The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption
>pic related

What other movies are like this?


Shawshank is absolutely not like that.

Is it overrated? Yes. It's by no means one of the greatest movies ever made.
Is it a bad movie? No, it's fundamentally solid in almost every aspect.

Your bottom axis should be hipster level or something. Only an idiot/hipster would completely dismiss it as bad.

what's a shawshank redemption?

The bottom level is actually time spent on Sup Forums and the chart is for every single film and tv show ever




except when the film or show is objectively trash, in which case the graph is inverted

I have an IQ of 160 and hate that movie. My dumb sister loves it. Your graph is correct.

I'm no genius but I never liked the shit movie.
ib4 Bait thread


Is the end of the line signify that one or two movies are good and the rest is white guilt bait?

>I have an IQ of 160
Sub 60 IQ detected.


I fucking trolled you idiot.

My love of the Simpsons. Each square is equal to 5 years

>i fucking trolled you
How old are you dude
You have to go back


What would a person of 90 IQ watch?

100 IQ?

110 IQ?

Rick and Morty

What films are like this?



Watching movies requires minimal intelligence.

Tree of Life


>90 IQ
Saw 7
>100 IQ?
Saw 1
>110 IQ?
Saw 7

scale your graph to sin(2x/π) then


double kek

crude, but the most accurate one here. maximizing appeal by catering to the average person = maximizing revenue

it still blows my mind that you autists think your tasteful because you dont like a movie thats popular