think you meant to post this on /fit/ Chaim