So who's behind the doxxing of the female writters? Is it infinite chan? Reddit? Is it us?

So who's behind the doxxing of the female writters? Is it infinite chan? Reddit? Is it us?

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how can you dox people that share their information publicly.

Manufactured outrage to distract from possible failure

Same with Ghostbusters and STD

it's themselves

females regularly attack or make up shit to play victims

This. They’re taking the
>if you don’t like this you’re automatically a racist, bigot, misogynist, and also in ISIS

Fake news

the female writers were hired a criticism shield. A criticism shield is worthless if it is not defended.

ghostbusters wasn't manufactured outrage lol i know how people react to things

Shills shilling fake news

You don’t remember all of the news articles and pieces that pretty much said if you don’t like nu ghostbusters your a lonely virgin racist?

I love the narrative shift here.

Before season 3, Sup Forums hated R&M already, no one on here was giving praise to the first two seasons, but now that they've hired some female writers, the first two seasons were great and the show only started to suck once they came in

Face it Sup Forums, you just hate women.

Wasn't one of the writers hired after being fired for saying something anti-trump or something? Can't remember the exact details, just remember DH coming to the defense of someone who rightly got fired for going too far over some issue

This faggot is still at it. Smh. Sage and hide.

i saw the youtube comments and i already know how people like Sup Forums and that gamergate subreddit react to things like that based off other stuff

>Rick & Morty

You mean Dan “half the country are nazis and should be killed” Harmon did something dumb? You don’t say. I feel really bad for Roiland
>just wants to make a wacky show with crazy characters and silly voices
>hijacked by a fat, balding, depressed, alcohol who injects his shitty personal opinions into the show and hires diversity writers despite having ZERO credibility
>can’t do shit because you know this is the most popular thing you will ever create and need Harmon’s name recognition on the project

how do you dox television writers? were they working pseudonymously?

You’re telling me you forgot about
>Women are funny! Get over it!
>t. New York Times

anyone who voted for Drumpf should be killed desu

i don't care what some random article somewhere on the internet says lol

Political opinions aside, it is just silly and naive to actually believe HALF of the country is filled with nazis because of a few dipshit LARPers and people who say “nigger Jews” on the internet

Wow, how young are you?

Doxxing means more than just releasing someone's name.

Neither do I but just because you don’t care you can’t pretend like they weren’t using the all women cast as a way to deflect any and all criticism. Like it or not that was an actual thing that happened

Drumpf voters aren't Nazis they're just 2-digit IQ retards.

not necessarily. i'm just asking for some context here because i haven't heard anything about this story.

Fuck off with this shit show.

>I'm came here during Gamergate. I'm an expert on doxxing.

i all-but-stopped browsing during the gamergate era and still don't know wtf what was about, actually

It was about doxxing women to prevent them from ruining things. Basically this exact scenario.

No one is beating you up when you punch yourself in the balls

Just kys and go back to lefty/pol/ with your shitty bait


Their names are literally in the credits.

>underage newfag straight from plebbit thinks he knows what doxxing means

doxxing at its core was always revelation of an identity, newpal. of course it can and often does go farther than that, but that's its essence.


Pee pee


>Guy asks who it was

>All posts on horseshit

Stay classy Sup Forums

wrong you turbonigger

doxxing is putting a person to an online handle. that's all it ever is.

Both of you kill yourselves

Google the etymology of the word "dox". I'll wait.

>google a made up word
K Greg

All words are made up, friendo. In fact, knowing how they were made up can give insight into their meaning.

>google a made up word

Try googling it. See what happens. Stupidest post I've read all year.

>women can be funny too!
>Amy Schumer is just as good as Dave Chappelle!
>vaginas LOL!

Someone edit this with the pepe hand please.

whats wrong about hating women?

>when it’s a success
They forgot one crucial thing. When you write a comedy movie, it has to have jokes. Fat and unfunny SNL doing embarassing improv are not jokes

Oh man that movie set back women about 100 years.

nah man i'm just

i'm just saying, is all

females are the inferior human beings
Now Bara-men is were is at

Why were they so desperate for this to be a success. People talk shit about movies online all the time but this one they really double downed on the retardation

Never forget his sacrifice for us

Some man child asshole on Sup Forums, surely.

some retard anyway



reddit & memey is despised in Sup Forums so there's no real motivation to start shit for it

this line of thinking is why you lost the election

Don't worry his time in the sun is soon!
All CA is a cesspool for mental illness and suicide.

its antithetical to getting good pussy.

HALF the country are straight up Nazis the other half are crypto Nazis the rest are PROUD BLACK WOMYN OF COLOUR

>feel bad for Justin Roilland
>show hijacked

I used to listen to the Grandma's Virginity Podcast and it was a running joke that Justin was totally oblivious to current events and could not have cared less about what was going on. Sure, the last episode was basically two years ago, but I can't see how anything has changed other than maybe being more immersed into the Hollywood bubble and having to watch his mouth. Any identity politics and political commentary is almost assuredly Harmon.

Roiland used to make horrible little cartoons about celebrity jellybeans cutting off child's faces and wearing them as masks. He didn't give a shit and nobody gave him shit because he didn't have a massively popular show.
Now he does though, and he has to be careful of doing or saying anything which might damage 'the brand' and put him back to square one. He's not going to rock the boat about anything.

That's true. For the most part he is staying true neutral.

It's kind of funny that the first version of Rick and Morty (Doc and Mharty?) was all about a Mentor taking advantage of a young retarded kid and getting the kid to lick his balls etc. R&M has really found a new voice since then, for better or worse.

It's misanthropy to hate other humans.

Yes, women count as humans.

everything is silly right now. Its why satire died.

I like how all the articles and tweets assume it was an angry rant and didn't bother to view his video to see that he was calmly saying that he wasn't going to review the film. He wasn't mad that they were making it an all female movie. I wouldn't even say he sounded pissed that they were doing an unnecessary remake of a beloved classic. His message was clear (if they bothered to watch the thing) that he wanted people to just not bother paying any attention to remakes in general.

You're thinking of when Harmon offered a job to the SNL writer who got fired for calling Barron Trump the country's first "home-school shooter."

..what? What do you mean by "dox?" Where did this happen?

That’s what I’m saying. Roiland just wants to make silly cartoons while Harmon has to make it a big political spectacle and Roiland can’t really say shit because with Harmon it’s pretty much back to flash cartoons online

Bumping for this

Here's an article on the incident.

I sympathize with the writers who had their information shared publicly, but what frustrates me is how they aren't able to distinguish someone saying something mean, from someone making a death threat, from someone merely holding a different political opinion, from someone doxxing you. Felicia Day equated anyone who held any positive feelings about Gamergate with the people who doxxed her and sent her death threats. What happened to her is shitty, but that doesn't mean it's okay for her to use it to discriminate against those with different political views. And, of course, Harmon talked to her.

>Because to the extent that you get can get a girl to shriek about a frog you’ve proven girls are girly and there’s no crime in assaulting her with a frog because it’s all in the name of proving something.
Is he talking about Pepe?

Nice projection you mongrell.
Season 1 and 2 have great and shit epolisodes. it has always been llike thay.

>reddit and memey
you have to go back

>watching Jew and Mortenstein

what pepe hand? he already turned into a pepe